Ilhan Omar Claims To Be "As American as everyone else is" Is She ?

Talk about bigotry as that's supposedly so different from thieving US Constitution arsonists of the churchstate national religion claiming it's only Federal Sin......Schizoid cognitive dissonance.
I think there is a point there. Try again when you can form coherent thoughts and sentences.

Pointless lacking comprehension of thieving US Constitution arsonists dictating it's only Federal Sin & defending it
You should know, not being a very good American yourself. Omar is an Islamist and necessarily she puts the good of
her religion ( which is at it's root anti democratic and anti Western values) ahead of this nation.
certainly puts a more perfect union churchstate Christiananality-Islamidiotocracy pedophile mentality ahead of this nation too; just in case compulsive-obsessive cognitive dissonance of avoidance-acceptance is beyond getting sentenced for 'only Federal Sin'.
You’re a frightened, hateful bigot – which isn’t at all American.
You're a boring fool who goes around accusing people of being hateful and bigoted, and simultaneously you have no problem being one of the supporters of the (by far) largest and worst racial discrimination systems over the past 54 years, Affirmative Action.

You're not only hateful and bigoted, you're also a hypocrite, and your support of the hate and bigotry of Islam, just makes you all the more hateful and bigoted. You're also too dumb to understand that Islam, terrorism and Islamization is something all of us Americans SHOULD be fearful of, and constantly taking action to defend ourselves from it, and you admit to this by using the word "frightened".
The white folks killed injuns to take their land here in the US. And...?
Looks like you don't know AMERICAN history too well either. Most American Indians before the 20th century, never laid eyes on a white person.
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No one kills for blasphemy this is not 1000 AD. Although you probably lived through that time...
They sure do. Executions for blasphemy have never gone away in the crazy Islamic world.

Muslim-Ruled Mauritania Adds Law Requiring Death Penalty for Blasphemy of Islam - Geller Report

Killing Those Who Insult Islam or Muhammad

The map below shows countries (in dark red) that execute blasphemers of Islam; Lighter color denotes prison sentences.

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No one kills for blasphemy this is not 1000 AD. Although you probably lived through that time...
They sure do. Executions for blasphemy have never gone away in the crazy Islamic world.

Muslim-Ruled Mauritania Adds Law Requiring Death Penalty for Blasphemy of Islam - Geller Report

Killing Those Who Insult Islam or Muhammad

The map below shows countries (in dark red) that execute blasphemers of Islam; Lighter color denotes prison sentences.


I was talking about Christianity and Judaism not insane Islam
When interviewed on the Steve Colbert Show, Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar said these words >> "When you have people on Fox News that question whether I am actually American, or I put America first, I expect my colleagues to also say that's not OK."

She went on to say >> "Or when people call me a terrorist, or when people say, you that um, because I'm, a Muslim, I'm an immigrant, I'm a refugee, that I can't have any loyalty to our country. I took an oath, I took an oath to uphold the Constitution. I am as American as everyone else is."

Audience cheers and claps.

Omar then went on to play the victim card to the hilt, grumbling about mistreatment of minorities, >> "while the people on Fox & Friends actually said those words. That I may not be an American. My loyalties may not be to this country."

The audience was clearly behind her 100%, but how many people in that audience realize that Omar's oath was sworn in on a Koran ?..the foundation book of Islam. And how many of them know that unlike the Jewish and Christian bibles which forbid lying, according to that Koran, lying (taqiyya) is permissable ?... as long as it somehow furthers the cause of Islam. And that this thereby defeats the whole idea of swearing in, and being consistent with truth.

Then let's take a look at Omar's words above. She said that people on Fox News questioned whether she's actually American, or put America first. She said that's not OK. Is that correct ? Or would questioning her nationality and loyalty be correct ?

According to Brigitte Gabriel, an Arabic-speaking Arab Christian woman, originally from Lebanon, who probably knows as much as much about Muslims and Islam as anyone alive, the wearing of the hijab (which Omar wears) means that the woman wearing it, is a devout Muslim. Devout to the words of the Koran.

And how many people in that Colbert Show audience know what those words in the Koran are ?

How many of them know what the word Uhmma means ? It means the worldwide community of Muslims. It also means the worldwide community of Muslims that receives first loyalty, above all else, including nations, and their Constitutions.

As such, for example, a Muslim in the USA, would have more loyalty, kinship, allegiance to another Muslim in France, Russia, Somalia, Pakistan, or Australia (or anywhere) than to a fellow American, living here in the USA. Or a Muslim in Poland would have more allegiance to a fellow Muslim in Brazil, than any fellow Pole. A Muslim in Denmark would have more allegiance to a fellow Muslim in China, than a fellow Dane, living right next door.

So wearing a hijab, and swearing in on a Koran, is it a legitimate question to question Omar's loyalty to America, and the US Constitution ? Or one might ask how could it not be a legitimate question ? Or might ask, as a devout Muslim, how could Omar EVER be expected to uphold the Constitution ? (which the Muslim Brotherhood vows to destroy). Or put America first (over the Uhmma) ? Or be "as American as everyone else is."

Well she's and American who thought someone did something on 9-11.

God forbid she actually say something true about her so called "religion."

The death cult.
Umayyad Caliphate - Wikipedia
Abbasid Caliphate - Wikipedia
Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia
Mongol Empire - Wikipedia
Well of course the religiously Conservative are going to have huge troubles. Christ asked to be In all Nations and to be Delivered to All Nations and All Nations will be Healed by him at the end of the World. Then check out how they administer Islam. Umayyad is the literal Military Advances under Supreme General Mohammad. Everyone knows he keeps his battlescores there in the Quran. The language of Islam is Arabic, they all speak classical Arabic. They do not recognize races. They wouldn't have a race of Franks or any European country. They don't recognize validity to people of "the Book" , or the "Books" or , the Byzantine Oppressors they didn't like for a few hundred years already.
I think it would be a shame to not clearly make exceptions for American Citizenship.

Your guy pocketed $$ after 9-11. That doesn't upset you at all.

How Donald Trump Cashed in on 9/11 – Rolling Stone

He also sxpressed joy that his building became the tallest one in NY after the WTC fell. That wasn't true, but that fucker was all over the brand when it counted.

Following that national religion tautology diatribe churchstate brand Christiananality pedophilia business mentality of the Islamidiotocracy as Omar joking of being just as American as everyone else with "some people did something" for 9/11 like West Nazi Germany Virginia's KKK Lynching Enforcement making jokes out of stolen absentee voting ballots, the Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition making jokes "no one steals & burns US Constitutions in this country" & Rehnquist's immaculate drug conceptions for Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists & their flying carpet threats.

^Are y'all in the same dayroom?
Umayyad Caliphate - Wikipedia
Abbasid Caliphate - Wikipedia
Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia
Mongol Empire - Wikipedia
Well of course the religiously Conservative are going to have huge troubles. Christ asked to be In all Nations and to be Delivered to All Nations and All Nations will be Healed by him at the end of the World. Then check out how they administer Islam. Umayyad is the literal Military Advances under Supreme General Mohammad. Everyone knows he keeps his battlescores there in the Quran. The language of Islam is Arabic, they all speak classical Arabic. They do not recognize races. They wouldn't have a race of Franks or any European country. They don't recognize validity to people of "the Book" , or the "Books" or , the Byzantine Oppressors they didn't like for a few hundred years already.
I think it would be a shame to not clearly make exceptions for American Citizenship.

Your guy pocketed $$ after 9-11. That doesn't upset you at all.

How Donald Trump Cashed in on 9/11 – Rolling Stone

He also sxpressed joy that his building became the tallest one in NY after the WTC fell. That wasn't true, but that fucker was all over the brand when it counted.

Following that national religion tautology diatribe churchstate brand Christiananality pedophilia business mentality of the Islamidiotocracy as Omar joking of being just as American as everyone else with "some people did something" for 9/11 like West Nazi Germany Virginia's KKK Lynching Enforcement making jokes out of stolen absentee voting ballots, the Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition making jokes "no one steals & burns US Constitutions in this country" & Rehnquist's immaculate drug conceptions for Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists & their flying carpet threats.
Umayyad Caliphate - Wikipedia
Abbasid Caliphate - Wikipedia
Ottoman Empire - Wikipedia
Mongol Empire - Wikipedia
Well of course the religiously Conservative are going to have huge troubles. Christ asked to be In all Nations and to be Delivered to All Nations and All Nations will be Healed by him at the end of the World. Then check out how they administer Islam. Umayyad is the literal Military Advances under Supreme General Mohammad. Everyone knows he keeps his battlescores there in the Quran. The language of Islam is Arabic, they all speak classical Arabic. They do not recognize races. They wouldn't have a race of Franks or any European country. They don't recognize validity to people of "the Book" , or the "Books" or , the Byzantine Oppressors they didn't like for a few hundred years already.
I think it would be a shame to not clearly make exceptions for American Citizenship.

Your guy pocketed $$ after 9-11. That doesn't upset you at all.

How Donald Trump Cashed in on 9/11 – Rolling Stone

He also sxpressed joy that his building became the tallest one in NY after the WTC fell. That wasn't true, but that fucker was all over the brand when it counted.

Following that national religion tautology diatribe churchstate brand Christiananality pedophilia business mentality of the Islamidiotocracy as Omar joking of being just as American as everyone else with "some people did something" for 9/11 like West Nazi Germany Virginia's KKK Lynching Enforcement making jokes out of stolen absentee voting ballots, the Fuhrer's Brainwashing Inquisition making jokes "no one steals & burns US Constitutions in this country" & Rehnquist's immaculate drug conceptions for Arab "death to the infidels" terrorists & their flying carpet threats.

^Are y'all in the same dayroom?

Ain't no dayroom here nor anyone else, but that CBS morning Cory Booker Trump derangement syndrome of Trump calling Omar's 9/11 "some people did something" Islamidiotocracy certainly isn't WIKI history yet......
She has every right in this country to be a bigot and an American. She’s just as American as your typical KKK grand wizard.
When she sympathizes with enemies who call for the destruction of America, she crosses a line.
She is no fan of Saudi Arabia

Or you didn't mean them huh?
I'd choose her over you in a "Who's more American" contest.

Choosing would be as much of a waste of time as voting in a republic that has lynching enforcement to make a joke out of stolen absentee ballots just as Omar makes a joke of being the new second class master Muslim race of citizens of before & after 9/11 while some USA dancing on the grave of a SOB dhimmitude servitude super ego schizoid Christiananality pedophile mentality is not all that different in a "Who's More American" contest.
...being Muslim is not a race
She's member of the death cult and believes in Sharia law.

That's all you need to know about the bitch.
I'd choose her over you in a "Who's more American" contest.

Choosing would be as much of a waste of time as voting in a republic that has lynching enforcement to make a joke out of stolen absentee ballots just as Omar makes a joke of being the new second class master Muslim race of citizens of before & after 9/11 while some USA dancing on the grave of a SOB dhimmitude servitude super ego schizoid Christiananality pedophile mentality is not all that different in a "Who's More American" contest.
...being Muslim is not a race

Well tipsycatlover says
This is training. Every time 911 comes to mind, we must not connect it to islamic terrorism. To do so is to be racist
In reality, we will never forget.
So this jihad rant is just sayin' this Islamic terrorism business is religion & not racist when 9/11 comes to mind ? Go try brainwash training on the cognitively dissonant national religion who are so cross conditioned way beyond therapy.....
Well, just follow them and stalk them suspiciously wherever they go. That was my procedure. Say Hi neighbor. Check for dropped parcels. Plot their moves on your own webhost site.
Same with blasphemers in the OT

You know it’s not the same thing yet you sing that tune, which shows how uneducated you are.
So killing for blasphemy is not all that bad?

No one kills for blasphemy this is not 1000 AD. Although you probably lived through that time...
I just gave an example you are the one trying to say they never did that or the witch burnings.

One? I can Give you 1000s of Sharia Law atrocities. Not the same thing. You think Bill Maher is a Democrat or Republican?
Okay post over 1000 atrocities by Sharia Law. Let's see it...

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