Illinois Goes All In, Moves To Ban All Guns, Criminalize Owners...

The two bills have been tabled. They suddenly realized that they didn't have enough votes to pass the bills - at least that was the reason cited in the announcement.
Here is the text of the bill:

IL Senate Committee Approves Restrictions on Guns, Ammunition | WSILTV | Local News

Can't find the part that says how they're going to get criminals to follow it.

I don't see the part that says they are banning semiautomatic pistols, 1911-based pistols, and M-1 Garands.

Nor do I see the part where there would be no exemptions and no grandfathering. And there is nothing about a very short window to turn in your guns to the State Police to avoid prosecution.

In short, the OP is a gigantic steaming pile of shit, and I see little paulie is refusing to admit it.
Here is the text of the bill:

IL Senate Committee Approves Restrictions on Guns, Ammunition | WSILTV | Local News

Can't find the part that says how they're going to get criminals to follow it.

so murder shouldn't be illegal either since we can't get criminals to stop kililng each other?


Jillian, I'm sorry but you of all people I should expect to understand that the power of criminal law is not preventative power, it's prosecutorial power. Legal prohibitions don't prevent murders. At least, they don't seem to prevent many murders. But prosecution and incarceration does help us to prevent those people from doing it again.

Threat of punishment does not prevent most serious crimes. That's why the death penalty does not reduce murder rates. How can we expect the threat of a couple years in jail for gun possession serve any kind of deterrence to the same?

A gun charge can serve as a convenience that can be piled onto other charges to get someone off the street. Sooner or later, one or more of the charges will stick. This is a favored tactic of prosecutors. It might not be against the law to be a Nazi or a Republican voter, but it is against the law for the Nazi or Republican to own whatever the gun happens to be illegal. See how that works?

The road to totalitarianism.
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Here is the text of the bill:

IL Senate Committee Approves Restrictions on Guns, Ammunition | WSILTV | Local News

Can't find the part that says how they're going to get criminals to follow it.

I don't see the part that says they are banning semiautomatic pistols, 1911-based pistols, and M-1 Garands.

Nor do I see the part where there would be no exemptions and no grandfathering. And there is nothing about a very short window to turn in your guns to the State Police to avoid prosecution.

In short, the OP is a gigantic steaming pile of shit, and I see little paulie is refusing to admit it.
Do you acknowledge this bill only salves the liberal need to "do something -- ANYTHING!! -- even if it doesn't work!"?
Doesn't stand a snowball's chance of surviving an USSC challenge. didn't even survive to get voted on by the full Senate.
The Dumbos couldn't find enough allies to help them commit political suicide.
The two bills have been tabled. They suddenly realized that they didn't have enough votes to pass the bills - at least that was the reason cited in the announcement.

They'll just have to hope for another school shooting to realize their tyrannical dreams.
Here is the text of the bill:

IL Senate Committee Approves Restrictions on Guns, Ammunition | WSILTV | Local News

Can't find the part that says how they're going to get criminals to follow it.

I don't see the part that says they are banning semiautomatic pistols, 1911-based pistols, and M-1 Garands.

Nor do I see the part where there would be no exemptions and no grandfathering. And there is nothing about a very short window to turn in your guns to the State Police to avoid prosecution.

In short, the OP is a gigantic steaming pile of shit, and I see little paulie is refusing to admit it.
Do you acknowledge this bill only salves the liberal need to "do something -- ANYTHING!! -- even if it doesn't work!"?

Are there not enough gun topics? I've expressed my opinions about gun control in plenty of them these past few weeks.

So why do we need some shitbird starting another one with manufactured bullshit?

If more people started throwing flags on this fucking crap this place would be much improved.
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For some reason, your promise isn't very comforting. Go figure.

you can say that. but last i checked, Heller is still law. and anything that smacks of a total ban is going to get slapped down.

so i'd like to know what 'effectively' means.

I'm glad you're so confident, but i'm not.

You’re not interested in facts and the truth, you’re only interested in fomenting fear and anxiety over a non-issue.
Illinois trying to dump on people's Constitutional Rights and you have nothing but "good for them"... Disgraceful that people are more than willing to offer up their Freedoms to prop up a twisted tyrannical ideology as if the elitists of that ideology somehow have their best interests in mind.

You are the one who sounds twisted from where I stand.

Then get on rational, non-suicidal ground.

I am rational and happy. I live where we do not have a gun problem, because very few people are allowed to own them and they are registered and regulated.
Here is the text of the bill:

IL Senate Committee Approves Restrictions on Guns, Ammunition | WSILTV | Local News

Can't find the part that says how they're going to get criminals to follow it.

so murder shouldn't be illegal either since we can't get criminals to stop kililng each other?


Welllll, murderers actually kill people. Gun and ammo ownership do not. See how that works?

That is actually about as stupid as you can get. Daveman agreeing with you proves my point.
I don't see the part that says they are banning semiautomatic pistols, 1911-based pistols, and M-1 Garands.

Nor do I see the part where there would be no exemptions and no grandfathering. And there is nothing about a very short window to turn in your guns to the State Police to avoid prosecution.

In short, the OP is a gigantic steaming pile of shit, and I see little paulie is refusing to admit it.
Do you acknowledge this bill only salves the liberal need to "do something -- ANYTHING!! -- even if it doesn't work!"?

Are there not enough gun topics? I've expressed my opinions about gun control in plenty of them these past few weeks.

So why do we need some shitbird starting another one with manufactured bullshit?

If more people started throwing flags on this fucking crap this place would be much improved.
Did Obama appoint you Topic Czar? :confused:

Here's a thought: If there's a thread with a topic you don't want to discuss, stay out of it.

Simple, huh?
so murder shouldn't be illegal either since we can't get criminals to stop kililng each other?


Welllll, murderers actually kill people. Gun and ammo ownership do not. See how that works?

That is actually about as stupid as you can get. Daveman agreeing with you proves my point.
It's a simple concept -- but apparently it's over your head.

What do you believe is stupid about it?
Murder rate around 4.5 deaths per 100,000 in 2012: probably the lowest in 50 years

Murder rates between 1970 and 1995: from 7.9 to 10.2 deaths per 100,000


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The two bills have been tabled. They suddenly realized that they didn't have enough votes to pass the bills - at least that was the reason cited in the announcement.

They'll just have to hope for another school shooting to realize their tyrannical dreams.

And they are hoping for that. Just look at what Big Brother has done since 9/11. It paved the way for their Police State. So yes, they are hoping for more awful tragedies. "Never let a good crisis go to waste." A despicable piece of shit mutant once said that.
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The two bills have been tabled. They suddenly realized that they didn't have enough votes to pass the bills - at least that was the reason cited in the announcement.

They'll just have to hope for another school shooting to realize their tyrannical dreams.

And they are hoping for that. Just look at what Big Brother has done since 9/11. It paved the way for their Police State. So yes, they are hoping for more awful tragedies. "Never let a good crisis go to waste." A despicable piece of shit mutant once said that.

I love ya'lls new strawman. The dispicable liberal who wants more grade school children to be visciously murdered.

But the practice of capitalizing on a crisis sure as hell didn't start with Rahm.

"Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century" we find the following: "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor."

Does that mean these pseudo-conz were hoping for a new Pearl Harbor?

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