I'll be danged - Republicans may have it right on a health system!

The right way to approach a thread like this is not to immediately jump in the direction you think you are supposed to, and instead come from a state of mind that the way the system is now... in a word.... S U C K S.

Obamacare was a national travesty. It increased all of the problems it was supposed to fix, namely COSTS. Cost went up for everyone.
Premiums for everyone rose, copays went through the roof - to the point most people now... really only have catastrophic care only - except they are paying actual health insurance rates for it.

I don't know if this is the right answer... but Obamacare II... Obamacare "lite"... etc. - offered by the Democrats is a major HELL NO as the right answer.
Obamacare was a national travesty. It increased all of the problems it was supposed to fix, namely COSTS
Well that's wrong. Healthcare spending has increased more slowly since obamacare was passed. What do you expect, with no price controls?

Obamacare was never designed to decrease Healthcare costs anyway. Just make insurance more affordable.

Premiums for everyone rose,
They always did. That isn't the fault of the ACA.
Well that's wrong. Healthcare spending has increased more slowly since obamacare was passed. What do you expect, with no price controls?

Obamacare was never designed to decrease Healthcare costs anyway. Just make insurance more affordable.
WTF??.... never designed to decrease cost, just make it more affordable.
WTF is there besides lowering cost that makes something more affordable??

And healthcare spending has went down? Well no shit Sherlock, people aren't going to the doctor!! They can't afford to.
When your copay is $5000 - $7000 every year - that is not affordable!!

Good God man.
And healthcare spending has went down?
No, it has decreased more slowly, like insurance premiums. So to claim the ACA made either increase is just flat out wrong. In fact, it seems to have had the opposite effect, slowing the increase.

This is to be expected when more people are insured and more medical bills are actually getting paid.

It was the entire reason the republicans presented for 20+ years while stumping for the ACA. Then the brown guy ate their lunch, and they had a big sad and suddenly hated their own ideas.
Gee, thanks for sharing the insurance cabal's perspective on that, Deb
Original Medicare, Part A and Part B, covers a wide range of hospital and medical services. Still, you typically have to pay cost-sharing amounts under Medicare. There are also medical costs that Original Medicare doesn’t generally cover.
My mom had a nice, reasonably priced Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan to cover that for at least a decade. Then they suddenly doubled the price. She still wanted it so I paid it. Within a few months they inexplicably cancelled it on her, simultaneously offering a really shitty substitute for even more. I said fuck that and have had absolutely no reason to regret doing so since. But again, thanks for sharing.

Btw, I saw nothing actually pertaining to the Medicare for All plan that Americans overwhelmingly support these days.. ya, know, that thing Mac has also only been pretending to discuss here..
Gee, thanks for sharing the insurance cabal's perspective on that, Deb

My mom had a nice, reasonably priced Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan to cover that for at least a decade. Then they suddenly doubled the price. She still wanted it so I paid it. Within a few months they inexplicably cancelled it on her, simultaneously offering a really shitty substitute for even more. I said fuck that and have had absolutely no reason to regret doing so since. But again, thanks for sharing.

Btw, I saw nothing actually pertaining to the Medicare for All plan that Americans overwhelmingly support these days.. ya, know, that thing Mac has also only been pretending to discuss here..
I have what is considered good private insurance.

25% coinsurance for any in patient procedure or hospital stay.

So, one bad car wreck from getting a 6-figure bill and declaring bankruptcy.

And that's with GOOD private insurance.

Medicaid is far superior.
Gee, thanks for sharing the insurance cabal's perspective on that, Deb

My mom had a nice, reasonably priced Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan to cover that for at least a decade. Then they suddenly doubled the price. She still wanted it so I paid it. Within a few months they inexplicably cancelled it on her, simultaneously offering a really shitty substitute for even more. I said fuck that and have had absolutely no reason to regret doing so since. But again, thanks for sharing.

Btw, I saw nothing actually pertaining to the Medicare for All plan that Americans overwhelmingly support these days.. ya, know, that thing Mac has also only been pretending to discuss here..
You didn't ask about Med Advantage you ask him to show you the gaps in Medicare coverage.
Medicare ADVANTAGE for all.

BFD……Unless Medicare gets an overhaul and pays 100% instead of 80%, the cost to Americans for that 20% which is more to private carriers then the monthly premiums to the gov for 80%, it will be a joke.

Just adding “advantage” means nothing……you’re delusional.
The Medicare system now is a windfall for private insurance. You must lobby for private insurance. All the gop has ever done is prop up insurance companies with OUR TAX DOLLARS. The gop are the biggest baglappers of promoting any gov spending program.
You didn't ask about Med Advantage you ask him to show you the gaps in Medicare coverage.
Correct, I sure as hell didn't ask about Med Advantage. No need. At 64 one gets barraged with snail mail offering fear-of-loss bullshit about that shit. One could not be ignorant of it all if they tried, but..
.. and no, I sure as hell did not ask Mac1958 to show me any "gaps in Medicare coverage." Again, Medicare for All is what he was presuming to 'splain to me, which btw, is a Single Payer plan that (soon) rids us of both the employer based health care and corporate insurance monkeys. But again, as FF points out, one will still be able to pay for private insurance "coverage" in addition if one really wants to after already paying into Medicare their entire working life.. Whatever floats your dinghy :bowdown:
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Its embarrassing for our country that we are even having this conversation.

Universal public health insurance is a non partisan given in every other first world.country.

Fucking embarrassing.

Personally I would have paid for a supplement and a Part D well over $27,000 in premiums over the last 9 years by having a MAPD plan. My highest out of pocket year in 2018 was $2200 after a summer of hell and 2 week hospital stay. So far this year have had a total of $5600 insurance company has paid and my part is $209.00. Is it possible I reach my $4800 max out of pocket this year as I have a major surgery next week.

BTW in an earlier post this morning someone listed a whole bunch of things MAPD's either don't cover or you have to pay something. That is not true, a few items on that list reverts to Medicare Part B and paid at 100% by Medicare.

Personally I would have paid for a supplement and a Part D well over $27,000 in premiums over the last 9 years by having a MAPD plan. My highest out of pocket year in 2018 was $2200 after a summer of hell and 2 week hospital stay. So far this year have had a total of $5600 insurance company has paid and my part is $209.00. Is it possible I reach my $4800 max out of pocket this year as I have a major surgery next week.

BTW in an earlier post this morning someone listed a whole bunch of things MAPD's either don't cover or you have to pay something. That is not true, a few items on that list reverts to Medicare Part B and paid at 100% by Medicare.
This argues that, all given limited options (at gunpoint), some options working out best for those some somehow amounts to an "Advantage" for all. No! Great, you no doubt found the best option available for you. Now let granny with Alzheimer's try doing to same. It's got "I got mine, fuck you!" thinking written all over it. That's just continuing the same old race to the bottom.
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This argues that, all given limited options (at gunpoint), some options working out best for those some somehow amounts to an "Advantage" for all. No! Great, you no doubt found the best option available for you. Now let granny with Alzheimer's try doing to same. It's got "I got mine, fuck you!" thinking written all over it. That's just continuing the same old race to the bottom.
Hopefully, granny with Alzheimer's would have someone in her family who has a power of attorney to act on her behalf and decide what's best for her. Medicare Advantage is not a one size fits all and what might be good for one might not be good for another.
Hopefully, granny with Alzheimer's would have someone in her family who has a power of attorney to act on her behalf and decide what's best for her. Medicare Advantage is not a one size fits all and what might be good for one might not be good for another.
Yep, that's what I said. No "Advantage" at all for society at large.

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