CDZ I'm angry, most of us are - how do we bridge the divide and become one nation again?

is it even possible anymore?

Thomas Jefferson said that the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and tyrants from time to time

If I'm being honest, I'm almost there. Except I don't think we have a tyrant in charge, in fact, I'm THRILLED with our president.

There are many people, some whom I respect immensely, that are 180 degrees from where I am politically, that feel the same way.

14 years ago I won custody of a 13 month old baby girl & I was a small business owner starting out. Message boards became my social life & outlet - things are different now, I still have the girl and I still like message boards, but I'm in a better place.

But I have NEVER been this angry and ready for a fight.

Many of my friends on the left feel the same way.

So, how do we fix this?

OR are we at the point of no return?
I don't know if it's too late. Could be. 50/50. However, I do believe that there are two things that absolutely have to happen if we're to back away from the precipice:

First, we have to find a way to culturally marginalize the division pimps. These are the people on both ends of the spectrum who have a vested professional interest in keeping their "side" angry and separated from the other "side".

Second, we need little, individual acts of leadership from people who are brave enough to publicly fight the behaviors that zealots on both ends are guilty of. These people can be political leaders or sports figures or entertainment stars or just laypeople who stand up and are noticed when they try to bridge the gap. Enough of those little brave actions could conceivably create needed momentum.

I don't know, and I do realize I'm probably engaging in pipe-dreaming there. But it's in my sig - the zealots, both left and right, are on the same "side of the fence" on this issue. They can't be allowed to continue to push us apart.
The American people have been more-or-less brainwashed into accepting an ideology that the few haves and the majority have-nots is acceptable, tolerable, and the American Way. The Federal Government is not trusted by nearly half the country, the Republicans, and they send conservative politicians to Congress in order to block legislation which is aimed at lifting the working class out of debt and poverty proposed by Democrats. Republicans are elected to block legislation aimed at ensuring the safety of children and innocent citizens from gun violence. They block funding for the working poor to be helped obtain abortions and reflect the Biblicism of fundamental Christians. They reduce funding for food at school, medical care, and help for the elderly. Not only do modern Republicans block progressive legislation, they promote the interests of bankers, financiers, the very wealthy, through tax breaks but the want taxes rolled-back so that the Federal and State governments cannot afford progressive programs. Republicans block organized labor to help the working class by promoting right-to-fire in the states and they depress wages by opposing a minimum wage which amounts to a living wage while adding to the national debt by funding anything the industrial military complex asks of them. Republicans are where the racists go; people who hate Blacks, Mexicans, Arabs, and have no desire to offer asylum to Muslims fleeing for their lives from war. Republicans think reciting jingoistic slogans is patriotism while they want to send American youth to foreign wars and then fail to fund help for sick, out-of-work, and needy veterans. In short, Modern Republicans have no concept of society and the onus on government to promote equality, not elitism. In short, Americans cannot be one nation and Republican at the same time.

It's called freedom which you don't have a concept of..

Well, one of the problems is that we agree on very little. There is not much common ground to stand on.
That's okay. Cooperation requires bending. If there is at least SOME middle ground, it's a start. It's the unwillingness to give an inch that is killing us.
The time has come to break the union up and a new two or three countries form out of the remnants. Go be happy.

That's not going to happen.

Ah, the all-seeing guru of creation. What you meant was 'you don't see it happening'.

It's what I'd like to see happen. And there are a number of red and blue states that have called for their states to leave the union in the last few years. All that is needed is for enough states to agree and the union dissolves. I think it will be better for the population. Otherwise a civil war is possible at some point.
Well, one of the problems is that we agree on very little. There is not much common ground to stand on.
That's okay. Cooperation requires bending. If there is at least SOME middle ground, it's a start. It's the unwillingness to give an inch that is killing us.

And which of your principles would you be willing to compromise?
Well, one of the problems is that we agree on very little. There is not much common ground to stand on.
That's okay. Cooperation requires bending. If there is at least SOME middle ground, it's a start. It's the unwillingness to give an inch that is killing us..
And which of your principles would you be willing to compromise?
I'm willing to bend on pretty much anything if it leads to a positive outcome. I'm more than willing to say "I might be wrong, or I may not be 100% right, maybe there's another answer." My ego is not such everything has to be done my way all the time.

I'm wrong all the freakin' time. Just ask my wife.

Part of the problem here is that, as a culture, we're allowing our narcissism to take precedence over reason.
Well, one of the problems is that we agree on very little. There is not much common ground to stand on.
That's okay. Cooperation requires bending. If there is at least SOME middle ground, it's a start. It's the unwillingness to give an inch that is killing us..
And which of your principles would you be willing to compromise?
I'm willing to bend on pretty much anything if it leads to a positive outcome. I'm more than willing to say "I might be wrong, or I may not be 100% right, maybe there's another answer." My ego is not such everything has to be done my way all the time.

I'm wrong all the freakin' time. Just ask my wife.

Part of the problem here is that, as a culture, we're allowing our narcissism to take precedence over reason.

Okay, but WHICH ones and how far would you bend?
Well, one of the problems is that we agree on very little. There is not much common ground to stand on.
That's okay. Cooperation requires bending. If there is at least SOME middle ground, it's a start. It's the unwillingness to give an inch that is killing us..
And which of your principles would you be willing to compromise?
I'm willing to bend on pretty much anything if it leads to a positive outcome. I'm more than willing to say "I might be wrong, or I may not be 100% right, maybe there's another answer." My ego is not such everything has to be done my way all the time.

I'm wrong all the freakin' time. Just ask my wife.

Part of the problem here is that, as a culture, we're allowing our narcissism to take precedence over reason.

Okay, but WHICH ones and how far would you bend?
First of all, understand that by referring to "bending", I don't mean abject capitulation. I'm assuming that the other "side" of the argument has the capacity to bend as well, and that has to be figured into this. If I am absolutely certain about something, I'll do everything I can to at least influence the outcome.

It would depend on each individual issue. Toss one out.
Well, one of the problems is that we agree on very little. There is not much common ground to stand on.
That's okay. Cooperation requires bending. If there is at least SOME middle ground, it's a start. It's the unwillingness to give an inch that is killing us..
And which of your principles would you be willing to compromise?
I'm willing to bend on pretty much anything if it leads to a positive outcome. I'm more than willing to say "I might be wrong, or I may not be 100% right, maybe there's another answer." My ego is not such everything has to be done my way all the time.

I'm wrong all the freakin' time. Just ask my wife.

Part of the problem here is that, as a culture, we're allowing our narcissism to take precedence over reason.

Okay, but WHICH ones and how far would you bend?
First of all, understand that by referring to "bending", I don't mean abject capitulation. I'm assuming that the other "side" of the argument has the capacity to bend as well, and that has to be figured into this. If I am absolutely certain about something, I'll do everything I can to at least influence the outcome.

It would depend on each individual issue. Toss one out.

I strongly believe in my beliefs, and I can't see myself "bending" on any of them, TBH. I find liberal policies to be a death sentence to my country.
Hard to say if it's "too late," but if it is, a second civil war would be a damn quick way to reset this country back to it's original patriotic roots.

The problem is liberals/leftists/democrats, have all but taken over academia in it's entirety, and they have churned out 2 or 3 generations now of indoctrinated, entitled, pampered, elitist, fascist little snowflakes that are triggered by hearing even the slightest thing they disagree with. They need their safe spaces and play dough and coloring books or they'll march and riot, melt down in epic fashion to shut anyone up that disagrees with them, and they're backed now with a completely dishonest propaganda machine masquerading as "news," which is nothing more than the democrat party. Goebbels would be so impressed.

Your modern day liberals/leftists/democrats are NOT rational people, and I don't believe that will change any time soon... maybe we do need another civil war... teach these snowflakes a lesson...

That's okay. Cooperation requires bending. If there is at least SOME middle ground, it's a start. It's the unwillingness to give an inch that is killing us..
And which of your principles would you be willing to compromise?
I'm willing to bend on pretty much anything if it leads to a positive outcome. I'm more than willing to say "I might be wrong, or I may not be 100% right, maybe there's another answer." My ego is not such everything has to be done my way all the time.

I'm wrong all the freakin' time. Just ask my wife.

Part of the problem here is that, as a culture, we're allowing our narcissism to take precedence over reason.

Okay, but WHICH ones and how far would you bend?
First of all, understand that by referring to "bending", I don't mean abject capitulation. I'm assuming that the other "side" of the argument has the capacity to bend as well, and that has to be figured into this. If I am absolutely certain about something, I'll do everything I can to at least influence the outcome.

It would depend on each individual issue. Toss one out.

I strongly believe in my beliefs, and I can't see myself "bending" on any of them, TBH. I find liberal policies to be a death sentence to my country.
Okay, I appreciate that. So let's walk that out a bit: If you take that position, and a liberal takes the opposite position, how do you propose we create laws or legislation or national policy?

The only way I see is a "winner take all" approach, and wild swings back and forth. That doesn't sound like a reasonable way to run a country, especially one that is supposed to be representing everyone.

What would your expectations be?
And which of your principles would you be willing to compromise?
I'm willing to bend on pretty much anything if it leads to a positive outcome. I'm more than willing to say "I might be wrong, or I may not be 100% right, maybe there's another answer." My ego is not such everything has to be done my way all the time.

I'm wrong all the freakin' time. Just ask my wife.

Part of the problem here is that, as a culture, we're allowing our narcissism to take precedence over reason.

Okay, but WHICH ones and how far would you bend?
First of all, understand that by referring to "bending", I don't mean abject capitulation. I'm assuming that the other "side" of the argument has the capacity to bend as well, and that has to be figured into this. If I am absolutely certain about something, I'll do everything I can to at least influence the outcome.

It would depend on each individual issue. Toss one out.

I strongly believe in my beliefs, and I can't see myself "bending" on any of them, TBH. I find liberal policies to be a death sentence to my country.
Okay, I appreciate that. So let's walk that out a bit: If you take that position, and a liberal takes the opposite position, how do you propose we create laws or legislation or national policy?

The only way I see is a "winner take all" approach, and wild swings back and forth. That doesn't sound like a reasonable way to run a country, especially one that is supposed to be representing everyone.

What would your expectations be?

I agree, and that is exactly why we are in the situation that we are in! Nobody wants to bend on their principles.

Let's take abortion for instance. Both sides (except for a few of us) will not BUDGE on that issue.

I have already compromised my position on abortion, where I feel it's none of my business what another woman does with her pregnancy. However, personally, I wouldn't have an abortion and I don't really think it's the right or appropriate decision in a lot of cases.
I'm willing to bend on pretty much anything if it leads to a positive outcome. I'm more than willing to say "I might be wrong, or I may not be 100% right, maybe there's another answer." My ego is not such everything has to be done my way all the time.

I'm wrong all the freakin' time. Just ask my wife.

Part of the problem here is that, as a culture, we're allowing our narcissism to take precedence over reason.

Okay, but WHICH ones and how far would you bend?
First of all, understand that by referring to "bending", I don't mean abject capitulation. I'm assuming that the other "side" of the argument has the capacity to bend as well, and that has to be figured into this. If I am absolutely certain about something, I'll do everything I can to at least influence the outcome.

It would depend on each individual issue. Toss one out.

I strongly believe in my beliefs, and I can't see myself "bending" on any of them, TBH. I find liberal policies to be a death sentence to my country.
Okay, I appreciate that. So let's walk that out a bit: If you take that position, and a liberal takes the opposite position, how do you propose we create laws or legislation or national policy?

The only way I see is a "winner take all" approach, and wild swings back and forth. That doesn't sound like a reasonable way to run a country, especially one that is supposed to be representing everyone.

What would your expectations be?

I agree, and that is exactly why we are in the situation that we are in! Nobody wants to bend on their principles.

Let's take abortion for instance. Both sides (except for a few of us) will not BUDGE on that issue.

I have already compromised my position on abortion, where I feel it's none of my business what another woman does with her pregnancy. However, personally, I wouldn't have an abortion and I don't really think it's the right or appropriate decision in a lot of cases.
That's a great freakin' example, right there, on perhaps our most divisive issue.
The time has come to break the union up and a new two or three countries form out of the remnants. Go be happy.

That's not going to happen.

Ah, the all-seeing guru of creation. What you meant was 'you don't see it happening'.

It's what I'd like to see happen. And there are a number of red and blue states that have called for their states to leave the union in the last few years. All that is needed is for enough states to agree and the union dissolves. I think it will be better for the population. Otherwise a civil war is possible at some point.

It's NOT going to happen. The internet amplifies the caterwauling of the most hysterical and dramatic, but that is not a true reflection of America and Americans. We are ONE nation, under God, indivisible...
Okay, but WHICH ones and how far would you bend?
First of all, understand that by referring to "bending", I don't mean abject capitulation. I'm assuming that the other "side" of the argument has the capacity to bend as well, and that has to be figured into this. If I am absolutely certain about something, I'll do everything I can to at least influence the outcome.

It would depend on each individual issue. Toss one out.

I strongly believe in my beliefs, and I can't see myself "bending" on any of them, TBH. I find liberal policies to be a death sentence to my country.
Okay, I appreciate that. So let's walk that out a bit: If you take that position, and a liberal takes the opposite position, how do you propose we create laws or legislation or national policy?

The only way I see is a "winner take all" approach, and wild swings back and forth. That doesn't sound like a reasonable way to run a country, especially one that is supposed to be representing everyone.

What would your expectations be?

I agree, and that is exactly why we are in the situation that we are in! Nobody wants to bend on their principles.

Let's take abortion for instance. Both sides (except for a few of us) will not BUDGE on that issue.

I have already compromised my position on abortion, where I feel it's none of my business what another woman does with her pregnancy. However, personally, I wouldn't have an abortion and I don't really think it's the right or appropriate decision in a lot of cases.
That's a great freakin' example, right there, on perhaps our most divisive issue.

Yes, and I've thought long and hard about it, just like I do about everything. Of course, some people just follow their party politics and can't see the forest for the trees. ;)
It's our two-party system and our politicians that are tearing us apart. The responsibility is on their shoulders, as well as the media. The media plays a big role in this division too.
Oh please! When was it ONE NATION?

It was just more feasible to ignore some people.

Not everybody gives a damn about the Left or the Right. The Republicans are on the side of the rich and the Democrats pretend to be on the side of the workers and both blather about education.
is it even possible anymore?

Thomas Jefferson said that the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and tyrants from time to time

If I'm being honest, I'm almost there. Except I don't think we have a tyrant in charge, in fact, I'm THRILLED with our president.

There are many people, some whom I respect immensely, that are 180 degrees from where I am politically, that feel the same way.

14 years ago I won custody of a 13 month old baby girl & I was a small business owner starting out. Message boards became my social life & outlet - things are different now, I still have the girl and I still like message boards, but I'm in a better place.

But I have NEVER been this angry and ready for a fight.

Many of my friends on the left feel the same way.

So, how do we fix this?

OR are we at the point of no return?

In my grandmothers generation it was considered impolite to discuss politics or religion in a social setting. Those restraints were intended to keep the peace because they were then, as they are now, hot button topics. We have no such restraints - there are no meaningful repercussions for impolite behavior and language on social media.

The last 8 years have been an eye-opener into the behavior of the far-left in this country - especially among high profile politicians and entertainers regarding the near celebrity status and hero worship of the former prez. That man could have drowned puppies on national tv and the headlines would read 'President personally shows care and concern over the growing population of stray dogs'. Talk about tyrannical behavior, declaring half the country as 'the enemy' and collusion with the Russians - sheesh. :cuckoo:

I don't think we're at the point of no return - most of us still go about our daily lives providing for our families, sharing a kind word or a smile with a stranger, letting another car into traffic, paying our bills and are grateful to be Americans. We're not homogenous like many other countries - so there will be points of contention. Diversity is a good thing if it means diversity of thought and viewpoint and not defined as skin color, gender or ethnicity.

On a site like this the fanatics abound in far higher numbers than exist in real life. Most of my life I have considered myself to a principled liberal - but those principles seem to have all but disappeared from the public square...destroyed by the worst of the progressives - politicians, entertainers and journalists...who appear to admire totalitarianism.

Anyway - there's no point in letting such fuel anger - turn anger into determination to be heard. They are the loud, but the few. Let your voice be heard by your elected officials and when it comes to todays press remember old Ben's adage - 'believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see'.

We're on a course correction and are tacking to the right to head to the center - and that's ok.
That's okay. Cooperation requires bending. If there is at least SOME middle ground, it's a start. It's the unwillingness to give an inch that is killing us..
And which of your principles would you be willing to compromise?
I'm willing to bend on pretty much anything if it leads to a positive outcome. I'm more than willing to say "I might be wrong, or I may not be 100% right, maybe there's another answer." My ego is not such everything has to be done my way all the time.

I'm wrong all the freakin' time. Just ask my wife.

Part of the problem here is that, as a culture, we're allowing our narcissism to take precedence over reason.

Okay, but WHICH ones and how far would you bend?
First of all, understand that by referring to "bending", I don't mean abject capitulation. I'm assuming that the other "side" of the argument has the capacity to bend as well, and that has to be figured into this. If I am absolutely certain about something, I'll do everything I can to at least influence the outcome.

It would depend on each individual issue. Toss one out.

I strongly believe in my beliefs, and I can't see myself "bending" on any of them, TBH. I find liberal policies to be a death sentence to my country.

Interesting statement.

I find liberal policies to be a death sentence to my country.

The time has come to break the union up and a new two or three countries form out of the remnants. Go be happy.

That's not going to happen.

Ah, the all-seeing guru of creation. What you meant was 'you don't see it happening'.

It's what I'd like to see happen. And there are a number of red and blue states that have called for their states to leave the union in the last few years. All that is needed is for enough states to agree and the union dissolves. I think it will be better for the population. Otherwise a civil war is possible at some point.

It's NOT going to happen. The internet amplifies the caterwauling of the most hysterical and dramatic, but that is not a true reflection of America and Americans. We are ONE nation, under God, indivisible...

LOL Yes the internet amplifies those with a god-delusion. Those prone to the hysterics and dramatics of pretending to be all knowing and all seeing overseers of the world. Pity them then move on. The internet also provides a place for thought-less repeating of memes and cliches. As if a mantra repeated over and over gains power just by repeating the words. Like a religious mantra.

It doesn't. The OP notes many are angry. Many are. Better everyone go their separate ways than start a shooting war, which both sides are starting to put forth as a possibility.

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