I'll be danged - Republicans may have it right on a health system!

You didn't ask about Med Advantage you ask him to show you the gaps in Medicare coverage.
If they're going to fight over the fact that Medicare has gaps, there's no reason to continue. That's just pure arrogant ignorance.
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The Medicare system now is a windfall for private insurance. You must lobby for private insurance. All the gop has ever done is prop up insurance companies with OUR TAX DOLLARS. The gop are the biggest baglappers of promoting any gov spending program.
There is a screamingly obvious fix for that, one (for those who fully understand how the system works) that would have to be done anyway if we expanded this, but nothing gets fixed if we get emotional and partisan over every potential weakness of an otherwise popular plan.
If they're going to fight over the fact that Medicare has gaps
..he bellowed at his mirror.

Cut the crap, Mac. You know that was never the question. Don't be such a dope. The gaps in Medicare are only there because the insurance industry has insisted upon having them and creating more.. for its own survival and profit.. at all of our expense. They exist to get in the way -- of all our health care. To keep delaying it, denying it, complicating it.. Cut, gut, and punish. The big service providers (hospital systems and legal drug dealers) don't mind because each part endlessly greases and substantiates the other. All patently obvious -- "how the system works" -- from day one. The "system" IS the fucking problem. Tossing the keys to the biggest wolf in sheep's clothing is never a serious solution.
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There is a screamingly obvious fix for that, one (for those who fully understand how the system works) that would have to be done anyway if we expanded this, but nothing gets fixed if we get emotional and partisan over every potential weakness of an otherwise popular plan.
Still waiting for anything from the gop. Both parties need to cooperate for anything to change. Have seen NO PROPOSALS from the GOP. They are AWOL for obvious reasons. The United States leads the world in health care costs with the worse outcomes of any nation with single payer.,

No emotions on this side. It’s a fact. The gop are totally uninterested in lowering HC costs. They look for every way they can when in power to raise premiums, deductibles and drug prices. They are bag lappers.
Still waiting for anything from the gop. Both parties need to cooperate for anything to change. Have seen NO PROPOSALS from the GOP. They are AWOL for obvious reasons. The United States leads the world in health care costs with the worse outcomes of any nation with single payer.,

No emotions on this side. It’s a fact. The gop are totally uninterested in lowering HC costs. They look for every way they can when in power to raise premiums, deductibles and drug prices. They are bag lappers.
All this is, is an idea they're churning over, from what I can tell.

I'd like to see this happen. The GOP has been a spectacular, abject failure on this to date, but I'm always hopeful. This is also a strategy on which both parties could provide a ton of input and ideas.
..he bellowed at his mirror.

Cut the crap, Mac. You know that was never the question. Don't be such a dope. The gaps in Medicare are only there because the insurance industry has insisted upon having them and creating more.. for its own survival and profit.. at all of our expense. They exist to get in the way -- of all our health care. To keep delaying it, denying it, complicating it.. Cut, gut, and punish. The big service providers (hospital systems and legal drug dealers) don't mind because each part endlessly greases and substantiates the other. All patently obvious -- "how the system works" -- from day one. The "system" IS the fucking problem. Tossing the keys to the biggest wolf in sheep's clothing is never a serious solution.
Exactly. The outrageous prices paid by the gov. for drugs through Medicare gov spending alone makes the cost per capita twice as much as Canada. While repugnants whine about Gov healthcare in Canada while they live longer for half the price and steal our jobs because because their companies under bid ours as they are only marginally involved in the costs. It’s a freekin joke if it wasn’t so sad.

The Dick Cheneys of America live forever with heart trans plants and gov funded care while the average citizen can easily suffer from medical bankrupcy trying to get life saving cancer treatments. Even A Hole repug senator goes to Canada for HC treatments.

All this is, is an idea they're churning over, from what I can tell.

I'd like to see this happen. The GOP has been a spectacular, abject failure on this to date, but I'm always hopeful. This is also a strategy on which both parties could provide a ton of input and ideas.
We’ve been holding our breath for decades. The only way the white supremacy filled GOP would agree to universal healthcare, would be if it it didn’t include minorities…..so much for “universal”.
Again, Medicare for All is what he was presuming to 'splain to me, which btw, is a Single Payer plan that (soon) rids us of both the employer based health care and corporate insurance monkeys.

Right, because being under the thumb of faceless government bureaucrat monkeys is better.

I agree our health care system is FUBAR, but handing it all over to the government is utterly stupid. They can't manage what they have now.
Right, because being under the thumb of faceless government bureaucrat monkeys is better.

I agree our health care system is FUBAR, but handing it all over to the government is utterly stupid. They can't manage what they have now.
Government doesn't manage Obamacare. Big Insurance does, thanks to Obama. Government still manages Medicare just fine. Government corruption requires scheming, private profiteers. Health care does not.
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Government doesn't manage Obamacare. Big Insurance does, thanks to Obama. Government still manages Medicare just fine. Government corruption requires scheming, shameless profiteers. Health care does not.

I never said anything about ObamaCare. No, they don't manage Medicare just fine. More and more doctors won't accept new Medicare patients for a slew of reasons. Furthermore, it's common knowledge what a disaster the VA is. Look at any other program the government runs. They are fraught with bureaucratic red tape, politics, and overall incompetence. Moving from corporations to the government is simply trading one slave master for another.
One thing we may consider doing is focusing on what could actually happen.

Are we going 100% Single Payer? No. Are we going 100% free market? No. So whining about it is pointless.

If we're comfortable with this insane, spectacularly inefficient, seven-headed fucking joke of a "health care system", I guess we can keep it.

Personally, I'm not.
That's very close. MA plans may (depending on the plan) have small co-pays and co-insurance, but they also keep the insurance companies competing and innovating on the structure of the plans and extras they can provide. They could easily have plans with a la carte options, such as pregnancy.

They're individual and portable. They take a massive cost/administrative monkey off the backs of American employers.

Right now we have SEVEN different delivery/payment systems:
  1. Individual
  2. Group
  3. Medicare
  4. Medicaid
  5. VA
  6. Indigent
  7. Worker's Comp
That is fucking MADNESS. This would/could bring them all together. It's sitting right there, already working. LET'S GO.

They are not portable, if you are enrolled i a plan in Illinois and you move to Arizona you must enroll in a plan that serves Az.
Moving from corporations to the government is simply trading one slave master for another.
That's because any combination is clearly toxic. Completely private matters should be kept strictly private. And, like it or not, fundamental matters of great public concern can only be managed by those held accountable to the public (government). However poorly attempting to implement these lofty ideals may work out, they're still our founding principles. "Love it or leave."
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You're right. That's not what I meant by "portable" in that context, but you're correct.

They're portable in that your coverage is not tied to employment.
What purpose does having it tied to a State serve? Please quote the clause eliminating "employment" from the equation.
What purpose does having it tied to a State serve? Please quote the clause eliminating "employment" from the equation.

Because prices are not at a fixed rate nationwide (treatment). The purpose of having delegated service areas is to help with those costs. It costs more n Ca for care than it does SD.

District of Columbia$19,475$14,780

No, they don't manage Medicare just fine. More and more doctors won't accept new Medicare patients for a slew of reasons.
All resulting from corporate lobbying (corruption) by private interests; Big Pharma, Big Insurance, Big employers, Big Doctors too -- for fun and profit -- all at our expense. Blaming "government" is just stupid. Our government reps can and must be held to account. Can't do that with corporate big shots. It's illegal. Our mass media is supposedly there to help. Hold them to account too.
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Because prices are not at a fixed rate nationwide (treatment). The purpose of having delegated service areas is to help with those costs. It costs more n Ca for care than it does SD.

District of Columbia$19,475$14,780

Guy, the federal government can also adjust rates according what State one lives in..

Okay, restating the question: What purpose does having healthcare tied to a State serve as opposed to allowing the federal government to handle it all? (one bureaucracy beats at least fifty, right?)

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