Illinois senate advances plan FORCING schools to teach LGBT propaganda


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2015
Illinois Senate advances plan requiring LGBT history taught in public schools

More cultural marxism propaganda forced on children. Thank god I live in a state this will NEVER pass in and even if it did my kids attend a charter public school so we have A LOT of control over what they learn and what they don't. I have already had one project shut down because my oldest was told to do a project on a known communist negro homosexual and I let the teacher know that was not going to happen. She was given Henry Ford instead which she happily did.
The LBGs don't have a separate history. And what they teach as gay history is a lie. It is filled with examples of men that has male friends and "might be gay" as well as women that had non conforming jobs that have suddenly become transgendered. They are teaching lies from the beginning.
Illinois Senate advances plan requiring LGBT history taught in public schools

More cultural marxism propaganda forced on children. Thank god I live in a state this will NEVER pass in and even if it did my kids attend a charter public school so we have A LOT of control over what they learn and what they don't. I have already had one project shut down because my oldest was told to do a project on a known communist negro homosexual and I let the teacher know that was not going to happen. She was given Henry Ford instead which she happily did.

That's what a real parent does good job
Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what good impact has been made in this world's history where people and their sexual preference is concerned? As if their being such a way is the reason why certain things even happened at all. When people accomplish anything, it isn't because of what they choose to wear or share their bed with. Its because of them having the sense and the brains to make good and helpful things happen.

God bless you always!!!

Illinois Senate advances plan requiring LGBT history taught in public schools

More cultural marxism propaganda forced on children. Thank god I live in a state this will NEVER pass in and even if it did my kids attend a charter public school so we have A LOT of control over what they learn and what they don't. I have already had one project shut down because my oldest was told to do a project on a known communist negro homosexual and I let the teacher know that was not going to happen. She was given Henry Ford instead which she happily did.
So what ages are going to be taught about 'deviant sex acts as identity history'? Aren't there laws about sexualizing children in school? LGBT cult first needs to prove to schools and the public that they are an innate race of people, instead of regular men and women doing weird shit in their bedrooms. This is pedophile grooming just blatant and right out there.


When teachers are told to NOT teach hate, Republicans go ballistic.

Republicans are the source of most of the hate within the country., They hate just about everyone.
So, not teaching kids deviant-sex-acts-as-identity = 'hate'? That's an interesting umbrella to slip pedophile-grooming into the schools with.

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When teachers are told to NOT teach hate, Republicans go ballistic.

Republicans are the source of most of the hate within the country., They hate just about everyone.

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