CDZ I'm angry, most of us are - how do we bridge the divide and become one nation again?

is it even possible anymore?

Thomas Jefferson said that the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and tyrants from time to time

If I'm being honest, I'm almost there. Except I don't think we have a tyrant in charge, in fact, I'm THRILLED with our president.

There are many people, some whom I respect immensely, that are 180 degrees from where I am politically, that feel the same way.

14 years ago I won custody of a 13 month old baby girl & I was a small business owner starting out. Message boards became my social life & outlet - things are different now, I still have the girl and I still like message boards, but I'm in a better place.

But I have NEVER been this angry and ready for a fight.

Many of my friends on the left feel the same way.

So, how do we fix this?

OR are we at the point of no return?

I know, right?

I am almost at the point want division? You can have that.

If you want it to come back from the edge then you have to stick to the issues rather than talking points created by the media or political party. Right now the tail is wagging the dog.

And you know? This is not the first time this has happened so why the repeat?
is it even possible anymore?

Thomas Jefferson said that the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and tyrants from time to time

If I'm being honest, I'm almost there. Except I don't think we have a tyrant in charge, in fact, I'm THRILLED with our president.

There are many people, some whom I respect immensely, that are 180 degrees from where I am politically, that feel the same way.

14 years ago I won custody of a 13 month old baby girl & I was a small business owner starting out. Message boards became my social life & outlet - things are different now, I still have the girl and I still like message boards, but I'm in a better place.

But I have NEVER been this angry and ready for a fight.

Many of my friends on the left feel the same way.

So, how do we fix this?

OR are we at the point of no return?

In my grandmothers generation it was considered impolite to discuss politics or religion in a social setting. Those restraints were intended to keep the peace because they were then, as they are now, hot button topics. We have no such restraints - there are no meaningful repercussions for impolite behavior and language on social media.

The last 8 years have been an eye-opener into the behavior of the far-left in this country - especially among high profile politicians and entertainers regarding the near celebrity status and hero worship of the former prez. That man could have drowned puppies on national tv and the headlines would read 'President personally shows care and concern over the growing population of stray dogs'. Talk about tyrannical behavior, declaring half the country as 'the enemy' and collusion with the Russians - sheesh. :cuckoo:

I don't think we're at the point of no return - most of us still go about our daily lives providing for our families, sharing a kind word or a smile with a stranger, letting another car into traffic, paying our bills and are grateful to be Americans. We're not homogenous like many other countries - so there will be points of contention. Diversity is a good thing if it means diversity of thought and viewpoint and not defined as skin color, gender or ethnicity.

On a site like this the fanatics abound in far higher numbers than exist in real life. Most of my life I have considered myself to a principled liberal - but those principles seem to have all but disappeared from the public square...destroyed by the worst of the progressives - politicians, entertainers and journalists...who appear to admire totalitarianism.

Anyway - there's no point in letting such fuel anger - turn anger into determination to be heard. They are the loud, but the few. Let your voice be heard by your elected officials and when it comes to todays press remember old Ben's adage - 'believe none of what you hear, and only half of what you see'.

We're on a course correction and are tacking to the right to head to the center - and that's ok.

On a site like this the fanatics abound in far higher numbers than exist in real life.

The time has come to break the union up and a new two or three countries form out of the remnants. Go be happy.

That's not going to happen.

Ah, the all-seeing guru of creation. What you meant was 'you don't see it happening'.

It's what I'd like to see happen. And there are a number of red and blue states that have called for their states to leave the union in the last few years. All that is needed is for enough states to agree and the union dissolves. I think it will be better for the population. Otherwise a civil war is possible at some point.

It's NOT going to happen. The internet amplifies the caterwauling of the most hysterical and dramatic, but that is not a true reflection of America and Americans. We are ONE nation, under God, indivisible...

LOL Yes the internet amplifies those with a god-delusion. Those prone to the hysterics and dramatics of pretending to be all knowing and all seeing overseers of the world. Pity them then move on. The internet also provides a place for thought-less repeating of memes and cliches. As if a mantra repeated over and over gains power just by repeating the words. Like a religious mantra.

It doesn't. The OP notes many are angry. Many are. Better everyone go their separate ways than start a shooting war, which both sides are starting to put forth as a possibility.

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Go ahead, pick a time frame and then check back in when it comes and goes and the US is still here. Go ahead.
The time has come to break the union up and a new two or three countries form out of the remnants. Go be happy.

That's not going to happen.

Ah, the all-seeing guru of creation. What you meant was 'you don't see it happening'.

It's what I'd like to see happen. And there are a number of red and blue states that have called for their states to leave the union in the last few years. All that is needed is for enough states to agree and the union dissolves. I think it will be better for the population. Otherwise a civil war is possible at some point.

It's NOT going to happen. The internet amplifies the caterwauling of the most hysterical and dramatic, but that is not a true reflection of America and Americans. We are ONE nation, under God, indivisible...

LOL Yes the internet amplifies those with a god-delusion. Those prone to the hysterics and dramatics of pretending to be all knowing and all seeing overseers of the world. Pity them then move on. The internet also provides a place for thought-less repeating of memes and cliches. As if a mantra repeated over and over gains power just by repeating the words. Like a religious mantra.

It doesn't. The OP notes many are angry. Many are. Better everyone go their separate ways than start a shooting war, which both sides are starting to put forth as a possibility.

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Go ahead, pick a time frame and then check back in when it comes and goes and the US is still here. Go ahead.

I don't think the left would fare very well in a shooting war!
The time has come to break the union up and a new two or three countries form out of the remnants. Go be happy.

That's not going to happen.

Ah, the all-seeing guru of creation. What you meant was 'you don't see it happening'.

It's what I'd like to see happen. And there are a number of red and blue states that have called for their states to leave the union in the last few years. All that is needed is for enough states to agree and the union dissolves. I think it will be better for the population. Otherwise a civil war is possible at some point.

It's NOT going to happen. The internet amplifies the caterwauling of the most hysterical and dramatic, but that is not a true reflection of America and Americans. We are ONE nation, under God, indivisible...

LOL Yes the internet amplifies those with a god-delusion. Those prone to the hysterics and dramatics of pretending to be all knowing and all seeing overseers of the world. Pity them then move on. The internet also provides a place for thought-less repeating of memes and cliches. As if a mantra repeated over and over gains power just by repeating the words. Like a religious mantra.

It doesn't. The OP notes many are angry. Many are. Better everyone go their separate ways than start a shooting war, which both sides are starting to put forth as a possibility.

What? I never remember running from the internet when Obama won in 2012..
The time has come to break the union up and a new two or three countries form out of the remnants. Go be happy.

That's not going to happen.

Ah, the all-seeing guru of creation. What you meant was 'you don't see it happening'.

It's what I'd like to see happen. And there are a number of red and blue states that have called for their states to leave the union in the last few years. All that is needed is for enough states to agree and the union dissolves. I think it will be better for the population. Otherwise a civil war is possible at some point.

It's NOT going to happen. The internet amplifies the caterwauling of the most hysterical and dramatic, but that is not a true reflection of America and Americans. We are ONE nation, under God, indivisible...

LOL Yes the internet amplifies those with a god-delusion. Those prone to the hysterics and dramatics of pretending to be all knowing and all seeing overseers of the world. Pity them then move on. The internet also provides a place for thought-less repeating of memes and cliches. As if a mantra repeated over and over gains power just by repeating the words. Like a religious mantra.

It doesn't. The OP notes many are angry. Many are. Better everyone go their separate ways than start a shooting war, which both sides are starting to put forth as a possibility.

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Go ahead, pick a time frame and then check back in when it comes and goes and the US is still here. Go ahead.

You've only repeated it a few times, make it a daily affirmation to really give it power. Also try the Stuart Smalley mantras 'you're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggonit people like you'.
That's not going to happen.

Ah, the all-seeing guru of creation. What you meant was 'you don't see it happening'.

It's what I'd like to see happen. And there are a number of red and blue states that have called for their states to leave the union in the last few years. All that is needed is for enough states to agree and the union dissolves. I think it will be better for the population. Otherwise a civil war is possible at some point.

It's NOT going to happen. The internet amplifies the caterwauling of the most hysterical and dramatic, but that is not a true reflection of America and Americans. We are ONE nation, under God, indivisible...

LOL Yes the internet amplifies those with a god-delusion. Those prone to the hysterics and dramatics of pretending to be all knowing and all seeing overseers of the world. Pity them then move on. The internet also provides a place for thought-less repeating of memes and cliches. As if a mantra repeated over and over gains power just by repeating the words. Like a religious mantra.

It doesn't. The OP notes many are angry. Many are. Better everyone go their separate ways than start a shooting war, which both sides are starting to put forth as a possibility.

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Go ahead, pick a time frame and then check back in when it comes and goes and the US is still here. Go ahead.

I don't think the left would fare very well in a shooting war!

You didn't here the news? According to the left they won the revolution war against Britain..and started a country full of slaves and such..
That's not going to happen.

Ah, the all-seeing guru of creation. What you meant was 'you don't see it happening'.

It's what I'd like to see happen. And there are a number of red and blue states that have called for their states to leave the union in the last few years. All that is needed is for enough states to agree and the union dissolves. I think it will be better for the population. Otherwise a civil war is possible at some point.

It's NOT going to happen. The internet amplifies the caterwauling of the most hysterical and dramatic, but that is not a true reflection of America and Americans. We are ONE nation, under God, indivisible...

LOL Yes the internet amplifies those with a god-delusion. Those prone to the hysterics and dramatics of pretending to be all knowing and all seeing overseers of the world. Pity them then move on. The internet also provides a place for thought-less repeating of memes and cliches. As if a mantra repeated over and over gains power just by repeating the words. Like a religious mantra.

It doesn't. The OP notes many are angry. Many are. Better everyone go their separate ways than start a shooting war, which both sides are starting to put forth as a possibility.

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Go ahead, pick a time frame and then check back in when it comes and goes and the US is still here. Go ahead.

I don't think the left would fare very well in a shooting war!

See 'The Civil War' to find out.
is it even possible anymore?

Thomas Jefferson said that the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and tyrants from time to time

If I'm being honest, I'm almost there. Except I don't think we have a tyrant in charge, in fact, I'm THRILLED with our president.

There are many people, some whom I respect immensely, that are 180 degrees from where I am politically, that feel the same way.

14 years ago I won custody of a 13 month old baby girl & I was a small business owner starting out. Message boards became my social life & outlet - things are different now, I still have the girl and I still like message boards, but I'm in a better place.

But I have NEVER been this angry and ready for a fight.

Many of my friends on the left feel the same way.

So, how do we fix this?

OR are we at the point of no return?
Stop the widening gap between the rich and poor. A big strong happy middle class will do it.

You can't have free market unregulated capitalism. It has to be regulated. And some things like healthcare need to be regulated. Maybe even socialized.

If your way is going to work people need to stop having kids. A major population decrease. I'm all for that. Too many people now
Ah, the all-seeing guru of creation. What you meant was 'you don't see it happening'.

It's what I'd like to see happen. And there are a number of red and blue states that have called for their states to leave the union in the last few years. All that is needed is for enough states to agree and the union dissolves. I think it will be better for the population. Otherwise a civil war is possible at some point.

It's NOT going to happen. The internet amplifies the caterwauling of the most hysterical and dramatic, but that is not a true reflection of America and Americans. We are ONE nation, under God, indivisible...

LOL Yes the internet amplifies those with a god-delusion. Those prone to the hysterics and dramatics of pretending to be all knowing and all seeing overseers of the world. Pity them then move on. The internet also provides a place for thought-less repeating of memes and cliches. As if a mantra repeated over and over gains power just by repeating the words. Like a religious mantra.

It doesn't. The OP notes many are angry. Many are. Better everyone go their separate ways than start a shooting war, which both sides are starting to put forth as a possibility.

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Go ahead, pick a time frame and then check back in when it comes and goes and the US is still here. Go ahead.

I don't think the left would fare very well in a shooting war!

See 'The Civil War' to find out.

That was back when men were men. Lol. Things have changed. You have a bunch of confused men/women with pierced lips and tongues living in their mom's basements because they can't get a job with their "liberal arts" degrees. :D
That's not going to happen.

Ah, the all-seeing guru of creation. What you meant was 'you don't see it happening'.

It's what I'd like to see happen. And there are a number of red and blue states that have called for their states to leave the union in the last few years. All that is needed is for enough states to agree and the union dissolves. I think it will be better for the population. Otherwise a civil war is possible at some point.

It's NOT going to happen. The internet amplifies the caterwauling of the most hysterical and dramatic, but that is not a true reflection of America and Americans. We are ONE nation, under God, indivisible...

LOL Yes the internet amplifies those with a god-delusion. Those prone to the hysterics and dramatics of pretending to be all knowing and all seeing overseers of the world. Pity them then move on. The internet also provides a place for thought-less repeating of memes and cliches. As if a mantra repeated over and over gains power just by repeating the words. Like a religious mantra.

It doesn't. The OP notes many are angry. Many are. Better everyone go their separate ways than start a shooting war, which both sides are starting to put forth as a possibility.

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Go ahead, pick a time frame and then check back in when it comes and goes and the US is still here. Go ahead.

You've only repeated it a few times, make it a daily affirmation to really give it power. Also try the Stuart Smalley mantras 'you're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggonit people like you'.

I wonder if your kind will believe in it?

The "right" on the other hand are sometimes "preppers" or people living off the grid out in the middle of nowhere with their guns. Lol. Come on libs, follow your own memes, will ya?
It's NOT going to happen. The internet amplifies the caterwauling of the most hysterical and dramatic, but that is not a true reflection of America and Americans. We are ONE nation, under God, indivisible...

LOL Yes the internet amplifies those with a god-delusion. Those prone to the hysterics and dramatics of pretending to be all knowing and all seeing overseers of the world. Pity them then move on. The internet also provides a place for thought-less repeating of memes and cliches. As if a mantra repeated over and over gains power just by repeating the words. Like a religious mantra.

It doesn't. The OP notes many are angry. Many are. Better everyone go their separate ways than start a shooting war, which both sides are starting to put forth as a possibility.

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Go ahead, pick a time frame and then check back in when it comes and goes and the US is still here. Go ahead.

I don't think the left would fare very well in a shooting war!

See 'The Civil War' to find out.

That was back when men were men. Lol. Things have changed. You have a bunch of confused men/women with pierced lips and tongues living in their mom's basements because they can't get a job with their "liberal arts" degrees. :D

Are there any conservatives left that don't live in fake Memeville.
It's NOT going to happen. The internet amplifies the caterwauling of the most hysterical and dramatic, but that is not a true reflection of America and Americans. We are ONE nation, under God, indivisible...

LOL Yes the internet amplifies those with a god-delusion. Those prone to the hysterics and dramatics of pretending to be all knowing and all seeing overseers of the world. Pity them then move on. The internet also provides a place for thought-less repeating of memes and cliches. As if a mantra repeated over and over gains power just by repeating the words. Like a religious mantra.

It doesn't. The OP notes many are angry. Many are. Better everyone go their separate ways than start a shooting war, which both sides are starting to put forth as a possibility.

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Go ahead, pick a time frame and then check back in when it comes and goes and the US is still here. Go ahead.

I don't think the left would fare very well in a shooting war!

See 'The Civil War' to find out.

That was back when men were men. Lol. Things have changed. You have a bunch of confused men/women with pierced lips and tongues living in their mom's basements because they can't get a job with their "liberal arts" degrees. :D

This does confuse girls now doesn't it?

Lmfao .
LOL Yes the internet amplifies those with a god-delusion. Those prone to the hysterics and dramatics of pretending to be all knowing and all seeing overseers of the world. Pity them then move on. The internet also provides a place for thought-less repeating of memes and cliches. As if a mantra repeated over and over gains power just by repeating the words. Like a religious mantra.

It doesn't. The OP notes many are angry. Many are. Better everyone go their separate ways than start a shooting war, which both sides are starting to put forth as a possibility.

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Go ahead, pick a time frame and then check back in when it comes and goes and the US is still here. Go ahead.

I don't think the left would fare very well in a shooting war!

See 'The Civil War' to find out.

That was back when men were men. Lol. Things have changed. You have a bunch of confused men/women with pierced lips and tongues living in their mom's basements because they can't get a job with their "liberal arts" degrees. :D

Are there any conservatives left that don't live in fake Memeville.

Pictures are worth a thousand words.

That's not going to happen.

Ah, the all-seeing guru of creation. What you meant was 'you don't see it happening'.

It's what I'd like to see happen. And there are a number of red and blue states that have called for their states to leave the union in the last few years. All that is needed is for enough states to agree and the union dissolves. I think it will be better for the population. Otherwise a civil war is possible at some point.

It's NOT going to happen. The internet amplifies the caterwauling of the most hysterical and dramatic, but that is not a true reflection of America and Americans. We are ONE nation, under God, indivisible...

LOL Yes the internet amplifies those with a god-delusion. Those prone to the hysterics and dramatics of pretending to be all knowing and all seeing overseers of the world. Pity them then move on. The internet also provides a place for thought-less repeating of memes and cliches. As if a mantra repeated over and over gains power just by repeating the words. Like a religious mantra.

It doesn't. The OP notes many are angry. Many are. Better everyone go their separate ways than start a shooting war, which both sides are starting to put forth as a possibility.

NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. Go ahead, pick a time frame and then check back in when it comes and goes and the US is still here. Go ahead.

You've only repeated it a few times, make it a daily affirmation to really give it power. Also try the Stuart Smalley mantras 'you're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggonit people like you'.

What's your time frame?
In my grandmothers generation it was considered impolite to discuss politics or religion in a social setting.

What concerns me as much as anything else right now is how deeply our society and culture have been infected with not only politics, but partisan politics. You can't escape it, even for a minute. It has saturated academia, entertainment, sports, business, religion, every last thing. And more and more people seem to be willing to launch into a partisan tirade at the slightest provocation.

This is at the top of my concerns because once something becomes cultural, it's much tougher to fix.
is it even possible anymore?

Thomas Jefferson said that the tree of liberty must be refreshed with the blood of Patriots and tyrants from time to time

If I'm being honest, I'm almost there. Except I don't think we have a tyrant in charge, in fact, I'm THRILLED with our president.

There are many people, some whom I respect immensely, that are 180 degrees from where I am politically, that feel the same way.

14 years ago I won custody of a 13 month old baby girl & I was a small business owner starting out. Message boards became my social life & outlet - things are different now, I still have the girl and I still like message boards, but I'm in a better place.

But I have NEVER been this angry and ready for a fight.

Many of my friends on the left feel the same way.

So, how do we fix this?

OR are we at the point of no return?
You could try being an adult and control your emotions. Solutions to problems don't come from fighting.
And you know? This is not the first time this has happened so why the repeat?
There is nothing new under the sun, I read that in a great book of wisdom...

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