Illegals will be eligible for unemployment benefits under Obama's amnesty

Don't you have anything better to do with you life than hate people that are here through no fault of thier own and are doing you no harm?

But they are doing harm to America... They are draining our resources, and it wont stop until America has become nothing more than a debt ridden Third World nation.

But like I said and you ignored they are not draining our resources. They might be taking work from us, but they are not getting welfare, social security, medicare, or anything like that. The best they might get is their children educated if they can stay here.

You really believe that? Our social services let people get benefits from 3 different states, yet these people cant get them? And if it is true they are, something tells me you would defend that, just a hunch.
I would be so pissed if I lived in state dealing with illegals its the lefts whole irresponsible way, they don't care they're giving the money away were doomed from one term of great spender anyways?
Wingnuts now just make shit up out of thin air.

Nope, it's just that you're a party hack and it's fun to make fun of you for it.

You wing nuts from the left and right are boring.

The executive order is a temporary fix, anyone who is eligible for UI is entitled, and newly-elected President Romney will push through a great immigration reform bill next years.
Buried in a Denver Post article is something that should concern residents of every state.
According to the report, people legally working in the U.S. (including illegal aliens given
amnesty by Obama) are eligible for unemployment benefits. If you are a Colorado employer expect your unemployment assessment to go up...

Illegal Aliens Will Collect Unemployment Benefits Under Obama Amnesty | DAN STEIN // STEIN REPORT 2000-2010®

Only uif they have worked "above board" and are due those benefits due to wages earned.
Just like everyone else.
Don't want to seem anti-hispanic to the corporate farmers, is more like it with the reason why most governors turn a blind eye to illegals in the first place.
But the FACT remains... They are NOT American's.

Big whoop. Make em Americans legally and get over it. As long as it is proven that they are good contributing citizens I see no reason not to.

"Big whoop"? Tell that to the thousands and thousands waiting, working, and paying to try and come here the proper and moral way, you shit. Tell that to the millions who would love to become citizens but are NOT violating our sovereignty to do so. Try to think beyond your knee-jerk lefty bullshit once in a while.

Perhaps you are right. Perhaps you are FAR wing nut right. Me? I don't wear any lable comfortably including any offered by wing nuts that have only the possibility that I do not agree with you on the issue immediately in front of me that I am at any particular point on the political compass.

I don't think my response warrants the lable "knee jerk" in any case because we are talking about young people that have been here since they were young children and are now entering college or the work force. That means we have been able to establish for more than ten years the character of these people. Do you fear that one of them will steal YOUR job? How old are you? I would ask YOUR education level and preparation to contribution to society but you would have to lie for obvious reasons.

You do have sort of a point though... after reading your words for less than five minutes I have drawn the conclusion that I would rather share my country with these good young immigrants than an asshole like yourself.
we are talking about young people that have been here since they were young children and are now entering college or the work force. That means we have been able to establish for more than ten years the character of these people.

It is not and never has been an issue of establishing their character. If someone steals a car and gives it to a really, really swell guy, it is still a stolen car, you fucking idiot.
we are talking about young people that have been here since they were young children and are now entering college or the work force. That means we have been able to establish for more than ten years the character of these people.

How about the character of the people waiting, working, and paying to do things the legal, proper, and moral way?
I have drawn the conclusion that I would rather share my country with these good young immigrants than an asshole like yourself.

It is not up to you to share MY country with illegal aliens, douchebag.
UnkyPunky seems a little disjointed this morning. 6 rambling posts? They have medication for your condition.

PS... It's SOP to post...then...wait for a reply. I am not going to respond to 6 posts in a row. If you REALLY want a conversation...learn how to conduct one.
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UnkyPunky thinks this is HIS country. :lol: And you think Obama is delusional... :lol:

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