Ilhan Omar: Party needs to go further Left

How do you figure?

Because FPTP is like that.

We can see from Germany where they vote PR and FPTP at the same time on the same day, that it changes the way people vote.

It induces negative voting.

This is because you're fighting to be the ONLY winning candidate in an area. Only one can win. So you are more likely to vote for the two candidates most likely to win. So, if you don't like either party, you'll vote AGAINST one of those parties. Rather than voting FOR your preferred party.

With PR the smaller parties almost always increase their vote. With FPTP they lose votes. Because the systems says.
The system is the voters.
Not the politicians.

The system is neither.

The system is what is set up, like First Past The Post, Proportional Representation, Alternative Voting, Dictatorship, whatever.

In Germany, the system has both FPTP and PR at the same time, and yet they do NOT give the same results.

Take this election in 2017 for the Bundestag

The CDU/CSU gained 17.2 million votes with FPTP and 15.2 million votes with PR. How? Why?

The CDU gained 77% of the seats with FPTP and 34.7% of the seats with PR. Why?

The answer is that FPTP benefits larger parties. See my post above for my analysis of that.
The system is neither.

The system is what is set up, like First Past The Post, Proportional Representation, Alternative Voting, Dictatorship, whatever.

In Germany, the system has both FPTP and PR at the same time, and yet they do NOT give the same results.

Take this election in 2017 for the Bundestag

The CDU/CSU gained 17.2 million votes with FPTP and 15.2 million votes with PR. How? Why?

The CDU gained 77% of the seats with FPTP and 34.7% of the seats with PR. Why?

The answer is that FPTP benefits larger parties. See my post above for my analysis of that.

You run with trying to compare us with Germany, boyo.

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