illegal alien serial killer gets a green card

Why would that matter?
We'd need to build a wall if he did.

Well that's kind of our point. The immigration system does need to be changed. However, we on the right-wing understand that if we don't build a wall, then it doesn't matter if we change the system or not.

Say we fixed the problems that allowed this guy in. He would just fly to Mexico, and walk across the boarder.

We have to have a wall, or our immigration policies are irrelevant.
The wall will not stop people from overstaying their visa and work permit...If that 8 billion was used to beef up INS and ICE to find and deport the overstayers and those that sneak across that would be more of a deterrent than a wall..

Tennessee man accused of killing infant has been deported 5 times, ICE says

Deported 5 different times. Still got right back into the US, and killed an infant.

Facts contradict your opinion.
Sure change the case to try and disprove my point. How did this guy come over?

Again, that's the point. We could lock down 50 different ways to get into the country, but as long as we have a wide open strip of land they can walk across on foot, they will always get back in.

As for this specific guy, looks like that's exactly what he did. He just walked in. The dude was from Honduras. That is exactly what the caravan was all about.

Again, there are places where nothing marks where the border is at all. And you think if we have a few more ICE people, that it's going to stop people just walking in?

And to top that off, every time they have put up a wall, the number of border arrests goes down. Every single time. Again, the facts prove it works.

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