I'll be danged - Republicans may have it right on a health system!

I wouldn't have a Medicare Advantage Plan, they cover 80% for DME, that leaves out

DME that Medicare covers includes, but isn't limited to:
Whereas medigap covers it , the Part B deductible applies. Pay as you go don't work for me.
Everything is a payment in private healthcare. Watch they will slowly administer less medical as they are raising prices. It was installed in 1997 so that they would not impeach Clinton.

Now if tramp would bed a aide they would be a lot of republicans voting for him and he would be called a hero.
I would definitely want to keep Medicare Supplements, which cost the consumer more but cover much more and maintain a degree of free market competition.

Two levels of coverage, the consumer decides.

That would be a great system for EVERYONE.
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Danielle Kunkle Roberts
Co-Founder at Boomer Benefits, a national insurance broker that helps Baby Boomers learn the ropes in regards to Medicare.
It’s been big news this year that as of Jan. 1, 2020, Medigap plans C and F will be discontinued. This change came about as a part of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization legislation in 2015, which prohibits the sale of Medigap plans that cover Medicare’s Part B deductible. The goal of discontinuing these plans is to make all Medicare beneficiaries have some out-of-pocket spending when they use healthcare services.

Both Medigap Plans C and F cover Medicare’s Part B deductible, which in 2019 is $185. This makes these plans into something called “first dollar coverage.”

If a Medigap plan covers all your out-of-pocket spending from the beginning, the theory is that you will be more likely to run to the doctor over every little sniffle and sneeze. This costs Medicare, and thus the federal government, money. By discontinuing these two plans, Congress hopes beneficiaries will be a bit more choosy about seeking healthcare for minor ailments. So as of Jan. 1, 2020, these plans are being phased out for new enrollees.
Read here for lots - More - of this alphabet soup

Somehow I still don't feel the benefit..

I would definitely want to keep Medicare Supplements, which cost the consumer more but cover much more and maintain a degree of free market competition.

Two levels of coverage, the consumer decides.

That would be a great system for EVERYONE.
Down with Medicare Supplement, they are a private insurers. Its not Medicare at all.
Down with Medicare Supplement, they are a private insurers. Its not Medicare at all.
Medicare leaves HUGE gaps in what is covered. Medicare Supplements fill the gap. What Medicare doesn't pay, Medicare Supplements pay. It works great.
Danielle Kunkle Roberts
Co-Founder at Boomer Benefits, a national insurance broker that helps Baby Boomers learn the ropes in regards to Medicare.

Read here for lots - More - of this alphabet soup

Somehow I still don't feel the benefit..

By discontinuing these two plans, Congress hopes beneficiaries will be a bit more choosy about seeking healthcare for minor ailments. So as of Jan. 1, 2020, these plans are being phased out for new enrollees.

most often for seniors they should go to the doctors for minor ailments, the minor ailment could turn in the something more dangerous.
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Medicare leaves HUGE gaps in what is covered. Medicare Supplements fill the gap. What Medicare doesn't pay, Medicare Supplements pay. It works great.
You must work for Medical Advantage plan , thats the only way you are pro them.

Not for DME , they don't, plus they have shitty dentists, the doctors are not that great either, with Medicare and with Medigap plan you get to go to any doctor.
You must work for Medical Advantage plan , thats the only way you are pro them.

Not for DME , they don't, plus they have shitty dentists, the doctors are not that great either, with Medicare and with Medigap plan you get to go to any doctor.
You can read Post 14 for my background on this.

MA plans are about as popular as a health plan can be. They're not perfect, but nothing is. Medicare Supplements are a great option too. For people who can afford a bit more, I like them even better than MA plans.

MA plans will depend on the network of providers, so you have to check on things like docs and dentists before you enroll. You also have to check on the formulary each company offers so that your meds are covered as well as they can be.

There is nothing perfect out there. We're looking for the best possible thing. And this will be one helluva lot better than the 7-headed pig of a "system" that we have now.
Two levels of coverage you say? Congress critters of all stripes reportedly preferred their old plan, but back in July of 2017 anyway;
Snopes reports that members of Congress and staff “pay approximately 28 percent of their annual healthcare premiums through pre-tax payroll deductions.” They also have access to “free or low-cost care” through the Office of the Attending Physician as well as “free medical outpatient care at military facilities” in the D.C. area.

That’s a pretty good deal, especially given that the average 21-year-old making $25,000 a year would be charged $282 per month for a silver Obamacare plan, and pay about half of that, or $142, thanks to subsidies, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Hey, to dramatically cut costs here's an idea.. why not just dump the middlemen (employers and insurance corporations) completely? Then CMS could get back to dealing directly with the health service providers who.. of course, shall always demand more, more, more!
There is nothing perfect out there. We're looking for the best possible thing. And this will be one helluva lot better than the 7-headed pig of a "system" that we have now.
Far better yet.. Medicare for All

Nah, we have bent over backwards for the profit move in Health insurance for far too long already. Like the ACA, I would take it over nothing, though.
I don't know what this means in the context of this thread.
It means exactly what it means Mac

If you're an American citizen , you are to join gub'mit HC

lest they void all available care

This then, becomes an ultimatum , not an entitlement when we reach 65

It means exactly what it means Mac

If you're an American citizen , you are to join gub'mit HC

lest they void all available care

This then, becomes an ultimatum , not an entitlement when we reach 65

So what? What's the problem?
I've been saying since I've been here that our (a) our health care "system" is insane, and (b) the ACA is a stupid pig of a law. Plenty of examples of those posts upon request.

Then I point out that the Democrats were lying about "Medicare for All", when what they REALLY want is Single Payer. The FULL Medicare system includes a strong, innovative and creative free market component called Medicare Advantage Plans. It's right there, and it works great. It needs to be brought more under cost control, and it can be. LET'S EXPAND IT TO EVERYONE.

Well, lookie here:

Medicare currently enrolls 64 million Americans, growing daily, and is a big success story for the American right as more than half of new enrollees are signing up daily for the privatized Medicare Advantage option with its lower premiums, lower cost sharing and additional benefits relative to traditional Medicare Parts A and B. Conservatives such as Goodman and Clancy would like to expedite the transition, allowing year-round open enrollment in Part C (as opposed to the current 6-week annual open enrollment period) and even making it the default selection for new enrollees. They would also like to enable Medicare enrollees to obtain and use Health Savings Accounts.

Indeed, a small and growing chorus of voices now suggest that Medicare Advantage could be the foundation for a unitary and reformed national health system, not Sanders’ “Medicare for All” which would eliminate Part C, but “Medicare Advantage for All” that would eliminate Medicare A and B, and make Part C universal.

When it comes to this health care plan, GO REPUBLICANS!!!! Listen to Ol' Mac! Medicare ADVANTAGE for all!

Huh ? Medicare for all is single payer. What have you been smoking ? When has the GOP ever proposed Medicare for all ?

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