Illegal's Right To Work

Care to quote where the commerce clause allows illegal immigrants to work without papers?
Care to quote where the several States have a basis to care if someone is from out of State or out of state since 1808?

I don't want to hear the right complaining they can't make more money with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint at their disposal.

So how exactly do I access this mint douche bag?
Personally it doesnt effect me one way or another if you dumbfucks cant find a job as I'm retired. As a matter of fact it makes it easy to hire cheap mexican labor which saves me money.
Go ahead and screw yourself and your children,it's on you.

So you're a law breaking, anti-American POS? Well thanks for sharing!

Your boy obama is the one letting them in the country. If it were up to me I would hire Americans but the mexicans have priced them out of the work force.
So if you and your kids cant find a job it's all on you,and I dont mind fucking your type deserve everything you get for making it happen.
Have fun in the soup lines ya fuken idiot.

Obama is not my boy. I never voted for him. So it's alright for you to take advantage of corruption in our government to increase your selfish profits while breaking the law? That makes you just as much of anti-American POS as he is! If it were up to you you'd hire Americans? Why isn't it up to you whom you hire?

You still have yet to tell me how I'm breaking any laws. And I'll tell you what dickhead,find me an American gardener and I'll hire him. Find me an American bricklayer,construction worker,...i can go on all day if you'd like.
Stop letting the mexicans in and they wont take over the job market.
You're a complete dolt.

Are you for real? You don't know that it is against the law to hire illegal aliens? Who do you think did construction, gardening, etc. before the arrival of cheap, illegal labor and Americans are still willing to do those jobs. Stop letting the Mexicans in? It is our government that is encouraging illegal immigration not us! You have a choice not to break the law and hire an American instead and you know it but you choose to break the law and hire illegals instead to increase your profits. You are a despicable anti-American traitor!
Care to quote where the commerce clause allows illegal immigrants to work without papers?
Care to quote where the several States have a basis to care if someone is from out of State or out of state since 1808?

So how exactly do I access this mint douche bag?
Personally it doesnt effect me one way or another if you dumbfucks cant find a job as I'm retired. As a matter of fact it makes it easy to hire cheap mexican labor which saves me money.
Go ahead and screw yourself and your children,it's on you.

So you're a law breaking, anti-American POS? Well thanks for sharing!

Your boy obama is the one letting them in the country. If it were up to me I would hire Americans but the mexicans have priced them out of the work force.
So if you and your kids cant find a job it's all on you,and I dont mind fucking your type deserve everything you get for making it happen.
Have fun in the soup lines ya fuken idiot.

Obama is not my boy. I never voted for him. So it's alright for you to take advantage of corruption in our government to increase your selfish profits while breaking the law? That makes you just as much of anti-American POS as he is! If it were up to you you'd hire Americans? Why isn't it up to you whom you hire?

You still have yet to tell me how I'm breaking any laws. And I'll tell you what dickhead,find me an American gardener and I'll hire him. Find me an American bricklayer,construction worker,...i can go on all day if you'd like.
Stop letting the mexicans in and they wont take over the job market.
You're a complete dolt.

Are you for real? You don't know that it is against the law to hire illegal aliens? Who do you think did construction, gardening, etc. before the arrival of cheap, illegal labor and Americans are still willing to do those jobs. Stop letting the Mexicans in? It is our government that is encouraging illegal immigration not us! You have a choice not to break the law and hire an American instead and you know it but you choose to break the law and hire illegals instead to increase your profits. You are a despicable anti-American traitor!
Only the right prefers to appeal to ignorance of a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the concept of employment at will, in favor of the socialism of their alleged subscription to the morals of Religion.
Care to quote where the commerce clause allows illegal immigrants to work without papers?
Care to quote where the several States have a basis to care if someone is from out of State or out of state since 1808?

So how exactly do I access this mint douche bag?
Personally it doesnt effect me one way or another if you dumbfucks cant find a job as I'm retired. As a matter of fact it makes it easy to hire cheap mexican labor which saves me money.
Go ahead and screw yourself and your children,it's on you.

So you're a law breaking, anti-American POS? Well thanks for sharing!

Your boy obama is the one letting them in the country. If it were up to me I would hire Americans but the mexicans have priced them out of the work force.
So if you and your kids cant find a job it's all on you,and I dont mind fucking your type deserve everything you get for making it happen.
Have fun in the soup lines ya fuken idiot.

Obama is not my boy. I never voted for him. So it's alright for you to take advantage of corruption in our government to increase your selfish profits while breaking the law? That makes you just as much of anti-American POS as he is! If it were up to you you'd hire Americans? Why isn't it up to you whom you hire?

You still have yet to tell me how I'm breaking any laws. And I'll tell you what dickhead,find me an American gardener and I'll hire him. Find me an American bricklayer,construction worker,...i can go on all day if you'd like.
Stop letting the mexicans in and they wont take over the job market.
You're a complete dolt.

Are you for real? You don't know that it is against the law to hire illegal aliens? Who do you think did construction, gardening, etc. before the arrival of cheap, illegal labor and Americans are still willing to do those jobs. Stop letting the Mexicans in? It is our government that is encouraging illegal immigration not us! You have a choice not to break the law and hire an American instead and you know it but you choose to break the law and hire illegals instead to increase your profits. You are a despicable anti-American traitor!

And you're a cum guzzling idiot.
You cannot find a single American construction worker in Texas,grounds keeper or any other manual labor type job.
Dont know where you live,but apparently you've been spared the invasion far.
Care to quote where the commerce clause allows illegal immigrants to work without papers?
Care to quote where the several States have a basis to care if someone is from out of State or out of state since 1808?

So you're a law breaking, anti-American POS? Well thanks for sharing!

Your boy obama is the one letting them in the country. If it were up to me I would hire Americans but the mexicans have priced them out of the work force.
So if you and your kids cant find a job it's all on you,and I dont mind fucking your type deserve everything you get for making it happen.
Have fun in the soup lines ya fuken idiot.

Obama is not my boy. I never voted for him. So it's alright for you to take advantage of corruption in our government to increase your selfish profits while breaking the law? That makes you just as much of anti-American POS as he is! If it were up to you you'd hire Americans? Why isn't it up to you whom you hire?

You still have yet to tell me how I'm breaking any laws. And I'll tell you what dickhead,find me an American gardener and I'll hire him. Find me an American bricklayer,construction worker,...i can go on all day if you'd like.
Stop letting the mexicans in and they wont take over the job market.
You're a complete dolt.

Are you for real? You don't know that it is against the law to hire illegal aliens? Who do you think did construction, gardening, etc. before the arrival of cheap, illegal labor and Americans are still willing to do those jobs. Stop letting the Mexicans in? It is our government that is encouraging illegal immigration not us! You have a choice not to break the law and hire an American instead and you know it but you choose to break the law and hire illegals instead to increase your profits. You are a despicable anti-American traitor!
Only the right prefers to appeal to ignorance of a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the concept of employment at will, in favor of the socialism of their alleged subscription to the morals of Religion.

Federal doctrine? Does this doctrine trump our immigration and labor laws? Are you really this stupid? There is no employment at will that includes lawfully hiring illegal aliens. WTH does religion have to do with our right to have and enforce our immigration laws?
Care to quote where the commerce clause allows illegal immigrants to work without papers?
Care to quote where the several States have a basis to care if someone is from out of State or out of state since 1808?
I'll ask you again since you chose to act of ignorance. Care to quote the federal commerce clause where it says illegals can work without papers?
Care to quote where the commerce clause allows illegal immigrants to work without papers?
Care to quote where the several States have a basis to care if someone is from out of State or out of state since 1808?

So you're a law breaking, anti-American POS? Well thanks for sharing!

Your boy obama is the one letting them in the country. If it were up to me I would hire Americans but the mexicans have priced them out of the work force.
So if you and your kids cant find a job it's all on you,and I dont mind fucking your type deserve everything you get for making it happen.
Have fun in the soup lines ya fuken idiot.

Obama is not my boy. I never voted for him. So it's alright for you to take advantage of corruption in our government to increase your selfish profits while breaking the law? That makes you just as much of anti-American POS as he is! If it were up to you you'd hire Americans? Why isn't it up to you whom you hire?

You still have yet to tell me how I'm breaking any laws. And I'll tell you what dickhead,find me an American gardener and I'll hire him. Find me an American bricklayer,construction worker,...i can go on all day if you'd like.
Stop letting the mexicans in and they wont take over the job market.
You're a complete dolt.

Are you for real? You don't know that it is against the law to hire illegal aliens? Who do you think did construction, gardening, etc. before the arrival of cheap, illegal labor and Americans are still willing to do those jobs. Stop letting the Mexicans in? It is our government that is encouraging illegal immigration not us! You have a choice not to break the law and hire an American instead and you know it but you choose to break the law and hire illegals instead to increase your profits. You are a despicable anti-American traitor!
Only the right prefers to appeal to ignorance of a federal doctrine and State laws regarding the concept of employment at will, in favor of the socialism of their alleged subscription to the morals of Religion.
Only an idiot would try to twist a federal law that CLEARLY STATES, no illegals working in America without a proper work visa issued by the Government. There is no religion about it. It's called Federal Law, and National Sovereignty. You and other obamaidjidts can try to ignore it, but it has been our LAW since 1808. We don't want our need their 3rd world asses here! They can take care of their own instead of throwing them at the American Taxpayers to support.
It has nothing to do with immigration but is our labor law.

Our labor laws give permission to hire illegal aliens.? You're grasping at straws now.
We have a federal Doctrine and our own State laws regarding the concept of employment at will; should there be Any need to quibble in legal venues, that gives weight and measure to the concept that the private sector doesn't have to have a clue or a Cause when it comes to laws that are sovereign to the general government, not the People or the States, since 1808. And, not Only that,

We have a First Amendment which also secures Individual Liberty and freedom of (labor) Contract should the Judicature of the general government decide to not give full faith and credit to the Articles of declarations of rights in the Constitutions of the several United States.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Plus, not Only the above, but also this;

No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of marque and reprisal; coin money; emit bills of credit; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility.

Even an at-will employment contract is a Contract.

And, in Case all of the above is not enough, we have a Commerce Clause--Why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders.

Is it the fault of the left that even the right cannot seem to find Good capitalists who can make more money through Commerce at our borders, well regulated, even with an official Mint at their disposal.
Care to quote where the commerce clause allows illegal immigrants to work without papers?
Care to quote where the several States have a basis to care if someone is from out of State or out of state since 1808?
I'll ask you again since you chose to act of ignorance. Care to quote the federal commerce clause where it says illegals can work without papers?

It is a federal law to be enforced by the federal government. Are you as proactive with your federal Tax returns?
If labor laws concerning illegal immergrants were properly enforced, we'd would not have an illegal immergration problem.
Federal law overrides the states. You can whine all you want. It is what it is. Illegals do not have the right to work in the US without papers.
As for the constitution, do you really think illegals care about our constitution? They break our laws so you really think they give a shit?
Show me in the constitution where illegal aliens have rights like our citizens?
Oh and my taxes have nothing to do with this, but just so you feel better, I've been paying my taxes faithfully for years.
I'll guess many of you have not seen the protest by illegals to have the word"illegal" removed. It is the epitome of total lack of gratitude and responsibility. One of the ILLEGALS was carrying a sign reading "THE ONLY THING ILLEGAL IS THE BORDER" How bout dem apples??!!
I'll guess many of you have not seen the protest by illegals to have the word"illegal" removed. It is the epitome of total lack of gratitude and responsibility. One of the ILLEGALS was carrying a sign reading "THE ONLY THING ILLEGAL IS THE BORDER" How bout dem apples??!!
dem(ocrat) apples?
If labor laws concerning illegal immergrants were properly enforced, we'd would not have an illegal immergration problem.
Exactly, we should be solving our illegal problem through the legal means at the disposal of our federal Congress:

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

Why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders. Are there no Good capitalists to be found, even by the right; we even have an official Mint at our disposal.

We should be generating revenue to lower our Tax burden not increasing it through the cognitive dissonance and repugnance of the right, to our own Commerce Clause.
If labor laws concerning illegal immergrants were properly enforced, we'd would not have an illegal immergration problem.
Exactly, we should be solving our illegal problem through the legal means at the disposal of our federal Congress:

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

Why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders. Are there no Good capitalists to be found, even by the right; we even have an official Mint at our disposal.

We should be generating revenue to lower our Tax burden not increasing it through the cognitive dissonance and repugnance of the right, to our own Commerce Clause.

What the hell are you babbling about?
Illegals have rights to rape, murderer, and drive cars without licenses, let alone immigrate illegally. Now, most people from all other non Hispanic countries have always immigrated LEGALY, including both my great grand patents from Germany and Ireland. BOTH OF MY Great Grand parents all had to struggle, but they didn't lie or ignore the rules to get on up in here, either, Can't criticize them, that is racist. Wow.
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If labor laws concerning illegal immergrants were properly enforced, we'd would not have an illegal immergration problem.
Exactly, we should be solving our illegal problem through the legal means at the disposal of our federal Congress:

To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several states, and with the Indian tribes;

Why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders. Are there no Good capitalists to be found, even by the right; we even have an official Mint at our disposal.

We should be generating revenue to lower our Tax burden not increasing it through the cognitive dissonance and repugnance of the right, to our own Commerce Clause.

What the hell are you babbling about?
About how you really just need a clue and a Cause, instead of just shilling the canned propaganda and rhetoric of the right.
Illegals have rights to rape, murderer, and drive cars without licenses, let alone immigrate illegally. Now, most people from all other non Hispanic countries have always immigrated LEGALY, including both my great grand patents from Germany and Ireland. BOTH OF MY Great Grand parents all had to struggle, but they didn't lie or ignore the rules to get on up in here, either, Can't criticize them, that is racist. Wow.
It has to do with our Commerce Clause and why the right loves to reduce social spending on the least wealthy, and claim it is because they are not "worth it" under any form of Capitalism--instead of make more money with an official Mint at their disposal when they are in the majority.

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