“illegal alien” a is legal term


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Jose AntonioVargas want the work “illegal” dropped from immigrant because it is offensive. As long as they are crossing the border “illegally” and overstaying their visas “illegal” they are correctly “Illegal Aliens.” Until they are given amnesty then they are “Post Illegal Aliens.” They can never escape the term illegal. Jose don’t get to re-write the law and define the terminology for one who performs an illegal act. Illegal Aliens is an ongoing act, not like stealing a beer or running a red light as Hinojosa want to use as an analogy. Everyone that breaks the law is criminal but not an illegal person. But depending on the value of the item stolen one is defined a “felon” for life. Illegal Aliens are not only “Illegal Aliens” they are criminals and felons. How much is one job stolen from an American worth? And there are 8.5 million stolen. Maybe they want to call “Illegal Aliens” trespassers, uninvited guest. I don’t know what it takes to change the term of an illegal act. Felon, thief, sexual molestation and murder, etc. only way I see it can be dropped it to open the borders and let everyone in legally and give them retroactive amnesty.
How may time is the word “illegal” use in Black Law Dictionary?

Democrats who are afraid of offending Latino votes have already stop using the work “illegal” and “undocumented” and refer to them as immigrants and they are beginning to believe they are immigrants and demand all the right of immigrants.

I believe those that enter the country illegally or overstay their visas can be correctly and legally call “Illegal Aliens” and “felon” if they are working and subject to “deportation” per 1929 immigration law. If you don’t want to be called an Illegal Aliens stop entering the country illegally or overstaying your visas.

Drop the word “illegal” and you will also have to drop the work “legal” because they are antonymous.
My wife's Green Card says "Registered Alien". If Pedro don't like it, too f*ckin' bad for him.

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