Im a Zionist are you too?

I have never been to the Middle East and have no interest in doing so. But I believe that Israel is paradise compared with the repressive regimes that "govern" that area.
Is paradise the place where you can kill children and get paid to do it?

Google "IDF shooting children"

May 14, 2016 - UNICEF warns of excessive use of force, particularly in relation to incidents where Palestinian children were shot dead. ... the example on October 25 in Hebron in the West Bank of a 17-year-old girl who was "taken by IDF (Israel Defence Forces) soldiers for a search, shot with at least five bullets and killed".

2016 'deadliest year' for West Bank children in decade

May 14, 2016 - UNICEF cited the example on October 25 in Hebron in the West Bank of a 17-year-old girl who was "taken by IDF (Israel Defence Forces) soldiers for a search, shot with at least five bullets and killed". "Israeli authorities said that she had attempted to stab a policeman, however an eyewitness stated that she ...

Israeli shoots dead Palestinian after group of children comes under ...
Israeli shoots dead Palestinian after group of children comes under attack
Nov 23, 2004 - Radio exchange contradicts army version of Gaza killing.
Israel 'killed 25 Palestinian children' in three months | News | Al Jazeera

12 yr old boy SHOT DEAD in front of your eyes

Gaza girl said killed
By Amos Harel and Nir Hasson, Haaretz Correspondents,

IDF troops shot and killed an 8-year-old Palestinian girl who was on her way to school in a Gaza Strip refugee camp

UN officials: Girl hit by IDF gunfire in UN school in Gaza
By Amos Harel, Haaretz Correspondent and AP

An 11-year-old Palestinian girl was shot in the stomach.,. by IDF gunfire. IDF troops fired two shots, one of the shots hit a fifth-grade student at the school. Last month, a 10-year-old girl was killed by IDF gunfire while sitting at her desk at the same school.

10-year old Raghda Adnan Al-Assar was struck in the head by Israeli fire while sitting at her desk in UNRWA's Elementary Girl's School On June 1 this year two ten-year old children in UNRWA's
Al-Umariye Elementary Boys' School in Rafah were hit by a bullet from a Israeli tank
12-year old
Hoda Darwish was hit in the head by a bullet

Two 10 year-old schoolchildren were shot
in the al-Omaria school run by UNRWA in Rafah, when an Israeli tank fired into their classroom.
Bullets fired from the tank flew through the classroom window
, hitting Mahmoud Hamad in the neck and Hisham al Habil in the head. The boys had not even been sitting by the windows but in the middle of the room. (this was an assassination of specific children by the IDF)

Photos of a 12 year old palestinian boy being shot by Israeli soldiers and the ambulance driver who tried to save him also being shot and killed.

Three-year-old Rawan Abu Zeid, who took bullets in the neck and head while buying candy with her friends.

An eight-year-old Palestinian girl shot dead by Israeli troops in the central Gaza Strip was killed while showing off her new school uniform to friends

Boy of 17, shot by Israeli soldiers, left bleeding overnight to die
The bullet ridden corpse of Mohammad Abdullah Abu al-Husni, was found yesterday morning near the town of Jabaliya, where he lived in Gaza.

Haneen, who was eight years old, had been shot twice in the head by an Israeli soldier as she walked down the street in Khan Yunis refugee camp with her mother.
She was coming down the street and ran to me and hugged me, crying,
'Mother, mother'. Two bullets hit her in the head, one straight after the other.
She was still in my arms and she died."

The luckiest Arab people are the ones who live in Israel, IMHO.
You are joking right?
They are much better of than Christians
Something never reported in the US press & here I ask why?

Rabbi’s think that they can spit the Catholics away----

Rabbi David Rosen
is a talented and respected rabbi, originally from the UK.
Since in some circles it seems to be more encouraged to spit on Christian clergymen than build bridges (this week's events in the Old City), Rabbi Rosen is unpopular with Eskin and his ilk.

It has been Jerusalem's dirty little secret for decades: Orthodox yeshiva students and other Jewish residents vandalizing churches and spitting on Christian clergyman as they walk along the narrow, ancient stone streets of the Old City.

Christians say ultra-Orthodox Jewish students spit at them or at the ground when they pass. There have also been acts of vandalism against statues of the Virgin Mary.

You cannot find one incident where Muslims spit on Christians but you can find countless incidents where

Google: “spitting on Christians”

I did & I got About 365,000 results [hits] (0.49 seconds)
Orthodox Jews spit on Christians. Has the American press ever covered the above-?
NO; the question is; why not?

Jerusalem's Christian community has demanded that Jewish leaders and the Israeli government take action against what they claim is growing harassment of their clergy by religious Jews.Christians say ultra-Orthodox Jewish students spit at them or at the ground when they pass. There have also been ...

Spitting on Christians, who be the spitters? | Christian Forums › ... › Social Justice Ministries

Christians in Jerusalem Want Jews to Stop Spitting on Them. A few weeks ago, a senior Greek Orthodox clergyman in Israel attended a meeting at a government office in Jerusalem's Givat Shaul quarter. When he returned to his car, an elderly man wearing a skullcap came and knocked on the window.

Reality is at your door. Muslims do not do the following & now you know who does

A very embarrassing and persistent problem has arisen in some of the sacred sites in Jerusalem where Christians and Jews cross each other's paths. Teenagers from a small sector of the city's many Ultra-Orthodox (“Haredi”) Ashkenazi Jewish communities have taken to spitting at clerics wearing prominent ...

Ynetnews Jewish Scene - ADL: Spitting at Christians a 'repulsive act'
ADL: Spitting at Christians a repulsive act

Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them - Haaretz ...

Christians Feel Growing Oppression in Israel - Open Doors USA

Holy Spit: Why Do Ultra-Orthodox Jews Spit at Christians? | Religion ...

ADL: Spitting at Christians a 'repulsive act'. Jewish group calls on Israel's Chief Rabbinate to denounce decades-old ultra-Orthodox practice of spitting at Christian clergymen on the street. 'This is a hateful act of persecution against another faith group'. Ynetnews|Published: 15.12.11 , 15:19. The Anti-Defamation League ...

Brazilian 'Fiddler' director: Orthodox Jews spit on Christians | The ...
Brazilian ‘Fiddler’ director: Orthodox Jews spit on Christians...
Apr 28, 2016 - RIO DE JANEIRO – An acclaimed Brazilian theater director who recently put on a successful production of “Fiddler on the Roof” compared a lawmaker who spit on a colleague to Orthodox Jews, whom he said routinely spit on Christians. Claudio Botelho made the remarks last week on Facebook, according ...

The oppression of Christians in Israel comes mostly from Ultra-Orthodox Jews; though a minority in the country, the religious group has a major influence. In February, several Israeli newspapers had reports on the growing oppression. The spitting is especially a problem for priests and pastors who stand out with their ...
Ultra-orthodox Jews 'must stop religious abuse' | World news | The ...
Ultra-orthodox Jews 'must stop religious abuse'

What is there left to say-?
My opinion differs: Those "children" can be deadly with their rocks.
I understand that the child in this video was shot by an IDF sniper as well as other children were shot. A rumor has come out that the tank commander screamed into his radio--We Are Being Overrun, must defend our position so the order went out, killing the boy on the spot.
Oh how proud the sniper was.
Another rumor is those snipers got a medal for every child killed.

View attachment 472711

If they had been in school studying, the Israeli soldiers would not have had to use deadly force to stop them.
In America we do not send snipers to single out and murder kids for skipping school.

(As we have found out here in the States, "children" can be quite vicious street criminals.)

TheParser, please Oh Wise One---
define in your own words what quite vicious street criminals. means?
Thanks in advance
This is not a trick question, I have read many of your posts and have learned that you are a very learned person.

That’s how they are in Israel.I have no doubt they overran that boy same as they did with Rachel Corrie.
Dude will you please STFU. Your hatred of Jews in insane.
RE: Im a Zionist are you too?
SUBTOPIC: The Law of Probability
⁜→ TheParser, watchingfromafar, et al,

BLUF: It is simply foolish to try and justify the "intentional" killing of an innocent. But it has happened in (all probability) the past and will continue to have that possibility of a recurrence into the future. The death of the innocent in any conflict is a possibility.

I have never been to the Middle East and have no interest in doing so. But I believe that Israel is paradise compared with the repressive regimes that "govern" that area.
Is paradise the place where you can kill children and get paid to do it?

The key is whether or not there is an "institutional policy." There is a great difference between the immortalization of a mass murderer like "Dalal al-Maghribi" and the aperiodic deaths in the "watchingfromafar," contribution.

You do not find monuments, memorials and commemorative naming of child killers in Israel like you do in Arab Palestine,; the case in point is that of "Dalal Mughrabi." Dalal Mughrabi who participated in the murder of 38 innocent Israeli civilians
(including 13 children) and who is held up as a role model. That is more in one event than the entire list presented in the "watchingfromafar" commentary.

Having said that, all of Israel will agree that the intentional killing of innocents is out'n'out wrong
(legally and morally). And will never be condoned or institutionalized as acceptable by Israeli society - no matter how many murderers the Arab Palestinians immortalize, the Israelis just DO NOT find such a practice acceptable. → The Israeli people consider such behavior → morally wrong and an offensive practice.
Israel Unwired News Article said:
Issa Karake was the Director of PLO Commission of Prisoners’ Affairs until last month. Today he is still a member of the Palestinian Authority Parliament. He was in charge of using aid money from the world to pay terrorists in jail who murdered Israelis.​
SOURCE: written by Avi Abelow September 24, 2018


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