Illinois Governor to Trump: "Get off Twitter and do your job!"

I have yet to hear him whine about what others are or arent doing,,,

but just maybe if those dems didnt block him at every step most of the border would have already been closed,,,just sayin,,,

"The border"?

You mean the border where they have six-tenths of one percent of the number of infections we do and one-sixtieth the density? Yeah it would be in their best interest to put up a wall, wouldn't it.

Speaking of which, it's the fourth Sunday of the month and time to check in on Rump's "shithole countries" and see how they're shittin' up. Let's have a look.

30 total cases, 0 deaths, 0.1 infections per 1M population.

1 case, 0 deaths, 0.03 infections per 1M population

1 case, 0 deaths, 0.06 infections per 1M population

15 cases, 0 deaths, 0.3 infections per 1M population.

3 cases, 0 deaths, 0.5 infections per 1M population.

2 cases, 0 deaths, 0.3 infections per 1M population

2 cases, 0 deaths, 0.3 infections per 1M population.

70 cases, 0 deaths, 2 cases per 1M population.

1 case, 0 deaths, 0.3 infections per 1M population.

1 case, 0 deaths, 0.03 infections per 1M population.

21 cases, 1 death, 0.7 infections per 1M population --- AHA! See that, they're dying in Ghana. What a shithole.

All warm climates.....and still shitholes.

and many of those shitholes have been taking mass dosages of drugs to fight malaria ...

Always blame everything on Shithole Countries / GOOD Boy!!

wow ! that went waaaaay over your chicken head .
Now the fools say he should have closed the border two months ago but two months ago the fools were calling him a racist for wanting to close the border. You cant make this crap up!

No.. we're saying he should have acted decisively as a leader on or about January 22nd and taken steps to enable the states to combat the virus threat that was already HERE!!
But really can't make this crap up. It was more important to Dismiss, Deflect, Misdirect, Misinform and shadow the Democrats running against him than it was to do his job...which is what he will ultimately be judged on...and removed by voters in November.

I have to wonder what you shit eaters think he should have done then that you wouldnt bitch about later???

:dunno: Maybe someday you'll get it through your Cult45 head space that some people disapprove of the job he does. I doubt it, but stranger things have happened..
He has done an outstanding job during this crisis.

I disagree.
There are several legal cases charging Trump with breaking the law. The only reason he hasn’t been charged yet is because he is president. Once he leaves office, to jail he goes.
:)- exciting! Did you get a massive leg shiver?
LOL. What did you think as governors they were going to say?? ROAR!!
Bite the hand that you need to feed you?
.Those two didn't have to say anything about Trump at all other democrat governors didn't
and don't.

The idea that those two had to praise Trump to get some money from the feds is absurd and I would expect better from you but your post shows clearly you don't have any better ideas at all
or even moderately good ones.
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What if being on Twitter happens to be a part of the job?

It isn't.

Never has been, never will be. It has no function beyond self-indulgence. And self-indulgence is the OPPOSITE OF his job.
Still, his being there is a good way to reach out to the people that he is in charge of, especially if some have no intention of ever going to him. Instead he goes to them.

God bless you and him always!!!


CANNOT agree. It's not a good way to do anything when the limit is 140 characters. That's sufficient for sending a text saying "be there in 10 mins". It allows no context, and it's NOTORIOUS for spreading fake news because nothing is vetted.
Now the fools say he should have closed the border two months ago but two months ago the fools were calling him a racist for wanting to close the border. You cant make this crap up!

No.. we're saying he should have acted decisively as a leader on or about January 22nd and taken steps to enable the states to combat the virus threat that was already HERE!!
But really can't make this crap up. It was more important to Dismiss, Deflect, Misdirect, Misinform and shadow the Democrats running against him than it was to do his job...which is what he will ultimately be judged on...and removed by voters in November.

I have to wonder what you shit eaters think he should have done then that you wouldnt bitch about later???

I'll tell ya what would have gone a long way, if he could somehow, some way, some day, start talking about "we we we" instead of "ME ME ME AND DID I MENTION, ME" and "nasty questions" and self-contrived bullshit about "it's only the flu" when it's very much more.

But we know he doesn't have the stones. Does he. that's some funny ass shit.

And only an ass-hole would know this from personal experience.

You just gota get your nose up really close, between the crack in order to enjoy the perfume fragrance of the fart

No animosity intended or implied
The funny part about this is that stupid governor had to get on Twitter himself to make the statement thus once again vindicating the use of that venue is the most efficient form of communication that any executive has ever used.

What if being on Twitter happens to be a part of the job?

It isn't.

Never has been, never will be. It has no function beyond self-indulgence. And self-indulgence is the OPPOSITE OF his job.
Still, his being there is a good way to reach out to the people that he is in charge of, especially if some have no intention of ever going to him. Instead he goes to them.

God bless you and him always!!!


CANNOT agree. It's not a good way to do anything when the limit is 140 characters. That's sufficient for sending a text saying "be there in 10 mins". It allows no context, and it's NOTORIOUS for spreading fake news because nothing is vetted.

Unfortunately however there are far too many people here who see a blank posting square as an opportunity to deliver an epic manifesto.That's not really why the squares exist. Apparently the board management admires Trump's use of Twitter.
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What if being on Twitter happens to be a part of the job?

It isn't.

Never has been, never will be. It has no function beyond self-indulgence. And self-indulgence is the OPPOSITE OF his job.

Right .....says you. Say what you will about it you cannot debate the fact that this is the most communicated presidency in the history of the office. Trump has done hundreds of times more communicating per unit of time than any president before him. Twitter is a permanent part of the new executive office Style. You just don't like what it is he communicates to which I reply: " tough shixt."

Wishful thinking of course :rolleyes-41:

Governor JB Pritzker
You wasted precious months when you could've taken action to protect Americans & Illinoisans. You should be leading a national response instead of throwing tantrums from the back seat. Where were the tests when we needed them? Where's the PPE? Get off Twitter & do your job.

Governor JB Pritzker on Twitter

Pritzker, Trump feud on Twitter after governor tells CNN federal inaction is hurting state efforts against coronavirus
somebody tell that mother fucker he should worry about himself and his state and how more blacks are murdered each yr in his state than this flu will kill in this country,,,

not to mention WHY is he waiting for the feds??? maybe he should shut the fuck up and do something instead of complaining like a little bitch,,,
Unlike gang violence, the Covid-19 is everywhere. Can you address any topic without pulling out your sheet, hood and Maggot hat?
Wishful thinking of course :rolleyes-41:

Governor JB Pritzker
You wasted precious months when you could've taken action to protect Americans & Illinoisans. You should be leading a national response instead of throwing tantrums from the back seat. Where were the tests when we needed them? Where's the PPE? Get off Twitter & do your job.

Governor JB Pritzker on Twitter

Pritzker, Trump feud on Twitter after governor tells CNN federal inaction is hurting state efforts against coronavirus
somebody tell that mother fucker he should worry about himself and his state and how more blacks are murdered each yr in his state than this flu will kill in this country,,,

not to mention WHY is he waiting for the feds??? maybe he should shut the fuck up and do something instead of complaining like a little bitch,,,
Unlike gang violence, the Covid-19 is everywhere. Can you address any topic without pulling out your sheet, hood and Maggot hat?

If you don't realize that gang violence is a global epidemic you're not worth the time of day that it takes to reply to you.

Wishful thinking of course :rolleyes-41:

Governor JB Pritzker
You wasted precious months when you could've taken action to protect Americans & Illinoisans. You should be leading a national response instead of throwing tantrums from the back seat. Where were the tests when we needed them? Where's the PPE? Get off Twitter & do your job.

Governor JB Pritzker on Twitter

Pritzker, Trump feud on Twitter after governor tells CNN federal inaction is hurting state efforts against coronavirus
somebody tell that mother fucker he should worry about himself and his state and how more blacks are murdered each yr in his state than this flu will kill in this country,,,

not to mention WHY is he waiting for the feds??? maybe he should shut the fuck up and do something instead of complaining like a little bitch,,,
Unlike gang violence, the Covid-19 is everywhere. Can you address any topic without pulling out your sheet, hood and Maggot hat?
I am sure you had a point to your comment,,,when I figure it out I will get back to you
Wishful thinking of course :rolleyes-41:

Governor JB Pritzker
You wasted precious months when you could've taken action to protect Americans & Illinoisans. You should be leading a national response instead of throwing tantrums from the back seat. Where were the tests when we needed them? Where's the PPE? Get off Twitter & do your job.

Governor JB Pritzker on Twitter

Pritzker, Trump feud on Twitter after governor tells CNN federal inaction is hurting state efforts against coronavirus
somebody tell that mother fucker he should worry about himself and his state and how more blacks are murdered each yr in his state than this flu will kill in this country,,,

not to mention WHY is he waiting for the feds??? maybe he should shut the fuck up and do something instead of complaining like a little bitch,,,
Unlike gang violence, the Covid-19 is everywhere. Can you address any topic without pulling out your sheet, hood and Maggot hat?

If you don't realize that gang violence is a global epidemic you're not worth the time of day that it takes to reply to you.

My rural Twp. has 1,100 residents and the last gun violence here was a domestic dispute that ended with a murder over a burned casserole. You`re stupid ass racist post is indefensible as you`re finding out. No gang violence in our foreseeable future but Covid-19 is a real possibility.
Wishful thinking of course :rolleyes-41:

Governor JB Pritzker
You wasted precious months when you could've taken action to protect Americans & Illinoisans. You should be leading a national response instead of throwing tantrums from the back seat. Where were the tests when we needed them? Where's the PPE? Get off Twitter & do your job.

Governor JB Pritzker on Twitter

Pritzker, Trump feud on Twitter after governor tells CNN federal inaction is hurting state efforts against coronavirus
somebody tell that mother fucker he should worry about himself and his state and how more blacks are murdered each yr in his state than this flu will kill in this country,,,

not to mention WHY is he waiting for the feds??? maybe he should shut the fuck up and do something instead of complaining like a little bitch,,,
Unlike gang violence, the Covid-19 is everywhere. Can you address any topic without pulling out your sheet, hood and Maggot hat?

If you don't realize that gang violence is a global epidemic you're not worth the time of day that it takes to reply to you.

My rural Twp. has 1,100 residents and the last gun violence here was a domestic dispute that ended with a murder over a burned casserole. You`re stupid ass racist post is indefensible as you`re finding out. No gang violence in our foreseeable future but Covid-19 is a real possibility.
You`re should have been Your. My mistake.
Wishful thinking of course :rolleyes-41:

Governor JB Pritzker
You wasted precious months when you could've taken action to protect Americans & Illinoisans. You should be leading a national response instead of throwing tantrums from the back seat. Where were the tests when we needed them? Where's the PPE? Get off Twitter & do your job.

Governor JB Pritzker on Twitter

Pritzker, Trump feud on Twitter after governor tells CNN federal inaction is hurting state efforts against coronavirus
somebody tell that mother fucker he should worry about himself and his state and how more blacks are murdered each yr in his state than this flu will kill in this country,,,

not to mention WHY is he waiting for the feds??? maybe he should shut the fuck up and do something instead of complaining like a little bitch,,,
Unlike gang violence, the Covid-19 is everywhere. Can you address any topic without pulling out your sheet, hood and Maggot hat?

If you don't realize that gang violence is a global epidemic you're not worth the time of day that it takes to reply to you.

My rural Twp. has 1,100 residents and the last gun violence here was a domestic dispute that ended with a murder over a burned casserole. You`re stupid ass racist post is indefensible as you`re finding out. No gang violence in our foreseeable future but Covid-19 is a real possibility.
the only way my comment was racist was to point out the fact he doesnt care about blacks killing each other but decided to complain that a person not in control of his state isnt helping him do the job he was hired to do,,,

so how was I racist in pointing out this fact???
Wishful thinking of course :rolleyes-41:

Governor JB Pritzker
You wasted precious months when you could've taken action to protect Americans & Illinoisans. You should be leading a national response instead of throwing tantrums from the back seat. Where were the tests when we needed them? Where's the PPE? Get off Twitter & do your job.

Governor JB Pritzker on Twitter

Pritzker, Trump feud on Twitter after governor tells CNN federal inaction is hurting state efforts against coronavirus
somebody tell that mother fucker he should worry about himself and his state and how more blacks are murdered each yr in his state than this flu will kill in this country,,,

not to mention WHY is he waiting for the feds??? maybe he should shut the fuck up and do something instead of complaining like a little bitch,,,
That is Trump's fucking job. It is a NATIONAL crisis that should be approached as a country, not 50 different entities with their own plan.
Wishful thinking of course :rolleyes-41:

Governor JB Pritzker
You wasted precious months when you could've taken action to protect Americans & Illinoisans. You should be leading a national response instead of throwing tantrums from the back seat. Where were the tests when we needed them? Where's the PPE? Get off Twitter & do your job.

Governor JB Pritzker on Twitter

Pritzker, Trump feud on Twitter after governor tells CNN federal inaction is hurting state efforts against coronavirus
somebody tell that mother fucker he should worry about himself and his state and how more blacks are murdered each yr in his state than this flu will kill in this country,,,

not to mention WHY is he waiting for the feds??? maybe he should shut the fuck up and do something instead of complaining like a little bitch,,,
That is Trump's fucking job. It is a NATIONAL crisis that should be approached as a country, not 50 different entities with their own plan.
if we were china or russia you would be right,,,
Wishful thinking of course :rolleyes-41:

Governor JB Pritzker
You wasted precious months when you could've taken action to protect Americans & Illinoisans. You should be leading a national response instead of throwing tantrums from the back seat. Where were the tests when we needed them? Where's the PPE? Get off Twitter & do your job.

Governor JB Pritzker on Twitter

Pritzker, Trump feud on Twitter after governor tells CNN federal inaction is hurting state efforts against coronavirus
somebody tell that mother fucker he should worry about himself and his state and how more blacks are murdered each yr in his state than this flu will kill in this country,,,

not to mention WHY is he waiting for the feds??? maybe he should shut the fuck up and do something instead of complaining like a little bitch,,,
That is Trump's fucking job. It is a NATIONAL crisis that should be approached as a country, not 50 different entities with their own plan.
Bullshit.... Every state has its own police force and court system. They resist help from the federal government and cry when they are unable to solve their own problems.


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