Illegal Alien Fetuses Are NOT Babies & Thus NOT Citizens

So, again, before their next legislative attempt to pass a bill to kill babies after they are born, we should really have that discussion about how long after the baby is born can it be considered an American citizen vs how long can we 'keep it comfortable' & still kill it...

If the Baby is Black and/or Hispanic, I would say we must make a decision
before its 19th birthday.
Interesting...the gov of Va explained their bill would allow the baby to he born, it would be kept 'comfortable' (is the born child a US citizen YET?), and then a discussion would be held about whether to kill or not the baby 'being kept comfortable'...

At any point during that discussion does the baby, having already been born and being kept comfortable, become a US citizen...

...or all babies only allowed to become US citizens AFTER you M*er F*ers decide NOT to kill them?

The Va gov said this is 'exactly what happens, and there you snowflakes go denying everything again.

Damn, you spend half your life denying corruption, crime, immorality, lack of ethics, lack of civility, and half the time reality ... It's hard as held to be. democrat sheep....

The leftists here spreading misinformation regarding their own intentions, as usual.

He was describing infanticide there is no question of that.
Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
Good God dude you are a complete and total retard. Nobody has voted to kill full term children.
You guys amaze me with the hoops you jump thru to justify the killing of the unborn.
Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
Good God dude you are a complete and total retard. Nobody has voted to kill full term children.
You guys amaze me with the hoops you jump thru to justify the killing of the unborn.
What's that got to do with the OP being a retard?
Thanks to the Governor of Virginia & the Democrats who have voted to allow the murder of babies AFTER they have been born, the Left's argument that 'fetuses expunged from the womb' by illegals on US soil are instantly US Cirmtizens is MOOT...GONE...NO MORE!

Democrats have and are now arguing babies BORN are NOT instantly US citizens protected by the Constitution and US law and they CAN be MURDERED.

If American babies born in the US are NOT US citizens, then there is no way Illegal 'fetuses' 'deposited' in the US are!

Until there is a legal decision is made in regards to HOW LONG a baby has to be out of the womb, how many breaths does it have to take, how long must it be 'kept comfortable' & alive before it is counted as a living child then no illegal 'fetus' born on US soil can / should be considered a human being and thus a US Citizen!
Good God dude you are a complete and total retard. Nobody has voted to kill full term children.
You guys amaze me with the hoops you jump thru to justify the killing of the unborn.
What's that got to do with the OP being a retard?
So how long, C?
The ACTUAL FACT is that any attempt to hurt a child once it is out of the womb is 1st Degree MURDER of a citizen of the United States...according to the same 14th Amendment snowflakes / Socialist Liberals use to claim that a baby born after an illegal jumps a border fence, squats down, and delivers is is a US Citizen.


All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.


And as a US CITIZEN it has rights under the US Constitution and protections under the Rule of Law. NO STATE shall abridge the privileges of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due proves of the law.

THAT means no Liberal Democrat can make / pass into law a bill that calls for the murder of a US Citizen after birth!

The 14th Amendment is the linchpin in the entire Abortion Argument - the Achilles heel, if you will to the entire Pro-Abortion / Baby-Killing Machine that is the Democratic Party. They will not admit it, but - if they are intelligent - is what scares them the most in the argument over abortions. It is the REAL reason they attempt to control the argument about at which point is a fetus and when it becomes a baby - a live, viable human being...and thus an American citizen.

This is why they continue to push for THEIR definition of a baby, succeeding so far in only arguing that it is a baby once it is born from the mother's womb, even though the child is viable before leaving the womb in the 3rd Trimester.

The 14th Amendment protects babies, while Democrats want to kill them.
So, again, before their next legislative attempt to pass a bill to kill babies after they are born, we should really have that discussion about how long after the baby is born can it be considered an American citizen vs how long can we 'keep it comfortable' & still kill it...
better technology to find issues before they become problems!
better technology to find issues before they become problems!
No technology needed here - the only problem here is that Liberals want to kill babies ... any time, any where, under any circumstances.
in right wing fantasy, you are Always right.
Thank you for the sarcasm when you are cornered.

The Female Dem wrote a bill and submitted it foe discussion and passage allowing liberals to murder babies after they had been born. The Governor was even kind enough to explain how the INFANT would be delivered and kept comfortable while the mentally warped adults would decide whether to kill this AMERICAN CITIZEN or not.

What technology would you suggest to fix a corrupted, perverted soul, twisted reasoning, an inhuman callousness towards life?

The 14th Amendment makes it clear - any baby born is a US citizen...and the Democrats are attempting to control the right to define what they see as a 'lump of tissue/cells'...which is what many of them call a healthy viable 3rd trimester long as they keep the head inside the mother before they kill it.

Again, no special technology required here....
in right wing fantasy, you are Always right.
Thank you for the sarcasm when you are cornered.

The Female Dem wrote a bill and submitted it foe discussion and passage allowing liberals to murder babies after they had been born. The Governor was even kind enough to explain how the INFANT would be delivered and kept comfortable while the mentally warped adults would decide whether to kill this AMERICAN CITIZEN or not.

What technology would you suggest to fix a corrupted, perverted soul, twisted reasoning, an inhuman callousness towards life?

The 14th Amendment makes it clear - any baby born is a US citizen...and the Democrats are attempting to control the right to define what they see as a 'lump of tissue/cells'...which is what many of them call a healthy viable 3rd trimester long as they keep the head inside the mother before they kill it.

Again, no special technology required here....
better technology would discover the issues sooner, rather than later.

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