Univ of Georgia football coach to be paid $13 M a year! Amateur sport???

I wasnt wrong,,

and like the typical leftist you cant allow someone to have a different opinion than yours and you must always get in the last jab,,
Whether or not the UGA football team uses taxpayer money isnt subject to anyone's opinion. It either does or doesnt.
41 million is over and above all that dumb ass. The program generated 180 million that year.
Oh. Great. So you’ve seen the financials. Brilliant. How much, exactly is the insurance costs?

There will either be no link or a link announcing a general budget number.
Oh. Great. So you’ve seen the financials. Brilliant. How much, exactly is the insurance costs?

There will either be no link or a link announcing a general budget number.
The financials are released to the public per NCAA rules, smart guy. All you have to do is google it.

Which Side of the Political Aisle is Cancelling the NFL and the NCAA.
Newsflash.......it's the RWI's doing this.

I LOVE Football, I even watch reruns.
depends on how you look at it, we aint going to watch the transexual hate america league,
Im not your research assistant. If you think UGA is lying to the NCAA and the IRS about their athletic program feel free to provide evidence
Typical…you swear you know the stats but of course will never share them.

Obviously you just made it all up.

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