illegal pulled over 4 talking on Cell Phone is arrested for Child Rape! genius rapist


U B U & I'll B Me 4 USA!
Jan 15, 2009
Illegal alien arrested for child rape in Connecticut

West Haven, Connecticut – IMO, Alonso M. Geminiano, 38 an illegal alien from Mexico was pulled over by the police for talking on his cell phone while driving. He gave the police officer a false name (as they usually do) because he knew he had a warrant out for his arrest.

Geminiano got scared and he sped off in his car and then he bailed out of the moving car, what a genius. The officer apprehended him and he took him to da pokey.

The fuzz discovered is real name and that he was wanted for child rape charges. :ahole-1:

The police probably found his real information by checking his finger prints and his ugly mug shot. (he's one ugly dude) The child rapist Alonso M. Geminiano lived in Bridgeport, Ct. They didn’t say where his child victim lived or how old the child was.

Imagine that an illegal alien raping children. The question is when don't they rape children? They rape so many kids how do they find time to hold a job??

He was charged with first-degree sexual assault, risk of injury to a minor, reckless endangerment as well as other charges. (Yeah, like giving a false name, running from the cops and talking on his cell phone while driving. He’ll be deported for sure.)

The Immigrations and Customs Enforcement have his number. Let’s hope he ends up being some big dude's wife in prison.

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