Illinois Losing 1 Resident Every 4.3 Minutes

this reminds me of when democrats found out that they all had a free 10,000.00 EBT line,,and off to wal mart !!!!

you misspelled "titty bar"
i didnt know they had tittie bars at wal-mart :banana::boobies:

when Katrina hit; there were numerous reports of the EBT cards being used at "Gentlemen's Clubs" in NOLA

a google search hardly even shows it; with all the NEW stories...

ebt card at titty bar - Google Search
so where do i find these titty bars? next to the auto motive section?
Maybe they're moving to Alabama to vote Democrat.
Even with all the illegals and blacks flocking to that miserable welfare state, the state still loses population since the productive whites say lemme outta here.

No doubt the illinois officials were counting on a bailout when the debts came due. They assumed democrats would use the illegal vote to keep a democrat president in the WH forever but they miscalculated.
this reminds me of when democrats found out that they all had a free 10,000.00 EBT line,,and off to wal mart !!!!

you misspelled "titty bar"
i didnt know they had tittie bars at wal-mart :banana::boobies:

when Katrina hit; there were numerous reports of the EBT cards being used at "Gentlemen's Clubs" in NOLA

a google search hardly even shows it; with all the NEW stories...

ebt card at titty bar - Google Search
so where do i find these titty bars? next to the auto motive section?

go to New Orleans; walk one block in just about any direction

Illinois lost one resident every 4.3 minutes in 2017, a direct result of decades of far left economic policy and mismanagement. People are voting with their feet as Rome burns. Illinois is on the verge of becoming America's first state with a junk credit rating. Taxes and spending are zooming through the roof and they are facing an astounding quarter-trillion dollar bill owed to the state's public employees pension fund.

Illinois drops from the fifth-largest state to No. 6

Let the excuses commence.
We don't want anyone back. Thanks though.
this reminds me of when democrats found out that they all had a free 10,000.00 EBT line,,and off to wal mart !!!!

you misspelled "titty bar"
i didnt know they had tittie bars at wal-mart :banana::boobies:

when Katrina hit; there were numerous reports of the EBT cards being used at "Gentlemen's Clubs" in NOLA

a google search hardly even shows it; with all the NEW stories...

ebt card at titty bar - Google Search
so where do i find these titty bars? next to the auto motive section?

go to New Orleans; walk one block in just about any direction

do they take bit coin?
This is one reason Marxists love central control and try to do everything through Washington DC. They dont like it when people have an option to flee their regimes.

Did you know if you are wealthy and attempt to flee the U.S. Dem's slam you with punishment exit fees and if you dare try to come back to the U.S. they really nail you to the wall.
I am guessing the people leaving Illinois are from Chicago. Does anyone know if that is true?

It is statewide as the state is beyond FUBAR. Though the Chicago area is losing the most.

Almost 90 percent of Illinois counties losing population

Little known fact about this state is that normally only two counties in the whole state vote Dem, but one of them is Lake county with Chicago. The rest of the state is pretty conservative. A lot of the out migration are farmers that are retiring or going out of business. This year is a Census of Ag year and I think you will find a lot less family type farms in Illinois than 5 years ago.
This is one reason Marxists love central control and try to do everything through Washington DC. They dont like it when people have an option to flee their regimes.

Did you know if you are wealthy and attempt to flee the U.S. Dem's slam you with punishment exit fees and if you dare try to come back to the U.S. they really nail you to the wall.

Yes. You have to pay taxes, called an expatriation tax, as if you had liquidated your assets if you renounce citizenship (which happened in record numbers under Obama). The punishment is a form of a wall to trap people in a country...a sign of totalitarianism.
The Reed Amendment bans any person from visiting the US who renounced citizenship because of high taxes. Another attempt at thought crime enforcement.

" citizens who renounce their citizenship are subject under certain circumstances to an expatriation tax, which is meant to extract, from the expatriate, taxes that would have been paid had he or she remained a citizen. All property of a covered expatriate is deemed sold for its fair market value on the day before the expatriation date, which usually results in a capital gain, which is taxable income."

If you dont renounce citizenship and have property confiscated then you are subject to income taxes for life no matter where you live and work in the world. Only the United States and Eritrea do this.

Yet again..the reason marxists like centralization and globalism is so that there is never a chance for citizens to flee their regimes.
"Eduardo Saverin's decision to leave the United States with his money, but not his citizenship, has apparently touched a nerve in the Senate...Sens. Chuck Schumer and Bob Casey held a press conference Thursday morning on Capitol Hill where they outlined legislation that would prevent the Facebook co-founder from ever returning to the United States...
Schumer and Casey are calling their bill the "Ex-PATRIOT Act."The proposal says that if a wealthy American seeks to renounce their citizenship, it will be presumed they have done so for tax purposes, unless the individual can convince the IRS otherwise...Furthermore, they will not be allowed back into the United States. "Period," Schumer said. "They could not set foot in this country again."

Senators to Saverin: Don't come back. Ever. - Economy

These Marxists are vindictive and vicious and covetous. If they cant have what you earn then you will be punished.
West Virgina and Wyoming were also big population losers .

How’s that fit your theory of blaming democrats?

What do the other two have to do with Illinois' situation?

Ask the OP . The point of this thread is to blame dem control for a state losing population. I point out two other population losers, both with republican control.

Logic follows that the op’s reasoning is false .
The problem I see is like liberal Californians, they leave the place because their methods suck, only to take their ideology with them. My neighbors are exactly that. They couldn't handle all the chaos and costs, but they're too dumb to recognize they brought the trash with them. Very nasty people. Unhappy as fuck.
West Virgina and Wyoming were also big population losers .

How’s that fit your theory of blaming democrats?

What do the other two have to do with Illinois' situation?

Ask the OP . The point of this thread is to blame dem control for a state losing population. I point out two other population losers, both with republican control.

Logic follows that the op’s reasoning is false .

No, this is why wyoming lost a whole thousand in 2016:

Illinois' extreme violence, murder rates, high unemployment, excessive taxation, 2nd amendment infringement are the causes for the decline in illinois pop.
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West Virgina and Wyoming were also big population losers .

How’s that fit your theory of blaming democrats?

What do the other two have to do with Illinois' situation?

Ask the OP . The point of this thread is to blame dem control for a state losing population. I point out two other population losers, both with republican control.

Logic follows that the op’s reasoning is false .

Again, what do the other two states have to do with the Illinois' situation? Illinois' problems are very much do to leftist economic policies as the facts clearly show. You are trying to claim that because Wyoming and West Virginia are also experiencing population losses for reasons other than Illinois' that somehow negates my argument. You are making an assumption based on a false equivalence. That's your ill logic, not mine.
West Virgina and Wyoming were also big population losers .

How’s that fit your theory of blaming democrats?

What do the other two have to do with Illinois' situation?

Ask the OP . The point of this thread is to blame dem control for a state losing population. I point out two other population losers, both with republican control.

Logic follows that the op’s reasoning is false .

No, this is why wyoming lost a whole thousand in 2016:

Illinois' extreme violence, murder rates, high unemployment, excessive taxation, 2nd amendment infringement are the causes for the decline in illinois pop.

I'd love to proof of this assertion.

But I'm guessing none exists.
West Virgina and Wyoming were also big population losers .

How’s that fit your theory of blaming democrats?

What do the other two have to do with Illinois' situation?

Ask the OP . The point of this thread is to blame dem control for a state losing population. I point out two other population losers, both with republican control.

Logic follows that the op’s reasoning is false .

No, this is why wyoming lost a whole thousand in 2016:

Illinois' extreme violence, murder rates, high unemployment, excessive taxation, 2nd amendment infringement are the causes for the decline in illinois pop.

I'd love to proof of this assertion.

But I'm guessing none exists.

Taxation, no surprise there. That was off the top of my head:

Fed-up Illinois homeowners consider moving: 'It’s not just the property taxes on my home; it’s all of them'
West Virgina and Wyoming were also big population losers .

How’s that fit your theory of blaming democrats?

What do the other two have to do with Illinois' situation?

Ask the OP . The point of this thread is to blame dem control for a state losing population. I point out two other population losers, both with republican control.

Logic follows that the op’s reasoning is false .

No, this is why wyoming lost a whole thousand in 2016:

Illinois' extreme violence, murder rates, high unemployment, excessive taxation, 2nd amendment infringement are the causes for the decline in illinois pop.

I'd love to proof of this assertion.

But I'm guessing none exists.

Taxation, no surprise there. That was off the top of my head:

Fed-up Illinois homeowners consider moving: 'It’s not just the property taxes on my home; it’s all of them'

Did you read the entire article of just do a quick Google search?

From your article which quotes a 67-year old about taxes.

But demographers aren’t ready to chalk the outmigration up to tax pressures entirely.

Brookings Institution demographer William Frey said that when people move, it’s usually for employment, and not necessarily because of taxes. Most of the people moving are in their 20s and 30s, are establishing themselves in careers, and are relocating for job opportunities.
Illinois Losing 1 Resident Every 4.3 Minutes
So the question is "are they moving or are they being shot?"

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