Illinois to FORCE property owners to rent to illegal aliens

This is the 2nd or 3rd thread on this, and all are fake news.

Nobody is being forced to do anything, it just cannot the the only reason you do not rent to them.

It is a pretty easy thing to avoid, require credit check and proof of income and BOOM you now have a reason not to rent to most of them.
Beginning Jan. 1, 2024, protections go into place in the Illinois Human Rights Act for housing regarding immigration status and discriminatory advertising. The law will add immigration status as a protected class.

Read the law:

It seems pretty clear that in IL you can't deny renting, leasing, or sale to a illegal based on their immigration status.....If I'm reading it right (I'm not a lawyer) you can't even ask about their immigration status.

From what I understand of the situation it's the "immigrant" .orgs (backed by the fed money) that is actually footing the bill as it would stand to reason that a "immigrant" would not have a credit history to check as far as denial on that ground goes so in effect landlords are being forced to rent/lease to them. Just force by another angle.

LOL....To add insult to injury it reads like sex offenders have the same "rights".
What it sounds like is fake news. Nobody is being forced to rent to anyone. All the new rules does is say them being illegal cannot the the sole reason you do not rent to them.

Most landlords in the state already require a credit check and proof of income before they will rent to anyone. This pretty much removes most illegals
Mr. Gator, no American should have to live in a way where other people make all of their business and personal decisions for them. There is a Bill of Rights attached to the nation's Constitution, and taking away an American's right to live, enjoy liberty and pursue happiness is anti-constitutional. The failure of communism results in mass murder of the population to control the common man is against everything our Constitution stands for. Political omerta, government by secrecy, and insidious control against people's freedom is the trademark of communist hellholes, and no American should ever be forced to do business with sheisters who use the power of office to destroy human rights of the people they hate.
Mr. Gator, no American should have to live in a way where other people make all of their business and personal decisions for them.

I agree 100%.

There is a Bill of Rights attached to the nation's Constitution, and taking away an American's right to live, enjoy liberty and the pursue happiness.

And that has what to do with the topic of the thread?

and no American should ever be forced to do business with sheisters who use the power of office to destroy human rights of the people they hate.

So, you are good with a business putting up a sign that says "No white people served here" or "no women served here" or "no black people served here"?

Are the left just hell bent on destroying the rights of US citizens or what?!

For instance my property value that my taxes are based on jumped nearly 45k in one year! My neighbor 2 doors away went up 112k and she's retired with a disabled husband! Literally gonna tax her out of her home at this rate.

And the left wonder why there’s so few rentals available.
Beginning Jan. 1, 2024, protections go into place in the Illinois Human Rights Act for housing regarding immigration status and discriminatory advertising. The law will add immigration status as a protected class.

Read the law:

It seems pretty clear that in IL you can't deny renting, leasing, or sale to a illegal based on their immigration status.....If I'm reading it right (I'm not a lawyer) you can't even ask about their immigration status.

From what I understand of the situation it's the "immigrant" .orgs (backed by the fed money) that is actually footing the bill as it would stand to reason that a "immigrant" would not have a credit history to check as far as denial on that ground goes so in effect landlords are being forced to rent/lease to them. Just force by another angle.

LOL....To add insult to injury it reads like sex offenders have the same "rights".
The Democrats who are pushing this religious demand on their citizens should build facilities for immigrants rather than destroy citizens' First Amendment pursuits. If they're too dern cheap to buy and renovate property for public use, they should not violate the freedoms guaranteed to American citizens' Bill of Rights. It's illegal to take away American citizens' freedoms. I hope the reformed DOJ will spank the commies pushing communism that removes the rights of free people. You have to look out for people intent on establishing kingdoms in a country that is best letting citizens make their own personal and business decisions. Democrats are zeroing in on converting this free country into an armed camp controlled by a KGB of sorts. /angry citizen
This is the 2nd or 3rd thread on this, and all are fake news.

Nobody is being forced to do anything, it just cannot the the only reason you do not rent to them.

It is a pretty easy thing to avoid, require credit check and proof of income and BOOM you now have a reason not to rent to most of them.
Follow me for more facts on what’s going on in the real world.

This is the 2nd or 3rd thread on this, and all are fake news.

Nobody is being forced to do anything, it just cannot the the only reason you do not rent to them.

It is a pretty easy thing to avoid, require credit check and proof of income and BOOM you now have a reason not to rent to most of them.
Beat me to it, and that's the thread. (Until this fake news topic is posted again by someone who didn't use the search function...)
That sounds as bad for the immigrants as it is for small-minded politicoes to require losses from other peoples' real estate interests. A simpler solution yet is to send illegal immigrants back to where they came from rather than imposing communist agendas against free people who have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It isn't very happy for successful businesses to take a hit from sick-minded, greedy politicians who wouldn't stress themselves over providing free rent to people who are getting government salaries for breaking the border laws. Laws of mercy. :cranky:
I agree 100%.

And that has what to do with the topic of the thread?

So, you are good with a business putting up a sign that says "No white people served here" or "no women served here" or "no black people served here"?
This is more than that. It is the suckers who are of traditional marriages who pay the freight. Rearing children and giving up a good percentage of their lives to do so. This is the age we live in. Let this nation die. I agree with you. Then vengeance from all who have taken shit will wipe the books clean. Or cleaner.

Are the left just hell bent on destroying the rights of US citizens or what?!

For instance my property value that my taxes are based on jumped nearly 45k in one year! My neighbor 2 doors away went up 112k and she's retired with a disabled husband! Literally gonna tax her out of her home at this rate.

I don't advertise my rentals. Strictly word of mouth. No one tells me who to rent to...

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