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Illuminati suicide bombers: The detonation process (Putin, Obama, Netanyahu)


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Illuminati suicide bombers: The detonation process for dummies
"Putin", "Obama" or "Netanyahu": they all detonate accordingly to one and the same technical handbook.

Detonation period

The detonation of illuminati suicide bombers can last years, as illustrated by fake Putin, detonating since he replaced the real murdered Putin.
"Obama" started detonating shortly after he stepped on stage, 2007 and was scripted to full detomate no later than 2009.
Some suicide bombers die before they fully detonate, as impostor impersonating Ariel Sharon, who is supposedly in coma but in fact died 2006.

How illuminati portray their bombers during the detonation
During their detonation illuminati media serves two opposite messages simultaneously:
- "exposes" the bombs attached to their chest.
Example: suggesting that "Putin" killed Nemtsov.
- paints the bombers as icons, so that until they FULLY detonate they can continue the mission for which they were selected as suicide bombers in the first place.
Example: repeating that "polls" have "Putin" supported by almost all russians.

Basic types of bombs
Sone bombs explode the same day that they are launched, others can take years.
Type based on target:
1. Bombs to self-detonate step by step, figurative not real bombs.
2. Bombs to attack the targets of their suicide mission, which can be also real bombs.
3. Bombs to fully self-detonate. Examples: to confess crimes, to flee, to surrender, etc.

For examples see:
Fake Putin's arsenal of bombs for his suicide mission; from fake downed Boeing to real torched monastery
Illuminati suicide bombers Fake Putin s arsenal of bombs for his suicide mission

Illuminati suicide bombers The detonation process for dummies
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Introductory note added Oct 2015
Illuminati suicide bombers: black Obama, Putin, FIFA's Blatter, IAAF's Coe
"Obama" and "Putin" are both classic bombers while they simultaneously detonate as suicide bombers.
"Putin" and "Obama" illustrate two illuminazi agents, both used as classic bombers in in Syria, with the US and Russia officially for the first time ever bombing the same rebels and civilian, from splitter ammo to napalm, under the cover of bombing the fake rebels of ISIS, in fact created by the illuminati to fight and discredit the real rebels.
What follows has to do with another role shared by "Obama" and "Putin": suicide bombers.

Reminder of Last Prophet's words from Jun 2014 (examples added identifiable by date):
Children: After reading this you will NEVER EVER click again RT, CNN, FOX, BBC news site again unless you were already reduced to humnan cattle

Illuminati suicide bombers play a role that has its climax at the moment of their full detonation, the moment when they blow themselves up.
Since this is a figurative detonation, suicide bombers normally remain on stage afterwards.

Full detonation
Nixon fully detonated with his resignation letter in 1974.
The impostor impersonating Putin will fully detonate by pretending to flee to Beijing.
Arab Osama Bin Laden is played by the same ethnic indonesian actor as black and white Obama. Biden by Led Zeppelin's Jimmy Page.
The BIG BANG starts with Osama Bin Laden's resurrection in Jerusalem, crucified to the missing Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777, followed by the staged arrest of the Obama Bi(nla)den presidency.
All these full detonations are packaged as parallel scripts in the form of "confession of the most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of ...":
- Politics ("black" Obama);
- Religion and Pedophilia (pope Francis alias Jonathan Pryce who previously played argentinian Peron in Evita);
- Finance ("jews" Ben Shalom Bernanke alias Paul Krugman without toupee, Janet Yellen alias Martha Stewart, Stan Fischer an ethnic german).

Aborted Full detonations
John McCain is a role played by Henry Winkler, best known as Fonzi in the TV series "Happy days", broadcasted at the time that the real John McCain died.
Mitt Romney is a role created in 1985, played by Richard Jenkins with toupee.
Their role was scripted as "elected president to disarm citizens and immediately after fully detonate".
Yet they never detonated because Illuminati Grand Master Alexander Adolf Hitler, the older son of William Patrick Hitler, was forced to change the script each time:
- first in 2008 (the reason why Romney was reassigned the McCain role) and again in 2012.
Contrast with:

Postponed Full detonations: Obama, Putin
Obama and Putin are by far the kings of postponed full detonations. "Obama" is second to none when it comes to the duration of the process: Obama was originally scripted to fully detonate in October 2008.
While the main reason to postpone Obama's detonation was the total lack of support for the "alternatives", in the case of "Putin" the main reasons were the failure to crush the armed revolt in Syria since 2011 and the start of the armed revolt in Slavyansk, April 2014.

Obviously postponing full detonations has consequences:
- Obama: from simply being impeached as senator to the most powerful detonation ever.
- Putin: paradoxically officially playing also the role of a literal bomber in Syria, from splitter to incendiary bombs, together with NATO for the first time ever.

Introductory bombs:
These bombs explode before the full detonation:
- mostly figurative (Putin stages the fake death of Boris Nemtsov to suggest that he had him assassinated);
- sometimes also literal (Putin sets fire to a russian iconic monastery next to the Kremlin during the Ides of March 2015).
One of "Putin"'s bombs is of type "the most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of ...".
But unlike in the case of Obama, Bernanke and Pope Francis, it's not packaged as confession and part of the full detonation but rather as introductory bomb:
"Putin" suggests to be the mastermind behind the most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of Sports, from "FIFA corruption" to "IAAF cover-up of doping in athletics".

Bombs of type "Confession"
The BIG BANG includes a series of illuminati suicide bombers fully detonating in parallel with confession bombs after their staged arrests and as they are stripped of their titles:
Obama, pope Francis, "evil jews" of the Federal Reserve Bank.
The mockery is pushed to the utter limits: each time as "most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of ...".
Contrast it with Nixon's confession to Frost in 1977, 3 years after his full detonation.
Note: Obama is scripted to confess to Oprah Winfrey, in a parallel reversed script to the greatest cyclist ever, Lance Armstrong, forced to "confess" after being tortured for years.
Same is scripted for Usain Bolt, the fastest man ever and forever.
The trigger for Armstrong's "confession", same as all other athletes and cyclists who finally "confessed" what they didn't do: otherwise be jailed for at least 7 years.

Illuminati suicide bombers - Two main mission types
Illustrated with bombs from the arsenal of suicide bomber "Putin".
Keep in mind the ongoing "Putin annects Crimea" script, explained as the opposite of what is served by illuminati media, in the Basics section below.

1. Destruction of what they supposedly stand for.
In other worlds: the ultimate traitors in plain sight.
a) Destruction of russian icons using:
a1) psy-ops (all actors):
- "Bolshoi theater scandal: acid attack"; "biker gang ride to Berlin" or a "bunch of pimps" as most discussed "celebration" of the 70 years of the victory of the Red Army in World War II (May 2015).
a2) figurative bombs:
- falsely accusing of doping and banning russian athletes, ongoing for years now. 2015: upscaled to "Russia first case of state-sponsored doping exposed".
a3) Literal bombs:
- fire at Novodevichy monastery (Ides of March 2015); murder of sleeping russian parachutistes (2015).

b) Break-up of Russia:
- stopping the only ferry linking Crimea and Russia (2015).
- no reaction to another illuminati agent, Kadyrow, no longer allowing the presence of russian military in Chechnya (2015).

c) destroying Russia's economy
- supplying illuminati with free oil and gas starting with prices below production costs, including to Ukraine, a government claiming that will militarily retake Crimea

2. Deliberate acts of Self-Destruction
a) cutting pensions and social benefits of russians.
Note: how much of this is caused by the transfer of russian assets to illuminati central safes is irrelevant.
It's part of "Putin"'s role to cause uproar against him, as illustrated by plenty of other unpopular measures not explainable by the plunder of the russian economy.
Example: forbidding people from Kaliningrad from collecting amber.
Note: this is also part of setting the stage for the break-up of Russia, with Kaliningrad scripted as the first republic to be "returned to Germany".

b) "Putin" suggests to be the mastermind behind the most sophisticated conspiracy in the History of Sports, from football's FIFA to IAAF's athletics.
- "Putin supports Blatter" even after the script has the last idiot understand that "Blatter is totally corrupt" (2015);
- "Putin closes russian doping agency" after the script has "Putin has every athlete in Russia on drugs" (2015).

The IAAF and FIFA suicide mission
Contrast "Putin" with presidents Blatter (FIFA, football) and Coe (IAAF, athletics).
Although "Putin" has the mastermind role in this suicide mission, it's the FIFA and IAAF presidents who have a mission of type "Destruction of what they supposedly stand for".
IAAF is to be totally destroyed while FIFA only partly. On the other it's Blatter not Coe who will fully detonate ("arrested").

Ongoing "Putin annects Crimea" script is the opposite of what is served by illuminati media
Black Is White - have the human cattle robotically repeat it: Illuminati's third commandment: EU populace awakening to dictatorship rewritten as "Ukraine fight to join the EU democracy"

Turkey downs russian jet hoax computer graphics video same as 9/11 planes or almost all videos "Russia and US led coalition bombing ISIS oil wells trucks" (exceptions of this type: grain silos in rebel areas marketed as ISIS refneries).
To what lengths illuminati mock human cattle with agents Erdogan, "Putin", Netanyahu and Tsipras:
Illuminati Theater: Turkey downs russian jet hoax computer graphics video same as 9/11 planes

Illuminati suicide bombers: Illuminati suicide bombers - BASICS: suicide missions; Introductory bombs; Full detonation

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