Illinois to FORCE property owners to rent to illegal aliens

Show me an illegal with even a credit rating.

Thank you for proving my point. Requiring a certain credit score is common practice in renting, in this state at least. If the landlord has always been doing that then they cannot be said to doing it only to illegals.
We all pay heavily because of illegal immigration, from our taxes to housing. Illegal immigrants are an anchor on our standard of living.

Sucks that there’s a cost for that cheap labor huh?
Whenever I hear of Libtard filth like the government in Illinois forcing somebody to rent to Illegals I am damn glad I live in the free state of Florida where we are kicking the Illegals out.
Sucks that there’s a cost for that cheap labor huh?
It definitely does suck, that there is a cost to illegal aliens.

What sucks even more is that the Democrat party has largely removed millions of manufacturing jobs that immigrants could do in the USA. Sending our manufacturing to China is devastating, to illegal aliens.

A bigger shame is the tyranny of Democrat politicians that created our immigration laws that do not allow these people to come here legally.
Thank you for proving my point. Requiring a certain credit score is common practice in renting, in this state at least. If the landlord has always been doing that then they cannot be said to doing it only to illegals.
Still doesn’t mean they won’t be sued and labeled as a racist. That’s why your shithole state added that language to the law.
I doubt it because the deed does not reference government acquiescence
It does give them right of ways but not the right to essentially claim coownership and issue dictates
This is the 2nd or 3rd thread on this, and all are fake news.

Nobody is being forced to do anything, it just cannot the the only reason you do not rent to them.

It is a pretty easy thing to avoid, require credit check and proof of income and BOOM you now have a reason not to rent to most of them.
Hmmm….so find a loophole to protect yourself from someone with no identity….someone in which you would have no recourse to recover losses from?
Dude….why are you always making excuses for the filthy shit that filthy people and or filthy politicians come up with?
Why not just say…”FUCK THAT, Illinois got it wrong”

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