Illegal immigrants don't hold out much hope from president's speech


Apr 20, 2011
Clients of immigration attorney Jessica Dominguez support Obama's call for comprehensive reform, but don't expect much change to come of it.

By Steve Lopez May 11, 2011

Tuesday was a typical day in the Studio City office of immigration attorney Jessica Dominguez, except that, in addition to the illegal immigrants and others seeking legal advice, President Obama put in an appearance — on the television in the waiting room, making his speech on immigration reform.

Generally speaking, the clients supported Obama's plea for comprehensive change, but nobody in the room expected much to come of it. In fact, deportations have increased under Obama, and many of the people in Dominguez's office were there because of growing fear that they'll be next.

Rudolfo, an air conditioning laborer who's undocumented, sat with his wife, Nadia, a legal resident, waiting for advice on how to apply for a hardship waiver that allows him to stay in the United States. He'd also like to get his pay up from $13 an hour to the $20 his boss pays legal residents.

Read more:
Steve Lopez: The president's speech as seen through the eyes of illegal immigrants -


Hmmm? Mexicans that didn't spend one peso going to college to get an HVAC degree are working but those American suckers that did it the right way and spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars at college get fucked by Mexico.

$13/hr is more than minimum wage and this guy is doing a job that Americans will do.

Even LA RAZA can keep up with the Mexican lies.
Tina, a middle-aged woman, drew her head into her shoulders as if trying to hide. She's an illegal immigrant, and she sat quietly with her husband, Epi, a legal resident who works as a gardener.

A man named Cecilio was waiting for advice on how to help his sister, who was recently notified that she's being deported to Guatemala.

And a young man named Ruben was there with his wife, Rosa, and their infant, hoping that Rosa can petition for legal status. Their newborn child, an American citizen like her father, has Down's syndrome and a heart condition, and the couple want to care for their child together without fear of deportation.


A half blind American woman on her way to church is attacked by illegals who fight to steal her purse. Will that get printed?
Finally Obama is moving on from his personal take-down of Usama, which he did all by himself. :clap2:
Tina, a middle-aged woman, drew her head into her shoulders as if trying to hide. She's an illegal immigrant, and she sat quietly with her husband, Epi, a legal resident who works as a gardener.

A man named Cecilio was waiting for advice on how to help his sister, who was recently notified that she's being deported to Guatemala.

And a young man named Ruben was there with his wife, Rosa, and their infant, hoping that Rosa can petition for legal status. Their newborn child, an American citizen like her father, has Down's syndrome and a heart condition, and the couple want to care for their child together without fear of deportation.


A half blind American woman on her way to church is attacked by illegals who fight to steal her purse. Will that get printed?

Obama is the only person that could claim he is deporting more illegals then eva before, and still expect to get the Hispanic vote.

Talk about a warped personality.
The case is a wrenching illustration of the desperation of those fleeing crime, poverty and hopelessness. It involves an 8-year-old girl from El Salvador who's being held in protective custody in Mexico after she reported being raped by three coyotes who were supposed to bring her to a grandmother in Los Angeles. Dominguez is trying to arrange for a waiver on humanitarian grounds so the grandmother can bring the girl to L.A. for medical and psychological evaluation.


Can Americans who now live in neighborhoods taken over by Mexico be allowed to sue their governments for cowardise by not repelling the invading Latinos?
Obama is the only person that could claim he is deporting more illegals then eva before, and still expect to get the Hispanic vote.

Talk about a warped personality.

He could be telling the truth if twice as many Mexicans are sneaking in than ever before.
Obama is the only person that could claim he is deporting more illegals then eva before, and still expect to get the Hispanic vote.

Talk about a warped personality.

He could be telling the truth if twice as many Mexicans are sneaking in than ever before.

How could that be. Obama claims he's done everything the Republicans have asked for. Everything the border states have asked for and more.

How could you complain......HE GOT USAMA BIN LADEN for cripes sake.
Obama voted as a Senator to gut the guest-worker bill Sen. Kennedy was pushing through, and John McCain supported.

Yet he feels he can lie and say he always supported it.

Obama admitted to Sen John Kyl that he would not address immigration reform until 2011. The only reason was to use it as a campaign issue.
Obama is the only person that could claim he is deporting more illegals then eva before, and still expect to get the Hispanic vote.

Talk about a warped personality.

He could be telling the truth if twice as many Mexicans are sneaking in than ever before.

How could that be. Obama claims he's done everything the Republicans have asked for. Everything the border states have asked for and more.

How could you complain......HE GOT USAMA BIN LADEN for cripes sake.

BUT!......He hasn't silenced Luis Gutierrez, the chief terrorist for LA RAZA!
The case is a wrenching illustration of the desperation of those fleeing crime, poverty and hopelessness. It involves an 8-year-old girl from El Salvador who's being held in protective custody in Mexico after she reported being raped by three coyotes who were supposed to bring her to a grandmother in Los Angeles. Dominguez is trying to arrange for a waiver on humanitarian grounds so the grandmother can bring the girl to L.A. for medical and psychological evaluation.


Can Americans who now live in neighborhoods taken over by Mexico be allowed to sue their governments for cowardise by not repelling the invading Latinos?

This girl's parents or whoever made the agreement with the pedophiles to bring this child to the USA should be charged with child endangerment. Then they should be deported!!

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