Illinois Governor Lists Gun Stores As ‘Essential,’


Platinum Member
Dec 8, 2019
South Central KY
When Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) issued an executive order Friday to put a statewide shutdown in place, he exempted gun and ammunition stores by labeling them “essential.”

The order, titled “Executive Order in Response to COVID-19 (COVID-19 Executive Order No. 8),” contains various headings, under which are listings of businesses considered “essential” for day-to-day life. Under the heading, “Supplies for Essential Businesses and Operations,” the order makes clear that “firearm and ammunition suppliers and retailers” can remain open, noting that they serve the purposes of “safety and security.”


Illinois Governor Lists Gun Stores As ‘Essential,’ Exempts Them From Forced Shutdown | Tea Party

Now when an anti gun D gov says firearms are essential, that's something.

But then on the other hand in the state there is the Mayor in Champaign Ill exo's no firearms sales, no ammo, no gasoline, no alcohol.
When Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) issued an executive order Friday to put a statewide shutdown in place, he exempted gun and ammunition stores by labeling them “essential.”

The order, titled “Executive Order in Response to COVID-19 (COVID-19 Executive Order No. 8),” contains various headings, under which are listings of businesses considered “essential” for day-to-day life. Under the heading, “Supplies for Essential Businesses and Operations,” the order makes clear that “firearm and ammunition suppliers and retailers” can remain open, noting that they serve the purposes of “safety and security.”


Illinois Governor Lists Gun Stores As ‘Essential,’ Exempts Them From Forced Shutdown | Tea Party

Now when an anti gun D gov says firearms are essential, that's something.

But then on the other hand in the state there is the Mayor in Champaign Ill exo's no firearms sales, no ammo, no gasoline, no alcohol.

Wait...what? This is a Babylon Bee thread, right?

An Illinois Governor actually did something to support the 2A? He must be delirious from the coronavirus fever or something.
I have to admit, there are a few Democrats that are actually impressing me through this ordeal...
When Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) issued an executive order Friday to put a statewide shutdown in place, he exempted gun and ammunition stores by labeling them “essential.”

The order, titled “Executive Order in Response to COVID-19 (COVID-19 Executive Order No. 8),” contains various headings, under which are listings of businesses considered “essential” for day-to-day life. Under the heading, “Supplies for Essential Businesses and Operations,” the order makes clear that “firearm and ammunition suppliers and retailers” can remain open, noting that they serve the purposes of “safety and security.”


Illinois Governor Lists Gun Stores As ‘Essential,’ Exempts Them From Forced Shutdown | Tea Party

Now when an anti gun D gov says firearms are essential, that's something.

But then on the other hand in the state there is the Mayor in Champaign Ill exo's no firearms sales, no ammo, no gasoline, no alcohol.

Interestingly Fox Noise totally missed this part of the Gov's order. They were entirely focused on their own butthurt about his language.
I read that some jails are opening the doors and letting prisoners out. Rethinking the gun law now.
When Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) issued an executive order Friday to put a statewide shutdown in place, he exempted gun and ammunition stores by labeling them “essential.”

The order, titled “Executive Order in Response to COVID-19 (COVID-19 Executive Order No. 8),” contains various headings, under which are listings of businesses considered “essential” for day-to-day life. Under the heading, “Supplies for Essential Businesses and Operations,” the order makes clear that “firearm and ammunition suppliers and retailers” can remain open, noting that they serve the purposes of “safety and security.”


Illinois Governor Lists Gun Stores As ‘Essential,’ Exempts Them From Forced Shutdown | Tea Party

Now when an anti gun D gov says firearms are essential, that's something.

But then on the other hand in the state there is the Mayor in Champaign Ill exo's no firearms sales, no ammo, no gasoline, no alcohol.

Interestingly Fox Noise totally missed this part of the Gov's order. They were entirely focused on their own butthurt about his language.

Wow. You spend more time on FOX news than I do. :21:
Its never fun to be profiled. But if I was........He looks the part.
Trump Admin Names Gun Makers, Retailers Essential Businesses Nationwide

(Breitbart) – President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security released updated guidelines naming gun manufacturers and retailers as essential on Saturday, which means they are to stay open and operational nationwide during a Chinese coronavirus shutdown.
The DHS guidelines list as essential:
  • Workers supporting the manufacturing of safety equipment and uniforms for law enforcement, public safety personnel, and first responders.
  • Workers supporting the operation of firearm or ammunition product manufacturers, retailers, importers, distributors, and shooting ranges.
The Second Amendment Foundation’s Alan Gottlieb commented on the DHS declaration, saying, “Every freedom loving American owes President Trump and his administration a very big thank you for protecting our Second Amendment Rights. This is another Trump promise made and promise kept.”
The DHS declaration comes just days after Governor Phil Murphy (D) laughed in the face of a man who expressed concern that the statewide shutdown in New Jersey had put an end to gun sales, thereby eliminating the ability to get a firearm for self-defense.

Breitbart News reported the concerned man asking Murphy, “If less guns reduce crime, will you give up your personal bodyguards?”

Murphy responded by intimating that he and the citizen had a philosophical difference in the role guns play, with the governor believing “a safer society has fewer guns, not more guns. And the guns that do exist are in the hands of the right people — particularly trained members of law enforcement.”

The governor then giggled, referenced an armed law enforcement member next to him, and said, “It is what it is.”

This should put a halt to the mini wannabe dictator govs and mayors who backdoor the 2nd. MAGA!

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