Illegal gun possession in Japan, 30 years. Baltimore, 1 year, why we have gun crime....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
this story talks about the effort to end gun violence in Baltimore after the onset of the Ferguson effect.......With arrests up for gun possession in Baltimore, their gun murder rate hasn't gone down by much...why?

The reason is exactly what I and other 2nd Amendment supporters keep telling the gun grabbers.....gun criminals here in the United States are not being taken seriously....they get less than 3 years in most cities...and in Baltimore...1 year for felony possession of an illegal gun......,

So they get street cred with their gang for doing jail time...they get a promotion from their gang........and then they murder p pole its guns later.....

That is the exact reason we have more gun murder in the United anti gunners keep pushing for more paperwork for law abiding gun owners.....the group of gun owners who are not shooting people with their guns...

Compare this to Japan......if you are merely caught with an illegal gun in are,convicted in plea bargain, no dropping the gun charge....and their system has a 99% conviction go to a Japanes jail for 30 years......30 years...

Interviews with Yakuza bosses by the press have pointed out that the bosses I'll no longer even look at an illegal them...30 years is a life sentence...and this 30 year s nt nice has stopped the current yakuza gang war from going to the gun....

If you anti gunners would focus on actual criminals.....and stop bothering normal gun owners...ho you hate......we could actually save lives.....many of them minority lives....

Keep focusing on stupid issues like rifles and pointless, useless paperwork and bureaucratic hoops for law abiding gun owners and the killing will continue....

Baltimore's yearlong war on 'trigger pullers' and illegal guns, by the numbers

Davis believes one reason is that those arrested for guns in the city aren't landing in prison for long periods of time.


Possession of an illegal gun in Baltimore is a misdemeanor rather than a felony, which Davis unsuccessfully tried to change during the last General Assembly session.


That means 52 people with illegal guns were put behind bars for a total of 65 years — just over a year per person, on average.


Davis said police currently have a list of 431 "trigger pullers" and have identified 566 trigger pullers since the war room's creation.

Of those identified as trigger pullers, 11 have been arrested for murder, 28 have been arrested for attempted murder, and 80 have been arrested for illegal possession of a firearm, he said. Also, 32 have been killed, and 52 others have been wounded in shootings.

"We're convinced that we're looking at the right people who are disproportionately responsible for violence in the city. It happens from time to time that there will be an outlier, but we are looking at the right people," Davis said.

"We know who they are. They're in the game, they're choosing not to leave the game, and they choose to carry a gun again and again and again, because they know there's not a significant consequence for carrying a gun.

"And those are the people we have to continue to focus on."

Imagine if those 431 trigger pullers were caught carrying a gun.....and each one was sent to prison for 30 years..........instead of 1 year, if that........that is how you stop gun murder.....

Why won't democrats increase gun crime sentences.....because more blacks will go to jail for longer periods of time...and the racists in the democrat party will block that outcome every time th y try it..............eye would rather see minorities murdered in gun violence than let black killers go to jail...
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How do you you stop gun murder....? You make criminal possession of a gun 30 then broadcast it every day in every prison to put the message out to the actual criminals......and then you won't have criminals so eager to carry guns as they look for their gang rivals to murder...and the thug life bobbing the liquor store will use anything to rob the store as long as it isn't a gun.....

That is how you stop gun violence....not by making normal gun owners fill out more paperwork....
Actually I can now see the point you make about having to protect yourself from the government, as embodied in the police. Your government has declared war on you. Worse, it tries to execute you in the street.
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this story talks about the effort to end gun violence in Baltimore after the onset of the Ferguson effect.......With arrests up for gun possession in Baltimore, their gun murder rate hasn't gone down by much...why?

The reason is exactly what I and other 2nd Amendment supporters keep telling the gun grabbers.....gun criminals here in the United States are not being taken seriously....they get less than 3 years in most cities...and in Baltimore...1 year for felony possession of an illegal gun......,

why should someone get prison for exercising their God Given Rights as defined by the Founding Slave Rapists?

so, yes, they haven't drained the ocean with a teaspoon yet.
Actually I can now see the point you make about having to protect yourself from the government, as embodied in the police. Your government has declared war on you. Worse, it tries to execute you in the street.

That is a really stupid post.
this story talks about the effort to end gun violence in Baltimore after the onset of the Ferguson effect.......With arrests up for gun possession in Baltimore, their gun murder rate hasn't gone down by much...why?

The reason is exactly what I and other 2nd Amendment supporters keep telling the gun grabbers.....gun criminals here in the United States are not being taken seriously....they get less than 3 years in most cities...and in Baltimore...1 year for felony possession of an illegal gun......,

why should someone get prison for exercising their God Given Rights as defined by the Founding Slave Rapists?

so, yes, they haven't drained the ocean with a teaspoon yet.

They aren't exercising their right moron......we are talking convicted felons caught with guns they cannot legally are such a troll...
this story talks about the effort to end gun violence in Baltimore after the onset of the Ferguson effect.......With arrests up for gun possession in Baltimore, their gun murder rate hasn't gone down by much...why?

The reason is exactly what I and other 2nd Amendment supporters keep telling the gun grabbers.....gun criminals here in the United States are not being taken seriously....they get less than 3 years in most cities...and in Baltimore...1 year for felony possession of an illegal gun......,

why should someone get prison for exercising their God Given Rights as defined by the Founding Slave Rapists?

so, yes, they haven't drained the ocean with a teaspoon yet.

They aren't exercising their right moron......we are talking convicted felons caught with guns they cannot legally are such a troll...
Not a troll. Trolls exhibit a certain degree of intelligence.
They aren't exercising their right moron......we are talking convicted felons caught with guns they cannot legally are such a troll...

If they are out of prison, they've paid their debt to society. We don't revoke any other "right" because someone had completed a sentence, do we?

here's the thing, Dick Tiny, we already lock up 2 million people We have another 7 million on parole or probation. The idea tha we can "incarcerate" our way to civility is kind of nuts.

Maybe we should do what the Japanese do. No one gets to own a gun.
Ya wanna pay the taxes...

... to build more prisons...

... for increased incaration rates?

All we have to do is decriminalize drugs, end the failed war on drugs and save trillions of dollars in the process there will be plenty of room to incarcerate the truly violent criminals
They aren't exercising their right moron......we are talking convicted felons caught with guns they cannot legally are such a troll...

If they are out of prison, they've paid their debt to society. We don't revoke any other "right" because someone had completed a sentence, do we?

here's the thing, Dick Tiny, we already lock up 2 million people We have another 7 million on parole or probation. The idea tha we can "incarcerate" our way to civility is kind of nuts.

Maybe we should do what the Japanese do. No one gets to own a gun.
Actually felons are prohibited from doing all kinds of things after they are released

Try getting a securities or insurance license or a security guard job with a felony conviction
Actually felons are prohibited from doing all kinds of things after they are released

Try getting a securities or insurance license or a security guard job with a felony conviction

But none of those are God-Given "Rights" enshrined by the Founding Slave Rapists in a badly worded bill of rights.

We don''t tell a felon that he has lost his right to free speech, religion, association, right to a trial, right to not incriminate himself, protection against unreasonable searches and seizures... and so on.

Actually, you could make an argument against the fourth Amendment still applying, they've been chipping away at that one for years.
They aren't exercising their right moron......we are talking convicted felons caught with guns they cannot legally are such a troll...

If they are out of prison, they've paid their debt to society. We don't revoke any other "right" because someone had completed a sentence, do we?

here's the thing, Dick Tiny, we already lock up 2 million people We have another 7 million on parole or probation. The idea tha we can "incarcerate" our way to civility is kind of nuts.

Maybe we should do what the Japanese do. No one gets to own a gun.

Of course.....just like the anti gunners here supoort d concealed carry.....when the guy doing it was the convicted felon in Baton Rouge who pointed that gun at innocent people......joe....supports letting violent criminals get light sentences for gun crimes...while calling for the destruction of gun stores and normal gun owners...the people not using guns to murder other people....
Of course.....just like the anti gunners here supoort d concealed carry.....when the guy doing it was the convicted felon in Baton Rouge who pointed that gun at innocent people......joe....supports letting violent criminals get light sentences for gun crimes...while calling for the destruction of gun stores and normal gun owners...the people not using guns to murder other people....

The Guns stores are the ones who arm these guys... so, uh, no.

The problem is, you gun owners aren't normal. You are insecure guys compensating for very tiny dicks who htink a gun makes up for your inadequacies.
Of course.....just like the anti gunners here supoort d concealed carry.....when the guy doing it was the convicted felon in Baton Rouge who pointed that gun at innocent people......joe....supports letting violent criminals get light sentences for gun crimes...while calling for the destruction of gun stores and normal gun owners...the people not using guns to murder other people....

The Guns stores are the ones who arm these guys... so, uh, no.

The problem is, you gun owners aren't normal. You are insecure guys compensating for very tiny dicks who htink a gun makes up for your inadequacies.

No....Uh....they don't.

So hate normal gun owners and you hate gun store would rather see felons with guns murdering people as long as you can then punish the gun owners you hate.......
No....Uh....they don't.

So hate normal gun owners and you hate gun store would rather see felons with guns murdering people as long as you can then punish the gun owners you hate.......

Oh, I'm always for punishing you guys for the damage you are doing to the country.

But the criminals aren't the problem. It's average gun owners losing their shit ans shooting up schools and theatres.

Lanza- Mateen - Holmes - Cho - Loughner - all of these guys were "Normal" gun owners with no criminal records. In fact, we never see a mass shooting done by a guy with a criminal record.
No....Uh....they don't.

So hate normal gun owners and you hate gun store would rather see felons with guns murdering people as long as you can then punish the gun owners you hate.......

Oh, I'm always for punishing you guys for the damage you are doing to the country.

But the criminals aren't the problem. It's average gun owners losing their shit ans shooting up schools and theatres.

Lanza- Mateen - Holmes - Cho - Loughner - all of these guys were "Normal" gun owners with no criminal records. In fact, we never see a mass shooting done by a guy with a criminal record.


there were 8,124 gun murders in the United States......

How many were by people loosing their shit and shooting up schools.......9

US Mass Shootings, 1982-2015: Data From Mother Jones' Investigation

How many deaths on average according to Mother Jones...anti gun, uber left wing Mother Jones.......each year, well less than 73.

2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones

You are wrong joe....those felons....make up about 90% of the actual shooters in this country........people who are already legally barred from owning a gun......people who, when caught carrying those illegal guns, get less than 2 years in Japan, they get 30 years...............

You are wrong on everything about guns are stupid, and you are a troll.....

And those normal gun owners.....own 356,991,876 million guns which they don't use to murder anyone........

And they use those guns to stop crime 1,500,000 times a stop violent criminal attack, save lives and often to stop mass shootings.........

American gun owners are responsible people are the idiot.....

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