Illinois Becomes Latest US State To Ban Assault Weapons

New York has an assault weapon ban, a high cap magazine ban, universal background checks and red flag laws...

Not a single person in Illinois is safer due to this law...any more than the people in Buffalo were made safer by the New York AWB.

Want to be safer and not just receive performative political theatrics and a false sense of security? Carry a weapon... preferably a firearm.
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Cite the case where the Supreme Court struck down a state’s AWB.

Absent such a citation, AWBs are perfectly Constitutional, in no manner in violation of the Second Amendment.
Some sheriffs in Illinois have written letters stating that they will not look for any banned guns, not confiscate any they come across, and will not arrest or prosecute anyone possessing these guns.

So it looks like you're gonna have to do yourselves what I've been telling you to do for a while, and that is, COME TAKE THEM! Yourselves! Now howl louder!

Nine states as well as D.C. now prohibit the sale or possession of assault weapons. Illinois joins California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York.

Just hours after the legislation's passage in both chambers of the Illinois General Assembly, Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed the "Protect Illinois Communities Act" into law during a ceremony at the State Capitol in Springfield. Supporters, some of whom were gun violence survivors, erupted with applause and cheers as the governor presented the signed document.

The new law bans assault weapons, including some semiautomatic firearms, along with high-capacity magazines and rapid-firing devices.


According to the Illinois State Rifle Association, the ban affects nearly 2.5 million legal firearm owners in the state.

"Challenge accepted," ISRA executive director Richard A Pearson said in a statement Tuesday, in response to the ban. "The Illinois State Rifle Association will see the State of Illinois in court."

If you are curious to know the specific weapons banned, go here: These are the guns and attachments affected by the assault weapon ban in Illinois

The law will allow gun owners to keep the guns they have now, but will require them to register them with the state.

They will not allow them to keep those guns…first they register, then they come back and ban them……

They know they have to get them registered first.

Say, doesn’t that twit Clayton tell us the democrats don’t want to ban guns?

How ignorant and stupid.

Assault weapons still won’t be sold in that county.

More than a dozen county LE agencies have already said they will not enforce the law. Not that it will pass a court test.

Also, the new law requires any gun owned that is not registered to be registered. Damn, too bad I lost all mine in a hunting accident.
More than a dozen county LE agencies have already said they will not enforce the law. Not that it will pass a court test.

Also, the new law requires any gun owned that is not registered to be registered. Damn, too bad I lost all mine in a hunting accident.

If they catch you with a rifle it will be a felony.
Where in the second amendment does it say all weapons including weapons for mass killing? Why do we not see bazookas and grenades on the street? Can you answer that question hot shot?

You sound like biden who said you cant buy a cannon.
You still are avoiding answering my question. There is no such thing as infringe when it comes to assault weapons, cannons, grenades, and Bazookas. Stop posting stupid ass responses. Debate intelligently you idiot.

I can buy or build my own cannon right now.
Where in the second amendment does it say all weapons including weapons for mass killing? Why do we not see bazookas and grenades on the street? Can you answer that question hot shot?
It's says the right to keep and bear arms. Get over it commie. As for you stupid question, bazookas and grenades are low level weapons of mass destruction. They can can take out multiple people if used correctly. Now lets hear your fake rebuttal and lies.
Cite the case where the Supreme Court struck down a state’s AWB.
Look at you, unwilling to honestly answer a question. Who would have guessed?

Here - I'll give you another chance to tuck your tail and run away from the challenge:

Tell us why the USSC, under current jurisprudence, will uphold these bans.

C'mon, chump - stand and deliver.
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It's says the right to keep and bear arms. Get over it commie. As for you stupid question, bazookas and grenades are low level weapons of mass destruction. They can can take out multiple people if used correctly. Now lets hear your fake rebuttal and lies.
To be honest, I’m fine with personal bazookas or grenades. I’m not fine with collateral damage though, so if you use one for personal
defense, everyone you hurt with it had better be attacking you, and any property you damage with them that isn’t yours, you are liable for.
Here are the counties in Illinois where the Sheriffs said they will not enforce the Unconstitutional law passed by those Democrat turds.

The following visualization shows the Illinois counties that have announced they will not enforce HB 5471:


SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WMBD) — Edwards County Sheriff Darby Boewe, LaSalle County Sheriff Adam C. Diss, Knox County Sheriff Jack C. Harlan, Jr., Wabash County Sheriff J. Derek Morgan, Wayne County Sheriff Chris Otey and White County Sheriff Jordan Weiss announced that they do not plan to enforce the newly enacted assault weapons ban, according to identical letters released Wednesday.

The Protect Illinois Communities Act was passed through the General Assembly and signed into law by Gov. JB Pritzker this week. It halts the sale of assault weapons in the state of Illinois and requires owners of such weapons to register them with local law enforcement.

Sheriffs Boewe, Diss, Harlan, Morgan, Otey and Weiss have indicated that they will not enforce the law. The Wabash County Sheriff’s Office also posted on Facebook a release from Wabash County State’s Attorney Kelli Storckman joining the sheriff in opposition of House Bill 5471. Below is the text of the messages sent from their offices.
To be honest, I’m fine with personal bazookas or grenades. I’m not fine with collateral damage though, so if you use one for personal
defense, everyone you hurt with it had better be attacking you, and any property you damage with them that isn’t yours, you are liable for.
Now the howler states the obvious. Of course he's lying about the weapons.
It will make no difference with crime and criminals will still get them if they want. if anyone thinks this makes them safer then they are deluded.

As we all know.....
The ban has absolutely nothing to do with safety.

That said, slowly but surely we are being disarmed. One step at a a time.
Slowly eroding the 2A until nothing is left. And we are doing absolutely nothing about it.

And anyone who naively believes they will not take ALL hunting rifles needs to consider Cuba, China, Venezuela, Canada etc.
You WILL NOT be allowed to possess hunting rifles. Hunting rifles are PERFECT for taking out tyrants.
I also believe Bows and arrows will be outlawed after the guns are all gone as well.

Even if the SCOTUS nullifies their laws, we have seen they don't care about the SCOTUS.
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