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Illegal Aliens: Just Trying To Make a Better Life for Themselves ?

It's hard to accept less than you think you deserve. But unless you lower your standards you can't complain about someone else stepping in and taking jobs you were unwilling to do. Well, you can complain but take it up with the U.S. Government, not the foreigner who found a way to illegally migrate and stay in America then take your job.

1. There is no reason for any American to lower his/her standards. It is not the burden of Americans to adjust to people who are invading America.

2. As for who I will "take it up" with, of course I take it up with all the traitors in the US govt (ex. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Marco Rubio, Kindsey Graham, etc) who support this abomination. That however doesn't mean that I will not also take it up with other guilty parties (the Mexican govt, the illegal aliens, & the various VESTED INTERESTS who support illegal immigration)

VESTED INTERESTS who support illegal immigration

1. Businesses wanting cheap labor.

2. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

3. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

4. Spanish media NEEDING Spanish-only speakers.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.
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Well the point of the OP, dumbass, seems to be WHY they're here.
The point of the OP is that they have no right to be here, no matter what they consider their reasons to be. And their reason is pretty flimsy, and is the same thing that all thieves say, while millions of people also have that same reason (to want a better life), but they don't STEAL and break laws to get it.
"They're all just trying to make a better life for themselves. But guess what. For every one of these dirtbags, there are thousands of people like myself who have never engaged in crime, and never been arrested."

And the same is true of immigrants.

Your thread fails as a hasty generalization fallacy, nothing but more rightwing lies, bigotry, and hate.
NO! The same is NOT true of illegal immigrants, who DO commit CRIME when they cross the border without inspection by US immigration officials, and that is where YOUR POST FAILS, while you laughably try to hide behind the bigotry/hate card.

Hey, wanna try the race card on the WHITE, Irish, illegal aliens in the northeastern US ? - who Hillary Clinton is sucking up to for VOTES, just like she does with the Hispanics. Remember, the US rightwingers whom you hate so much contain a lot of Irish-Americans.

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Make up your mind. Are they here WORKING and stealing all our jobs or are they here burglarizing and stealing our jewels and cash drawers? They didn't come here to live a worse life, you fool. I don't agree that they should be allowed to stay here if they are caught commiting a crime, but the majority of them are here to make a better life for themselves and have never taken any job you would want. Go after the CRIMINAL EMPLOYERS who hire them, why don't you, instead of turning powerless people into your scapegoat?
1, YOU are the FOOL.

2. They burglarize by sending tens of Billions$$$ out of the country in remittances$$, back to their home country. This money is extracted out of the US economy, and reinserted into the Mexican economy, when Mexicans in Mexico use it to buy things in Mexican store,. This is equivalent to a burglar takimg money out of your home, and reinserting it into their home. Get it ? You are clueless.

3. Crossing the border with inspection is a CRIME. they have already committed crime when they did that. Thos ewho overstay visas, don't commit a crime doing that, but it is lawbreaking as well.

4. As I noted in the OP, making a better life for themselves is the same as what people who rob you and burglarize your house are doing also. So what ?

5. Illegal ALIENS do take jobs Americans want. That was proves when CIS did a study of 467 occupation in the US and found almost all of them had a majority of Americans working in them. Also the dirtiest, toughest and most dangerous jobs in America are being done BY AMERICANS. Don't think so > Just ask THESE GUYS >>

I've got nothing against sending them home, along with any minor children regardless of where they were born. Greater minds than mine, however, seem to feel that is either untenable or will cause economic havoc. However, I do trust the statistics that tell us immigrants to this country commit less crime than American citizens. Probably they don't want to get sent home (or they're too busy working because that's REALLY why they're here). I don't support sanctuary cities or the stop on deportation of illegals who have commited crimes. Yet I still feel you're scapegoating the most powerless people in the equation, when if we actually prosecuted the CRIMINAL EMPLOYERS who are hiring them, it would kill two birds with one stone. No job, they'll go home on their own. And the employers who are encouraging this illegal immigration by rewarding them with jobs will be stopped. It seems more fair to me than picking on the littlest guy in the playground. I've worked with some immigrants here doing agricultural work and some folks from Mexico who are living here pretty much full-time now and they are hard working, respectful folks who have very little and don't complain. I just can't get as agitated about these folks as you are.
It's hard to accept less than you think you deserve. But unless you lower your standards you can't complain about someone else stepping in and taking jobs you were unwilling to do. Well, you can complain but take it up with the U.S. Government, not the foreigner who found a way to illegally migrate and stay in America then take your job.

1. There is no reason for any American to lower his/her standards. It is not the burden of Americans to adjust to people who are invading America.

2. As for who I will "take it up" with, of course I take it up with all the traitors in the US govt (ex. Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Marco Rubio, Kindsey Graham, etc) who support this abomination. That however doesn't mean that I will not also take it up with other guilty parties (the Mexican govt, the illegal aliens, & the various VESTED INTERESTS who support illegal immigration)

VESTED INTERESTS who support illegal immigration

1. Businesses wanting cheap labor.

2. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

3. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

4. Spanish media NEEDING Spanish-only speakers.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.
Phew!! If all Americans put as much effort into finding and performing well at jobs as you do in writing posts then I don't think there would be a big problem with unemployed Americans losing out to foreigners. Or as you feel a need to single out - Mexicans.
I've got nothing against sending them home, along with any minor children regardless of where they were born. Greater minds than mine, however, seem to feel that is either untenable or will cause economic havoc. However, I do trust the statistics that tell us immigrants to this country commit less crime than American citizens. Probably they don't want to get sent home (or they're too busy working because that's REALLY why they're here). I don't support sanctuary cities or the stop on deportation of illegals who have commited crimes. Yet I still feel you're scapegoating the most powerless people in the equation, when if we actually prosecuted the CRIMINAL EMPLOYERS who are hiring them, it would kill two birds with one stone. No job, they'll go home on their own. And the employers who are encouraging this illegal immigration by rewarding them with jobs will be stopped. It seems more fair to me than picking on the littlest guy in the playground. I've worked with some immigrants here doing agricultural work and some folks from Mexico who are living here pretty much full-time now and they are hard working, respectful folks who have very little and don't complain. I just can't get as agitated about these folks as you are.
1. I have posting in this forum for years about prosecuting criminal employers of illegal aliens, and bitching at the Obama administration for not doing that enough.

2. Those who are here for jobs may go home if they are denied jobs, and they may not. Why embark on a long journey back to Mexico if things there are just as bad as they are here. Easier just to stay here and go on welfare or turn to crime to get money.

3. There are millions of illegal aliens who never intended to work here. They came here only to get welfare. They come here with a young woman in her 8th month of pregnancy, and use a misinterpretation of the 14th amendment, to get citizenship for the baby born on the American side of the border, with the family then helping themselves to a lifetime of benefits$$$$, all at US taxpayer expense. For these illegals, jobs is not an issue at all.

4. No! Illegal aliens are NOT "respectful". They come in knowing they are violating our laws, therby DISrespecting our laws, and us.
Phew!! If all Americans put as much effort into finding and performing well at jobs as you do in writing posts then I don't think there would be a big problem with unemployed Americans losing out to foreigners. Or as you feel a need to single out - Mexicans.
I don't think you've got it focused. Americans aren't losing jobs because of performance. They lose them because their wages are being undercut by the immigrants, in addition to substandard working conditions. And Mexicans arent the only ones. Chinese, Indians, and Filipinos are high on the list too, and in some places, White illegal aliens too, such as the Irish illegal aliens in the US northeast.
Some time ago, I heard Hillary Clinton say (in referring to illegal aliens) that "they're just trying to make a better life for themselves." Nothing new there. We hear illegal alien ass-kissers say that all the time. They also try to put protectionists on the defensive by saying >> ("If you were in their shoes, wouldn't you do the same thing ?")

Well, fact is, I AM kind of in their shoes. Right now, I don't have enough money to pay all my bills. I have fallen behind in them, and my car is starting to make troublesome noises. So I have a choice. I can tough it out and try my best to come up with some extra money, or I can do what the illegal aliens do. I can disrespect the laws of the USA and the states within it, and I could commit illegal acts to try to get the money. I could burglarize houses. I could sell illegal drugs. I could mug people on the street. Steal cars, etc.

But I choose not to do those things. NO, I would NOT do the same thing. And the illegal aliens ? They DO choose the criminal path. They KNOW their actions are illegal. They know they are disrespecting our laws (and us), by coming here illegally. And as far as what Hillary (et al) say >> "just trying to make a better life for themselves" Yeah ? Well, that's what the guy who burglarizes you house says too. And the guy who steals your bicycle. Or your car. Or robs a conveience store. Or hacks into your bank account, and rips you off electronically.

They're all just trying to make a better life for themselves. But guess what. For every one of these dirtbags, there are thousands of people like myself who have never engaged in crime, and never been arrested. And there are millions of people remaining behind in Mexico, China, et al countries, who would like to make a better life for themselves but they're not trying to take money or property or jobs or welfare $$ away from people who those things rightfully belong to.

And the jobs in the US, rightfully belong to American citizens, not foreign invaders. And the wages paid from those jobs rightfully should be going to businesses here in the US, not to ones in Mexico, as a result of Billions of dollars being sent to Mexico by illegal aliens working on the US.

So the next time any liberal, illegal alien ass-kisser thinks about using the "just trying to make a better life for themselves" line, here's piece of of New York advice >> Fogetaboutit!
It's hard to accept less than you think you deserve. But unless you lower your standards you can't complain about someone else stepping in and taking jobs you were unwilling to do. Well, you can complain but take it up with the U.S. Government, not the foreigner who found a way to illegally migrate and stay in America then take your job.

Excuse me, but I think the CRIMINAL who BROKE THE LAW should also have it taken up with him. Do you always sound so admiring of criminals who "found a way" to break the law?
Some time ago, I heard Hillary Clinton say (in referring to illegal aliens) that "they're just trying to make a better life for themselves." Nothing new there. We hear illegal alien ass-kissers say that all the time. They also try to put protectionists on the defensive by saying >> ("If you were in their shoes, wouldn't you do the same thing ?")

Well, fact is, I AM kind of in their shoes. Right now, I don't have enough money to pay all my bills. I have fallen behind in them, and my car is starting to make troublesome noises. So I have a choice. I can tough it out and try my best to come up with some extra money, or I can do what the illegal aliens do. I can disrespect the laws of the USA and the states within it, and I could commit illegal acts to try to get the money. I could burglarize houses. I could sell illegal drugs. I could mug people on the street. Steal cars, etc.

But I choose not to do those things. NO, I would NOT do the same thing. And the illegal aliens ? They DO choose the criminal path. They KNOW their actions are illegal. They know they are disrespecting our laws (and us), by coming here illegally. And as far as what Hillary (et al) say >> "just trying to make a better life for themselves" Yeah ? Well, that's what the guy who burglarizes you house says too. And the guy who steals your bicycle. Or your car. Or robs a conveience store. Or hacks into your bank account, and rips you off electronically.

They're all just trying to make a better life for themselves. But guess what. For every one of these dirtbags, there are thousands of people like myself who have never engaged in crime, and never been arrested. And there are millions of people remaining behind in Mexico, China, et al countries, who would like to make a better life for themselves but they're not trying to take money or property or jobs or welfare $$ away from people who those things rightfully belong to.

And the jobs in the US, rightfully belong to American citizens, not foreign invaders. And the wages paid from those jobs rightfully should be going to businesses here in the US, not to ones in Mexico, as a result of Billions of dollars being sent to Mexico by illegal aliens working on the US.

So the next time any liberal, illegal alien ass-kisser thinks about using the "just trying to make a better life for themselves" line, here's piece of of New York advice >> Fogetaboutit!
Make up your mind. Are they here WORKING and stealing all our jobs or are they here burglarizing and stealing our jewels and cash drawers? They didn't come here to live a worse life, you fool. I don't agree that they should be allowed to stay here if they are caught commiting a crime, but the majority of them are here to make a better life for themselves and have never taken any job you would want. Go after the CRIMINAL EMPLOYERS who hire them, why don't you, instead of turning powerless people into your scapegoat?

The point, dumbass, is that it doesn't really matter WHY they're here; they're not SUPPOSED to be here. They broke the law and flipped the bird to our nation and its people by coming here, and so they need to go the fuck home.
Well the point of the OP, dumbass, seems to be WHY they're here.

I'm sure that's what it sounded like to a illiterate twerp like you, but frankly, your inability to comprehend English is binding on no one but you.

The point of the OP, shitstain, is exactly what I said: they aren't supposed to be here, they broke the law getting here, so their sob stories are irrelevant.
Excuse me, but I think the CRIMINAL who BROKE THE LAW should also have it taken up with him. Do you always sound so admiring of criminals who "found a way" to break the law?
Maybe he's one of them ? You think ? Nothing to stop them from posting in here. Just like all those illegal aliens who attacked Trump supporters in San Jose, CA.
Phew!! If all Americans put as much effort into finding and performing well at jobs as you do in writing posts then I don't think there would be a big problem with unemployed Americans losing out to foreigners. Or as you feel a need to single out - Mexicans.
I don't think you've got it focused. Americans aren't losing jobs because of performance. They lose them because their wages are being undercut by the immigrants, in addition to substandard working conditions. And Mexicans arent the only ones. Chinese, Indians, and Filipinos are high on the list too, and in some places, White illegal aliens too, such as the Irish illegal aliens in the US northeast.
What I'm saying is, if unions and government regulations and greed didn't drive up the cost of US labor it would be less of a problem. If the our government did a better job of enforcing laws that are already in place, if our political leaders would stop offering leniency or worse to foreigners, if we Americans didn't have such a sense of entitlement ... then the illegal immigration problem would be far less of a concern.

Perhaps in your experiences the problem is not about the quality of the American, but in my experience, that was totally the deciding factor. But I just needed some heavy lifting. I approached unemployed but legal (some in homes, most not) Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics. Didn't run into any other races/ethnicities. Anyway, I offered a competitive wage (20/hr) and offered to provide transportation. All either turned me down or whined so much about details that I walked away. Approached some illegals with the exact same offer and got to pick out of a group of willing workers within seconds.
And the same is true of immigrants.

You seem to keep excluding a key word... that key word being "illegal" immigrants.

They're all just trying to make a better life for themselves. But guess what. For every one of these dirtbags, there are thousands of people like myself who have never engaged in crime, and never been arrested."

That's a lie. He's already committed a crime by simply being here.
What I'm saying is, if unions and government regulations and greed didn't drive up the cost of US labor it would be less of a problem. If the our government did a better job of enforcing laws that are already in place, if our political leaders would stop offering leniency or worse to foreigners, if we Americans didn't have such a sense of entitlement ... then the illegal immigration problem would be far less of a concern.

Perhaps in your experiences the problem is not about the quality of the American, but in my experience, that was totally the deciding factor. But I just needed some heavy lifting. I approached unemployed but legal (some in homes, most not) Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics. Didn't run into any other races/ethnicities. Anyway, I offered a competitive wage (20/hr) and offered to provide transportation. All either turned me down or whined so much about details that I walked away. Approached some illegals with the exact same offer and got to pick out of a group of willing workers within seconds.
Some people need to be told twice. Oh well >>



PS - "heavy lifting" ? When I was in the Army Corps of Engineers, we LIFTED M4T6 bridge beams that weighed 900 pounds each. There were no cranes. The balks had HANDLES on them. 10 on each side. Sergeant said "Ready ? Heave!" And we picked up the beam, and lugged it from the truck down to the bridge, and put it in place. We did it in hot weather, wearing heavy weight Army fatigues, long pants, long-sleeve shirt, hat, combat boots, and sometimes in tactical gear (helmets, pack, canteen, etc). We did from sunrise to sunset. Rain or shine. It doesn't rain in the Army. It rains ON the Army. We were all Americans. Not an immigrant in sight. Good thing. They might have fainted just watching us.
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Phew!! If all Americans put as much effort into finding and performing well at jobs as you do in writing posts then I don't think there would be a big problem with unemployed Americans losing out to foreigners. Or as you feel a need to single out - Mexicans.
I don't think you've got it focused. Americans aren't losing jobs because of performance. They lose them because their wages are being undercut by the immigrants, in addition to substandard working conditions. And Mexicans arent the only ones. Chinese, Indians, and Filipinos are high on the list too, and in some places, White illegal aliens too, such as the Irish illegal aliens in the US northeast.
What I'm saying is, if unions and government regulations and greed didn't drive up the cost of US labor it would be less of a problem. If the our government did a better job of enforcing laws that are already in place, if our political leaders would stop offering leniency or worse to foreigners, if we Americans didn't have such a sense of entitlement ... then the illegal immigration problem would be far less of a concern.

Perhaps in your experiences the problem is not about the quality of the American, but in my experience, that was totally the deciding factor. But I just needed some heavy lifting. I approached unemployed but legal (some in homes, most not) Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics. Didn't run into any other races/ethnicities. Anyway, I offered a competitive wage (20/hr) and offered to provide transportation. All either turned me down or whined so much about details that I walked away. Approached some illegals with the exact same offer and got to pick out of a group of willing workers within seconds.

"competitive wage" - As defined by what an illegal will accept.
I usually pay $50.00 for heavy lifting an hour and all those legals come running.
Phew!! If all Americans put as much effort into finding and performing well at jobs as you do in writing posts then I don't think there would be a big problem with unemployed Americans losing out to foreigners. Or as you feel a need to single out - Mexicans.
I don't think you've got it focused. Americans aren't losing jobs because of performance. They lose them because their wages are being undercut by the immigrants, in addition to substandard working conditions. And Mexicans arent the only ones. Chinese, Indians, and Filipinos are high on the list too, and in some places, White illegal aliens too, such as the Irish illegal aliens in the US northeast.
What I'm saying is, if unions and government regulations and greed didn't drive up the cost of US labor it would be less of a problem. If the our government did a better job of enforcing laws that are already in place, if our political leaders would stop offering leniency or worse to foreigners, if we Americans didn't have such a sense of entitlement ... then the illegal immigration problem would be far less of a concern.

Perhaps in your experiences the problem is not about the quality of the American, but in my experience, that was totally the deciding factor. But I just needed some heavy lifting. I approached unemployed but legal (some in homes, most not) Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics. Didn't run into any other races/ethnicities. Anyway, I offered a competitive wage (20/hr) and offered to provide transportation. All either turned me down or whined so much about details that I walked away. Approached some illegals with the exact same offer and got to pick out of a group of willing workers within seconds.
Some people need to be told twice. Oh well >>


You're right, I don't understand the argument because I never thought illegals were.takng away mining, civil.service and military positions. I figured illegals were taking manual labor jobs.
"competitive wage" - As defined by what an illegal will accept.
I usually pay $50.00 for heavy lifting an hour and all those legals come running.
As a combat construction specialist in the Army, I did the heaviest lifting there is in America. I don't remember what the pay was, but it was probably less than minimum wage.
You're right, I don't understand the argument because I never thought illegals were.takng away mining, civil.service and military positions. I figured illegals were taking manual labor jobs.

Then I'll explain the argument. The argument is a counter to those that say Americans won't do the tough, dangerous, and dirtiest jobs. Fact is. that is exactly what they do, as shown in the pictures. Understand now ?
Phew!! If all Americans put as much effort into finding and performing well at jobs as you do in writing posts then I don't think there would be a big problem with unemployed Americans losing out to foreigners. Or as you feel a need to single out - Mexicans.
I don't think you've got it focused. Americans aren't losing jobs because of performance. They lose them because their wages are being undercut by the immigrants, in addition to substandard working conditions. And Mexicans arent the only ones. Chinese, Indians, and Filipinos are high on the list too, and in some places, White illegal aliens too, such as the Irish illegal aliens in the US northeast.
What I'm saying is, if unions and government regulations and greed didn't drive up the cost of US labor it would be less of a problem. If the our government did a better job of enforcing laws that are already in place, if our political leaders would stop offering leniency or worse to foreigners, if we Americans didn't have such a sense of entitlement ... then the illegal immigration problem would be far less of a concern.

Perhaps in your experiences the problem is not about the quality of the American, but in my experience, that was totally the deciding factor. But I just needed some heavy lifting. I approached unemployed but legal (some in homes, most not) Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics. Didn't run into any other races/ethnicities. Anyway, I offered a competitive wage (20/hr) and offered to provide transportation. All either turned me down or whined so much about details that I walked away. Approached some illegals with the exact same offer and got to pick out of a group of willing workers within seconds.

"competitive wage" - As defined by what an illegal will accept.
I usually pay $50.00 for heavy lifting an hour and all those legals come running.
In the town where I offered $20/hr the average wage for legal manual labor was $14/hr for sustained work. Since I only needed a couple hours of work I upped the amount.

You do realize wages differ across states, counties ,cities?

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