illegal aliens in New York City getting everything free/courtesy of US taxpayers

Drinking all day and having sex in weird places? Sounds like they're just trying to be like our college kids. Send Eric his next 100,000.
All on the backs of taxpayers. Congrats open border losers lol.
An employee at Row, one of New York City's best known hotels, became a whistleblower Wednesday after he released video and photos of illegal immigrants trashing the hotel and leaving fresh food out to rot.
"It’s a disgrace," Row New York City employee Felipe Rodriguez said on Fox News host Laura Ingraham’s show, "The Ingraham Angle."

"The chaos that we see at the Row today is [caused] by migrants being drunk, drinking all day, smoking marijuana [and] consuming drugs," Rodriguez said.

He also said that the Row is struggling with "domestic violence" among migrants, young people "having sex in the stairs," and a fight between a migrant and a hotel security officer.
The ingrate migrants aren’t helping their case or their cause. They should show some fucking gratitude to US by at least not behaving like pigs on the taxpayer dime. Instead of getting drunk, getting laid and beating their wives, why not spend that time learning English or getting on path to citizenship or otherwise assimilate into American culture?
150 years ago, bigots were upset about the Irish.
100 years ago, bigots were upset about the Germans
50 years ago, bigots were upset about the Poles
Today it's the Mexicans.
You guys really are all about the destruction of the country.

You guys really are all about the destruction of the country.


Actually, these invaders are the best thing that could happen to our country. We are already suffering a labor shortage that WILL get worse because there aren't enough young people to replace the baby boomers who are retiring.

Of course, I'm biased. My father was an immigrant and I am engaged to an immigrant.
Just like when the Germans invaded the US to become the largest ethnic group in the US due to migration.

And now the Fourth Reich runs America and the Sheeple have no clue what is happening , let alone why .
Actually, these invaders are the best thing that could happen to our country. We are already suffering a labor shortage that WILL get worse because there aren't enough young people to replace the baby boomers who are retiring.

Of course, I'm biased. My father was an immigrant and I am engaged to an immigrant.
Wow what a putz. How is your fiance visa application going 🤣👨‍❤️‍👨
Just like when the Germans invaded the US to become the largest ethnic group in the US due to migration.
The government didn't put Germans up in hotels at taxpayer expense. The Germans weren't fed, medicated, given money to buy drugs with.

If you want the current invaders to be like Germans, treat them as Germans. You live or die in the street.
H1A, H2B, H1B, etc are all federal programs allowing cheap labor into the USofA , free from the constraints of hiring from our own labor pools

Every big, especially fed funded (Shovel ready was my last) job here requires the locals to fall back on their HS spanish

These Mexicans are actually cheaper to bus in, as well as put up in hotels , than hiring locals

Immigration turns a blind eye to all the abuse

Yet you talk to 'em, and find they only work 1/2 the year here, go back down south and live like KINGS for the other 1/2

and they want to sell us on some wall.....

You do understand that none of these invaders are working, right. Some might have gotten day work with a drug cartel or local gang selling drugs. For the most part they have nothing to do but have sex, drink, use what drugs they can afford and destroy a $500.00 a night hotel. All the arguments you have about invaders working is dead and gone.
Wow what a putz. How is your fiance visa application going
She already has a work visa, has for a long time before I met her.

Nothing bigoted about calling out non-citizens taking taxpayer money and add insult to injury by acting like animals by destroying the place and infesting it with crime. Then again, these people are pawns for liberals and Democrats.

Yes, they were - gasp - littering!!!

In a few years, most of them will have jobs cleaning hotels, so karma.

You do understand that none of these invaders are working, right. Some might have gotten day work with a drug cartel or local gang selling drugs. For the most part they have nothing to do but have sex, drink, use what drugs they can afford and destroy a $500.00 a night hotel. All the arguments you have about invaders working is dead and gone.
You think this is a $500 a night hotel? Ha.

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