Ignore Posters Lacking Intellectual Integrity?

I have not yet discovered anyone worthy enough of experiencing the great honor of making it to my List of the Ignored...


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If I ignored all the posters lacking intellectual integrity, who the hell would I ever argue with?
Generally when I feel that way, I just go play a video game. . . .

What works for me is three big spoonfuls of metamucil dissolved in my highball, and then I go shake my fists at the neighborhood kids and tell them to get off my lawn.

How's about you copy and paste your list? I'm always amused by folks that can't tolerate others. They remind me of Hitler, Stalin and other genocidal lunatics.

When I realize folks actually use those ignore functions, the people who are the most closed minded are usually the folks we need to regard the least. So how many on your list?
If Thy ears offend thee....cut them off! Sounds like a lib...I don't agree with him so I will place him in ignore...LMFAO What a bunch of Weenies!

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