I'll reach across the isle. We'll work together to find common ground.

So tired of hearing this BULLSHIT.

There is no common ground anymore. The left has gone so far off the rails there is NOTHING they can offer that is worthy of working with them on.

Until the party of Pelosi kicks that wacko to the curb I don't want to hear either of those statements again.

So you're the same old whining ass hole you've always been. Why am I not surprised?
Was I supposed to magically not be an asshole anymore?


I guess not. It would have been easier to just say "nothing's changed"

You're an asshole too, along with pretty much everybody that posts here.

What an amazingly sharp wit you have. You really put me in my place. Good for you.
So tired of hearing this BULLSHIT.

There is no common ground anymore. The left has gone so far off the rails there is NOTHING they can offer that is worthy of working with them on.

Until the party of Pelosi kicks that wacko to the curb I don't want to hear either of those statements again.

So you're the same old whining ass hole you've always been. Why am I not surprised?
Was I supposed to magically not be an asshole anymore?


I guess not. It would have been easier to just say "nothing's changed"

You're an asshole too, along with pretty much everybody that posts here.

What an amazingly sharp wit you have. You really put me in my place. Good for you.

the psychoanalysis is a plus, too
So tired of hearing this BULLSHIT.

There is no common ground anymore. The left has gone so far off the rails there is NOTHING they can offer that is worthy of working with them on.

Until the party of Pelosi kicks that wacko to the curb I don't want to hear either of those statements again.
You’re right let’s just keep playing these tribal partisan games because they work so well for our country
So tired of hearing this BULLSHIT.

There is no common ground anymore. The left has gone so far off the rails there is NOTHING they can offer that is worthy of working with them on.

Until the party of Pelosi kicks that wacko to the curb I don't want to hear either of those statements again.

I'll tell you how bat shit crazy the left is now, a whopping 46 percent of California Bay Area residents polled said they are planning to pack their bags and move out in the next few years.
So you're the same old whining ass hole you've always been. Why am I not surprised?
Was I supposed to magically not be an asshole anymore?


I guess not. It would have been easier to just say "nothing's changed"

You're an asshole too, along with pretty much everybody that posts here.

What an amazingly sharp wit you have. You really put me in my place. Good for you.

the psychoanalysis is a plus, too

You can't underestimate the good it will do for the entire site. Lets hear it for CONFOUNDING!!!
Republicans: Progresives and liberals are evil and want to destroy our country. We will NOT COMPROMISE. We even approve of denying a president his SC choice. Yay Mitxh!

Democrats: We compromised on the ACA. We compromised on immigration reform. We have been in the minority from 2010 to 2017 but somehow legislation got passed. Weird huh?

Independents: Both sides suck. Both sides suck. Both sides suck.
There is some common ground. It's just that neither side is willing to be honest and sincere enough to make shit happen. I see a lot of conservatives now that are taking the Ron Paul approach to the military. I think the left should be happy about that. Also there's the issue with veterans. Everybody agrees they need better care but neither side is willing to put forth an honest bill that only addresses that issue.

I think riders on bills are why nothing gets done in this country. It's never just what it seems. There's always 500 other things in the bill that will inevitably cause the other side to object. It almost seems intentional, as if both parties are really on the same side and aren't interested in passing good bills for regular Americans. If you're in on it you can take whatever position you want knowing that certain things will just never get through, and you can ensure that by adding a bunch of bullshit riders to your proposed bill.

It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. We don’t get any traction on divisive issues because the congressional infrastructure is set up to reward partisanship. Congress passes about 600 bills a year or so… So there is common ground. But on issues that people jokingly “care about” there is no traction due to partisanship fueled by the rules of the game. The committee system is the true enemy of the average American and to a degree, the average legislator as well.
So tired of hearing this BULLSHIT.

There is no common ground anymore. The left has gone so far off the rails there is NOTHING they can offer that is worthy of working with them on.

Until the party of Pelosi kicks that wacko to the curb I don't want to hear either of those statements again.
You’re right let’s just keep playing these tribal partisan games because they work so well for our country
The conservatives aren't playing partisan games. The left are playing ALL KINDS OF GAMES and a good chunk of it they want my money to play with.
Come back from the edge and we can talk.
So tired of hearing this BULLSHIT.

There is no common ground anymore. The left has gone so far off the rails there is NOTHING they can offer that is worthy of working with them on.

Until the party of Pelosi kicks that wacko to the curb I don't want to hear either of those statements again.
You’re right let’s just keep playing these tribal partisan games because they work so well for our country
The conservatives aren't playing partisan games. The left are playing ALL KINDS OF GAMES and a good chunk of it they want my money to play with.
Come back from the edge and we can talk.

That is awesome.
So tired of hearing this BULLSHIT.

There is no common ground anymore. The left has gone so far off the rails there is NOTHING they can offer that is worthy of working with them on.

Until the party of Pelosi kicks that wacko to the curb I don't want to hear either of those statements again.
You’re right let’s just keep playing these tribal partisan games because they work so well for our country
The conservatives aren't playing partisan games. The left are playing ALL KINDS OF GAMES and a good chunk of it they want my money to play with.
Come back from the edge and we can talk.
You don’t think blocking a presidential pick for SCOTUS was a partisan game? You don’t think the petty partisan attacks that Trump tweets on a daily basis is gameplay?! Wake up man.

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