I'm a republican and all for capitalism but something isn't right here

lol at the obvious projection. How many of those 'athletes' do you think actually passed and entrance exam, or even made it out of Jr High legitimately?

The majority. But to note, your statement was not just about athlete's.

How many links to reports over the last 5 decades do you need as 'proof'? You're really too stupid to run around making up strawmen in attempts to cover up your own ignorance of the topic.

You are the one backtracking from what you originally said.
The majority. But to note, your statement was not just about athlete's.

You are the one backtracking from what you originally said.

So, the answer is you don't have a clue, you're just throwing out bullshit. We already knew that.
College football has evolved from walk-on students that simply like playing a game to be the minor league farm system for pro football. I don't think a minor football league would do so well if not affiliated with our universities. That being said, it's not the roll of universities to prop up the "minor league" for football.

Exactly. Let the pro teams pay for the coaches, stadiums, uniforms, etc.
So, everybody else should make 7-8 figures, but not the players who are the people pay to see. Sounds like the typical employer who has fabricated some magical right to cheap or free labor.
They're supposed to be students, not employees. If we want to pay them, they should be playing in a league not associated with a school, where they pretend to get an education.
Of course not and I have no idea why you would ask that based upon what I said.

Do you want to address and answer what I actually said?

No? I didn't figure you would.

I'll address it right now. Very few students graduate with the degrees you mentioned. Most get useless "business" degrees or "political science" degrees that get their feet in the door managing McDonalds for 10 dollars an hour with 120,000 dollars of student debt.

And those doctors aren't at LSU they are at medical schools. Medical schools don't have football teams or coaches making 100 million dollars.

A shrink making 94,000 dollars a year out of college strapped with 300 grand in student debt. Compare that to a welder who went to a 2 year trade school for 1000 a semeseter. He gets out and starts at 70 grand a year as a welder with zero debt.
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I'll address it right now. Very few students graduate with the degrees you mentioned. Most get useless "business" degrees or "political science" degrees that get their feet in the door managing McDonalds for 10 dollars an hour with 120,000 dollars of student debt.

And those doctors aren't at LSU they are at medical schools. Medical schools don't have football teams or coaches making 100 million dollars.

A shrink making 94,000 dollars a year out of college strapped with 300 grand in student debt. Compare that to a welder who went to a 2 year trade school. He gets out and starts at 70 grand a year as a welder with zero debt.

I'll address it right now. Very few students graduate with the degrees you mentioned. Most get useless "business" degrees or "political science" degrees that get their feet in the door managing McDonalds for 10 dollars an hour with 120,000 dollars of student debt.

And those doctors aren't at LSU they are at medical schools. Medical schools don't have football teams or coaches making 100 million dollars.

A shrink making 94,000 dollars a year out of college strapped with 300 grand in student debt. Compare that to a welder who went to a 2 year trade school for 1000 a semeseter. He gets out and starts at 70 grand a year as a welder with zero debt.

Well, shoot, it's too bad you didn't answer it honestly.
I was watching the news the other day about LSU getting rid of their head coach. He received a 17 MILLION DOLLAR buyout package for his remaining contract. They then went on to explain that the new coach signed a 10 year 95 MILLION DOLLAR contract. The tuition for in state for LSU is almost twelve thousand dollars! Out of state is almost THIRTY THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!

Now I think that certainly the coach of a big school like this should make a hell of a living wage, but 17 million dollars to GET RID of a coach and 95 MILLION dollars for a new one I feel is a bit much. Meanwhile, you've got poor college students working 2 and 3 jobs trying to pay tuition so these 2 people can receive over 100 MILLION DOLLARS between them. For doing nothing more than coaching a football team, a team that is not necessary to the academic success of the school.

I went to college, I know how hard it is. This just isn't right to me. I'm sorry. Of course its not just LSU, it's all these major league colleges. And a degree from LSU won't make you any more money than one from a technical college where you are trained in a trade and can immediately go to work in that trade.

I mean how much could tuition be reduced for each student if coach O would have received 100,000 instead of 17 million and the new coach make 500,000 a year instead of 9.5 million?
That's nothing

Look into the Penn State scandal where a coach on the football team was abusing little boys with impunity. They whole University knew about it as he ran a charity for boys and pimped them out to other abusers.

Then when he was investigated for it, the guy who was investigating disappeared as his hard drive was found in the river.

Then when Jo Pa got his career all time win and was going to retire, they let the story break, but not until Jo Pa got his career win and was ready to leave anyway, as the abusive coach had been gone for years by that time.

All of the fury of the media and public came down hard on the school, and rightfully so, as the NCAA began instituting penalty after penalty on the football team and university, as their fans protested and torched cars cuz...........well............they all sucked as well and just as tone deaf with no moral compass. In actuality, their football program should have been taken altogether, but what made me hurl was the fact that in a few years the NCAA repealed many of the few penalties they imposed on the team so that they could get back to winning football with more revenue for the NCAA.

Hell is just not hot enough no matter how hot it may be.
I am okay with it, but I doubt there would be 80,000 plus people showing up for a minor league football game not affiliated with a university.

Exactly. They don't anything like a free market value that makes them worth paying 7 figure coach salaries.
They're supposed to be students, not employees. If we want to pay them, they should be playing in a league not associated with a school, where they pretend to get an education.

What they're supposed to be and what they actually are are two different things. Let the pro teams pay for the coaches and their employee pool. They also shake down cities to pay for their pro stadiums as well, along with tax breaks and all the rest that goes with all of that. If they are worth all that much then they can pay for all their own shit in the 'free market n Stuff'.
Are YOU the arbiter of what is "free market value"? Do you know what "free market" means?

You claiiming to be 'A Teacher' has always been hilarious, troll. And nobody beleives you know for a second what a 'free market' means. We know for a fact many of the so-called' right wingers' here have no clue, it's just a slogan they throw out whether it applies or not..

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