Illegal's Right To Work

You're a complete retard spewing ridiculous things that have nothing to do with our current problem.
And as I've already said illegals wont affect me one way or another,but I hope they destroy everything you hold dear....because you deserve it.
You are a disgrace to this country and unfortunately I'm not allowed to say what I really believe should happen to people like you.
dude, it is only your lack of a clue and a Cause, that is ridiculous; we have a Commerce Clause, why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders?

We have habeas corpus, why is the global temperature rising?
not the same Thing. We do have a Commerce Clause. Why are we losing money on Commerce at our border and not solving our illegal problem, with our Commerce Clause?

Acid rain.
Only the right believes Capitalism is useless in this case; do they forget they have to practice their Communism, in Cuba.

It's a crime. You go to Mexico and jump their border. See what happens.
So what; any Thing can be a crime, ask the right while they resort to the cognitive dissonance of the coercive use of force of the State, instead of abstinence and just saying "no". The right are a bunch of communists and don't even know it; some on the left know we need to become better poets, for the poetic licensing.
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It's a crime. You go to Mexico and jump their border. See what happens.
So what; any Thing can be a crime, ask the right while they resort to cognitive dissonance of the coercive use of force of the State, instead of abstinence and just saying "no". The right are a bunch of communists and don't even know it; some on the left know we need to become better poets, for the poetic licensing.

The poets know about acid rain.
It's a crime. You go to Mexico and jump their border. See what happens.
So what; any Thing can be a crime, ask the right while they resort to cognitive dissonance of the coercive use of force of the State, instead of abstinence and just saying "no". The right are a bunch of communists and don't even know it; some on the left know we need to become better poets, for the poetic licensing.

The poets know about acid rain.
yup, it sometimes helps.
Why do you keep bringing up the commerce clause when it has nothing to do with illegal immigration?
Yes, it does; it means we need Commerce not a war on illegals.

You're a complete retard spewing ridiculous things that have nothing to do with our current problem.
And as I've already said illegals wont affect me one way or another,but I hope they destroy everything you hold dear....because you deserve it.
You are a disgrace to this country and unfortunately I'm not allowed to say what I really believe should happen to people like you.
dude, it is only your lack of a clue and a Cause, that is ridiculous; we have a Commerce Clause, why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders?!!!
Americans are losing jobs to illegals. That is the problem!!
American money sent back to mexico is second only to oil in the mexican economy.
And the American people get nothing but low wages and fewer jobs in return.
The only people who benefit are the mexicans the mexican government and our government...the American people are getting the shaft. PERIOD!
How about we charge a 20% tax on all monies sent to mexico,because they sure as hell aren't spending the money here and benefiting our economy.
You're giving our country away to people who dont give a shit about America or what it means to be an American.
Thats traitorous behavior.
what do you mean, who gives a fuck?! Any person who lays any claim to fiscal forms of responsibility, should give a fuck just on general principle. We should not be running massive deficits if we were busier engaged in Commerce, with our Commerce Clause.

Are you fucking kidding me?
Do you have even the slightest idea what you're saying?
You're about one step away from ignore with your ridiculous shit.
I dont want to hear anymore crying about wages or lack of jobs from liberals until they start demanding we shut the borders and deport all illegals.

Two Immigrants For Every New Job Since 2000 The Daily Caller

I don't want to hear the right complaining they can't make more money with a Commerce Clause and an official Mint at their disposal.

So how exactly do I access this mint douche bag?
Personally it doesnt effect me one way or another if you dumbfucks cant find a job as I'm retired. As a matter of fact it makes it easy to hire cheap mexican labor which saves me money.
Go ahead and screw yourself and your children,it's on you.

So you're a law breaking, anti-American POS? Well thanks for sharing!

Your boy obama is the one letting them in the country. If it were up to me I would hire Americans but the mexicans have priced them out of the work force.
So if you and your kids cant find a job it's all on you,and I dont mind fucking your type deserve everything you get for making it happen.
Have fun in the soup lines ya fuken idiot.

Obama is not my boy. I never voted for him. So it's alright for you to take advantage of corruption in our government to increase your selfish profits while breaking the law? That makes you just as much of anti-American POS as he is! If it were up to you you'd hire Americans? Why isn't it up to you whom you hire?

You still have yet to tell me how I'm breaking any laws. And I'll tell you what dickhead,find me an American gardener and I'll hire him. Find me an American bricklayer,construction worker,...i can go on all day if you'd like.
Stop letting the mexicans in and they wont take over the job market.
You're a complete dolt.
Yes, it does; it means we need Commerce not a war on illegals.

You're a complete retard spewing ridiculous things that have nothing to do with our current problem.
And as I've already said illegals wont affect me one way or another,but I hope they destroy everything you hold dear....because you deserve it.
You are a disgrace to this country and unfortunately I'm not allowed to say what I really believe should happen to people like you.
dude, it is only your lack of a clue and a Cause, that is ridiculous; we have a Commerce Clause, why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders?

We have habeas corpus, why is the global temperature rising?
not the same Thing. We do have a Commerce Clause. Why are we losing money on Commerce at our border and not solving our illegal problem, with our Commerce Clause?

Acid rain.

Bed bugs..definitely bed bugs.
You're a complete retard spewing ridiculous things that have nothing to do with our current problem.
And as I've already said illegals wont affect me one way or another,but I hope they destroy everything you hold dear....because you deserve it.
You are a disgrace to this country and unfortunately I'm not allowed to say what I really believe should happen to people like you.
dude, it is only your lack of a clue and a Cause, that is ridiculous; we have a Commerce Clause, why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders?

We have habeas corpus, why is the global temperature rising?
not the same Thing. We do have a Commerce Clause. Why are we losing money on Commerce at our border and not solving our illegal problem, with our Commerce Clause?

Acid rain.
Only the right believes Capitalism is useless in this case; do they forget they have to practice their Communism, in Cuba.

I think that was the last straw...adios dumbass.
Vitter: AG Nominee Lynch's Claim Illegals Have 'Right' to Work in U.S. 'Just Absolutely Crazy'

Speaking about Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch’s statement that illegal aliens have the “right to work” in the United States, Sen. David Vitter (R-La.) said he was “astounded” by Lynch’s comments, calling them “crazy” and “just not true.”

During her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Lynch asserted that illegal aliens living in the United States shared the same right to work as U.S. citizens and legal residents.

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) asked Lynch during the hearing, “Who has more right to a job in this country" – citizens and legal permanent residents or illegal aliens?

“I believe that the right and the obligation to work is one that's shared by everyone in this country regardless of how they came here,” Lynch responded.

Vitter also said he was not surprised Lynch’s support for illegal aliens’ “right to work” in the United States did not get much airtime in the mainstream media last week.

“It doesn’t surprise me,” Vitter explained, adding that “the mainstream media has a history of not covering things or reporting things that are critical of the president’s agenda, and clearly it’s no different with this issue.”

Vitter AG Nominee Lynch s Claim Illegals Have Right to Work in U.S. Just Absolutely Crazy CNS News

Is our government working for us, or against us?

Lynch is a scumbag.
Yes, it does; it means we need Commerce not a war on illegals.

You're a complete retard spewing ridiculous things that have nothing to do with our current problem.
And as I've already said illegals wont affect me one way or another,but I hope they destroy everything you hold dear....because you deserve it.
You are a disgrace to this country and unfortunately I'm not allowed to say what I really believe should happen to people like you.
dude, it is only your lack of a clue and a Cause, that is ridiculous; we have a Commerce Clause, why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders?!!!
Americans are losing jobs to illegals. That is the problem!!
American money sent back to mexico is second only to oil in the mexican economy.
And the American people get nothing but low wages and fewer jobs in return.
The only people who benefit are the mexicans the mexican government and our government...the American people are getting the shaft. PERIOD!
How about we charge a 20% tax on all monies sent to mexico,because they sure as hell aren't spending the money here and benefiting our economy.
You're giving our country away to people who dont give a shit about America or what it means to be an American.
Thats traitorous behavior.
what do you mean, who gives a fuck?! Any person who lays any claim to fiscal forms of responsibility, should give a fuck just on general principle. We should not be running massive deficits if we were busier engaged in Commerce, with our Commerce Clause.

Are you fucking kidding me?
Do you have even the slightest idea what you're saying?
You're about one step away from ignore with your ridiculous shit.
You are more ridiculous having nothing but fallacy for your Cause, and believing you are right simply because you are on the right.
You're a complete retard spewing ridiculous things that have nothing to do with our current problem.
And as I've already said illegals wont affect me one way or another,but I hope they destroy everything you hold dear....because you deserve it.
You are a disgrace to this country and unfortunately I'm not allowed to say what I really believe should happen to people like you.
dude, it is only your lack of a clue and a Cause, that is ridiculous; we have a Commerce Clause, why are we losing money on Commerce at our borders?

We have habeas corpus, why is the global temperature rising?
not the same Thing. We do have a Commerce Clause. Why are we losing money on Commerce at our border and not solving our illegal problem, with our Commerce Clause?

Acid rain.

Bed bugs..definitely bed bugs.
nothing but fallacy, definitely, nothing but fallacy.

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