Illinois Becomes Latest US State To Ban Assault Weapons

If you look at the link I provided, there are certain semi-automatic pistols on the list of banned weapons in Illinois.
They could add slingshots to the list and call them assault weapons

But they aint

And neither are pistols

Thats just lib marketing to the thundering herd

How ignorant and stupid.

Assault weapons still won’t be sold in that county.

More than a dozen county LE agencies have already said they will not enforce the law. Not that it will pass a court test.

Also, the new law requires any gun owned that is not registered to be registered. Damn, too bad I lost all mine in a hunting accident.

No new assault weapons will be sold in those counties.

Federally licensed firearm dealers are not going to violate state law, risk their businesses, and invite legal jeopardy by illegally selling assault weapons – consequently there’s nothing for LEO to ‘enforce.’

Moreover, current owners of assault weapons have until next year to register their weapons – again, nothing for LEO to ‘enforce.’

Second Amendment ‘sanctuary’ is ignorant, stupid nonsense, nothing but meritless political theater.

And of course the usual demagoguery and lies from the dishonest right.

There are no ‘red lights,’ ‘flashing’ or otherwise.

This 'ban' will be eventually struck down with other states' AWBs in the coming years, likely soon.

and what if they do not do so?

I bet in your head you thought you were being clever.

I provided a link to the list of weapons Illinois has banned.

If you look at the link I provided, there are certain semi-automatic pistols on the list of banned weapons in Illinois.
Here's a new product for ALL you communist gun banners.

gun banner faggots.jpg
Well, everyone to his own taste. But there is a lot to be said for standardization, especially in a serious, prolonged conflict. I know what you mean ... I was sorry to exchange an M-14 for an M-16 fifty years ago, because the former looked like a real rifle and the 16 looked like a Mattel toy.

But we have to think about what an organization of prepared patriots should standardize on, and, like it or not, the AR is "America's Rifle".
Well then, I'm sure this will translate into fewer gun deaths in Chicago

That will never happen. South Chicago is more dangerous than San Salvador , Port au Prince , Beiruit , Baghdad , and Lagos put together.

Nine states as well as D.C. now prohibit the sale or possession of assault weapons. Illinois joins California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York.

Just hours after the legislation's passage in both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the "Protect Illinois Communities Act" into law during a ceremony at the State Capitol in Springfield. Supporters, some of whom were gun violence survivors, erupted with applause and cheers as the governor presented the signed document.

The new law bans assault weapons, including some semiautomatic firearms, along with high-capacity magazines and rapid-firing devices.


According to the Illinois State Rifle Association, the ban affects nearly 2.5 million legal firearm owners in the state.

"Challenge accepted," ISRA executive director Richard A Pearson said in a statement Tuesday, in response to the ban. "The Illinois State Rifle Association will see the State of Illinois in court."

If you are curious to know the specific weapons banned, go here: These are the guns and attachments affected by the assault weapon ban in Illinois

The law will allow gun owners to keep the guns they have now, but will require them to register them with the state.
I applaud the people of Illinois for their courage and wisdom. Hopefully, many other states will follow suit. Maybe the gun companies will stop making them when they realize there is no money to be made from them.

Nine states as well as D.C. now prohibit the sale or possession of assault weapons. Illinois joins California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York.

Just hours after the legislation's passage in both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the "Protect Illinois Communities Act" into law during a ceremony at the State Capitol in Springfield. Supporters, some of whom were gun violence survivors, erupted with applause and cheers as the governor presented the signed document.

The new law bans assault weapons, including some semiautomatic firearms, along with high-capacity magazines and rapid-firing devices.


According to the Illinois State Rifle Association, the ban affects nearly 2.5 million legal firearm owners in the state.

"Challenge accepted," ISRA executive director Richard A Pearson said in a statement Tuesday, in response to the ban. "The Illinois State Rifle Association will see the State of Illinois in court."

If you are curious to know the specific weapons banned, go here: These are the guns and attachments affected by the assault weapon ban in Illinois

The law will allow gun owners to keep the guns they have now, but will require them to register them with the state.
The law is unconstitutional. Sheriffs are not enforcing it and gun shop owners are taking it to court.
For placing an unnecessary and ineffective restriction on the rights of the law abiding -- a restriction they know will be struck by the USSC.

Yeah. Kudos.
How do you know the Supreme Court will strike it down? Maybe their compassion and intelligence will kick in and they will uphold the ban on assault weapons. I hope so.
Another useless law, so tell me when another thirty die on the Southside of Chi-Town how did this law not prevent those murders?
The law is unconstitutional. Sheriffs are not enforcing it and gun shop owners are taking it to court.
9 states have AW bans. Each of them have federal cases pending , including at least three that were GVRd with instructions to re-assess, taking unto account the Bruen decision.
I applaud the people of Illinois for their courage and wisdom. Hopefully, many other states will follow suit. Maybe the gun companies will stop making them when they realize there is no money to be made from them.

The Sheriffs of 97% of the counties won't enforce the anti Constitutional law and it will be overturned because of Bruen as soon as it hit the courts.

Bad law by bad people.

Nine states as well as D.C. now prohibit the sale or possession of assault weapons. Illinois joins California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York.

Just hours after the legislation's passage in both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the "Protect Illinois Communities Act" into law during a ceremony at the State Capitol in Springfield. Supporters, some of whom were gun violence survivors, erupted with applause and cheers as the governor presented the signed document.

The new law bans assault weapons, including some semiautomatic firearms, along with high-capacity magazines and rapid-firing devices.


According to the Illinois State Rifle Association, the ban affects nearly 2.5 million legal firearm owners in the state.

"Challenge accepted," ISRA executive director Richard A Pearson said in a statement Tuesday, in response to the ban. "The Illinois State Rifle Association will see the State of Illinois in court."

If you are curious to know the specific weapons banned, go here: These are the guns and attachments affected by the assault weapon ban in Illinois

The law will allow gun owners to keep the guns they have now, but will require them to register them with the state.
Anytime the uneducated anti-Constitutional morons say the word "assault weapon" they should be ignored.

The overwhelming majority of gun crimes are not committed with rifles. It's hard to fight against a tyrannical government with handguns limited to 8 rounds or less magazines.
Where in the second amendment does it say all weapons including weapons for mass killing? Why do we not see bazookas and grenades on the street? Can you answer that question hot shot?
The second amendment does not grant us the right to keep and bear arms. The second amendment prevents the government from infringing on our right to keep and bear arms. Suck on that.

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