I'm an agnostic, and a non practicing Catholic, but

Where is God? Hiding with Saddam's WMD's? .

Don't do that to yourself. Don't lower yourself to a Joeb level of obtuseness.

Lol..I've had wry on ignore for a really long time, too.

"I don't believe in God and I hate church, but if the pope supports my politics, I might just show up!"

Don't do anyone any favors, wry. The funny thing is, he calls CHRISTIANS hypocrites.
Where is God? Hiding with Saddam's WMD's? .

Don't do that to yourself. Don't lower yourself to a Joeb level of obtuseness.

Lol..I've had wry on ignore for a really long time, too.

"I don't believe in God and I hate church, but if the pope supports my politics, I might just show up!"

Don't do anyone any favors, wry. The funny thing is, he calls CHRISTIANS hypocrites.

Some are, some are worse than hypocrites.

""It's easy to say `don't lose hope,'" he said. "But to all of you who have work, and to those who don't, let me tell you: Don't let yourselves be robbed of hope." by the right wing members of the Republican Party.

quote linked from:

Pope Francis Denounces Big Business' 'Idolatry Of Money' In Sardinia Address Offering Hope To Unemployed, Poor

I don't have you on ignore, I've read some of your posts and in all honesty none ever deserved the effort to be ignored or worthy of a response. I once hold to the idea that we can learn something of value from anyone (I used too, then there came Stephanie, CrusaderFrank and Willow Tree, among others).
Meh, at any rate, given this discussion, I will be sure to continue to ignore you.

Ignore saves me from having to wade through hypocritical rants against hypocritical church goers..over..and over...and over...again.

It isn't the believers who mess up the church. It's assholes like you.
If you don't believe God exists then maybe you need to go to a different kind of church.

As an agnostic I don't know if God exists, nor does it matter to me. My behavior is not dictated by fear of hell nor a desire for heaven. The Catholic Church in which I was baptized and confirmed is not the church ruled by bigoted Bishops; it was a place of parish picnics, CYO sports and community, where priests and nuns served the community.

And where one of the non-negotiable tenets of the faith is a belief in God. You are obviously free to believe, not believe, or punt on whatever you want, but it would be dishonest to pretend to be something you are not.

I don't remember a ruse being proposed... just a growing desire to associate with a particular group because he's impressed with their leader.

What the fuck is church SUPPOSED to be about?
Pope Francis may bring me back to the Church. Not that I will ever believe God exists, but maybe organized religion can have an impact on making our short time on this earth worth spending our time and treasure supporting an organized religion.

Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell made organized religion evil, IMO; and the evangelical conservatives in all religions seem intent on power and not good works. If Pope Francis isn't killed by some right wing extremist and can carry forth his mission, maybe there's hope for humanity.

Pope Francis Denounces Big Business' 'Idolatry Of Money' In Sardinia Address Offering Hope To Unemployed, Poor

Interesting perspective. I'd ask you to not waste the Church's time though, if you do not believe in God. The root of the Catholic Church is in God, not Pope Francis, thoughI confess, I like Him too.

Nicene Creed
Either this is in you, or, it's not.
If it is not in you, as a Catholic, what does that make you?

:dunno: Sentient Monkey?
Maybe a more enlightening endevour would be to seeking God and finding out the truth and then living it. Im sure He would appreciate that far more than going to a Church because of what the Pope does.

Where is God? Hiding with Saddam's WMD's? Better read my OP and apply some critical thinking before posting.

Right in front of you. But you wont speak with Him.

Let go of your pride and be a humble seeker of truth.
As an agnostic I don't know if God exists, nor does it matter to me. My behavior is not dictated by fear of hell nor a desire for heaven. The Catholic Church in which I was baptized and confirmed is not the church ruled by bigoted Bishops; it was a place of parish picnics, CYO sports and community, where priests and nuns served the community.

And where one of the non-negotiable tenets of the faith is a belief in God. You are obviously free to believe, not believe, or punt on whatever you want, but it would be dishonest to pretend to be something you are not.

I don't remember a ruse being proposed... just a growing desire to associate with a particular group because he's impressed with their leader.

He has said several times that he doesn't believe "their leader" exists.
In what context would you be "brought back to the church"?? I'm assuming you wouldn't try to partake in the sacraments, correct??

Correct. The Church in which I was raised was much more than a source of religious ritual, it was part of the community and included activities community wide such as cub scouts, CYO sports, parish picnics, festivals and good works. As a member of the parish we collected canned goods and used clothing for the poor, newspapers and soda bottles which in those days returned a deposit for Catholic Charities.

Homilies focused on community, aiding the poor and seniors, forgiving others and being honest and forthright in social and business activities, on being a good citizen. None of which seems to come from the words of an element on this message board who claim to be Christians or from the statement from the College of Bishops on women's health.

Well, I can't find anything wrong with being inspired to be involved in something positive...I could think of other ways that wouldn't contradict your beliefs, but the Lord works in mysterious ways.;)
Pope Francis may bring me back to the Church. Not that I will ever believe God exists, but maybe organized religion can have an impact on making our short time on this earth worth spending our time and treasure supporting an organized religion.

Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell made organized religion evil, IMO; and the evangelical conservatives in all religions seem intent on power and not good works. If Pope Francis isn't killed by some right wing extremist and can carry forth his mission, maybe there's hope for humanity.

Pope Francis Denounces Big Business' 'Idolatry Of Money' In Sardinia Address Offering Hope To Unemployed, Poor

'NOT an agnostic". Realy? Me too. SO ever wonder about the Easter Bunny or Santa? No? Good. Nobody is going to bring you back to the Church. Please. Are you KIDDING?
What mental state can balance "agnostic" and "(non practicing) Catholic? Hypocrites? Angry lefties who pretend to be Christian? The two existences are diametrically opposed.
Interesting perspective. I'd ask you to not waste the Church's time though, if you do not believe in God. The root of the Catholic Church is in God, not Pope Francis, thoughI confess, I like Him too.

Nicene Creed
Either this is in you, or, it's not.
If it is not in you, as a Catholic, what does that make you?

Nicene Creed

I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father [and the Son]; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.

And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.


The Nicene Creed was adopted in the face of the Arian controversy. Arius, a Libyan presbyter in Alexandria, had declared that although the Son was divine, he was a created being and therefore not co-essential with the Father, and "there was when he was not,"[13] This made Jesus less than the Father, which posed soteriological challenges for the nascent doctrine of the Trinity.[14] Arius's teaching provoked a serious crisis.

is it a Creed or a Prayer (Amen) ? - whatever it is it is not an affirmation of God but an interpretation of JC ...

I'd ask you to not waste the Church's time though

did the Nicene Creed make Arian and all who disavow the Trinity "no longer Religious" - and by their actions made them the sole conduit of God, by "their" creed in the year 325 AD. ?

actually, the thread is about finding the Truth - Agnosticism - and not about a Tea Party confiscation of the Catholic Church.

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