illegal alens vs serial/rampage killers


Dec 23, 2012
illegal aliens dominate the FBI & the LA Police MOST WANTED list for murder.

Proof - fbi dot gov/wanted/murders
Proof - lapdonline dot org/top_ten_most_wanted

illegal aliens kill 12 Americans on a daily basis.

That is: 84 a week. 360 a month. 2,160 every six months. 4,380 a year.

These are the people we need to be concerned with. They do more damage in one year than all of the American serial/spree killers combined.

t bundy - 40
g ridgway - 100
j dahmer - 17
a lanza - 28
e harris & d klebold - 15
g hennard - 24
c whitman - 16
j holmes - 12
j huberty - 22

Total victims: 274

That is still not even close to the numbers killed by illegal aliens in one month. I know there are more serial/rampage killers than what i listed. You could add 10 more and it still wont come close to what those illegals do in one year.
Déjà vu all over again. No, they certainly are NOT worth the lettuce they pick, child. But, that depends on HOW close you are to them, isn't it?

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