I'm curious. How many USMB Republicans won't have healthcare this time next year?

I hope you change your underwear after each of these wet dreams you have.

Republicans ended subsidies...that is what they do...hold people accountable and not create dependency.

Obamacare will still be around and it will suck worse than it did before. We'll thank him for his meddling and tell him to die quickly.

You too.
He only has one pair of underwear. As a Sander's supporter, it's a matter of principle however unhygienic.
How many USMB Republicans won't have healthcare this time next year?

None of them would ever be honest enough to admit it. They will claim they have the best healthcare in the universe, "that I can tell you," "believe me."
Right, 'cause we all know every republican is an independently wealthy real estate mogul job-creator gun-smith sniper investor with multiple residences, trophy wives, and home-schooled kids.

I sense a distinct note of jealousy, perhaps revolving around a state of impecunity and joblessness, mechanical clumsiness and inaccurate spitwadding, all within a two-room efficiency with a 350 lb. illegal Savadoran wife and idiot progeny, half of whom are in jail.

Merely an observation.
Lol, I make a statement about republicans, you attack me personally. And in a stupid, poorly thought out manner. I mean why would I be jelous of people who like about who they are on the internet?

You think that was a personal attack? Snowflake melt much?

If you believe what you wrote is generally true, then you must accept that what I wrote is also generally true of Democrats.

And just for info, I'm no Republican. Not even close.
Yes, that was a personal attack. I spoke generally, you spoke about me specifically. That is the very definition of a personal attack.

As far as you being a republican, deny if you wish (I would with tRump leading the party) but you are one.
None of them would ever be honest enough to admit it. They will claim they have the best healthcare in the universe, "that I can tell you," "believe me."
Right, 'cause we all know every republican is an independently wealthy real estate mogul job-creator gun-smith sniper investor with multiple residences, trophy wives, and home-schooled kids.

I sense a distinct note of jealousy, perhaps revolving around a state of impecunity and joblessness, mechanical clumsiness and inaccurate spitwadding, all within a two-room efficiency with a 350 lb. illegal Savadoran wife and idiot progeny, half of whom are in jail.

Merely an observation.
Lol, I make a statement about republicans, you attack me personally. And in a stupid, poorly thought out manner. I mean why would I be jelous of people who like about who they are on the internet?

You think that was a personal attack? Snowflake melt much?

If you believe what you wrote is generally true, then you must accept that what I wrote is also generally true of Democrats.

And just for info, I'm no Republican. Not even close.
Yes, that was a personal attack. I spoke generally, you spoke about me specifically. That is the very definition of a personal attack.

Nope. Commenting upon the tone of your piece is not a personal attack.

As far as you being a republican, deny if you wish (I would with tRump leading the party) but you are one.

Nope. If anything, I am an anti-Democrat. That does not make me a Republican. I make no donations, nor am I registered.

I support the Republicans solely because the Democrats present nothing I as an American can support.
100% of those Republicans (also Democrats willing to ignore the hive mind) who choose not be buy it.

Remember, a government that could force you to buy health insurance - product of private companies - could also force you to buy solar panels from private companies. Oh, wait, California is onto that.

Actually I'm a little disappointed that President Trump has ended the forced purchasing. You see, I have this neat little product, a horseshit scooper, that everyone needs to be forced to buy and carry with them in because one never knows when one will have to clean up after a mouth-foaming liberal.
When people without healthcare get sick, everyone pays for it.
100% of those Republicans (also Democrats willing to ignore the hive mind) who choose not be buy it.

Remember, a government that could force you to buy health insurance - product of private companies - could also force you to buy solar panels from private companies. Oh, wait, California is onto that.

Actually I'm a little disappointed that President Trump has ended the forced purchasing. You see, I have this neat little product, a horseshit scooper, that everyone needs to be forced to buy and carry with them in because one never knows when one will have to clean up after a mouth-foaming liberal.
When people without healthcare get sick, everyone pays for it.

Are you still confused about the difference between health care and health insurance?
100% of those Republicans (also Democrats willing to ignore the hive mind) who choose not be buy it.

Remember, a government that could force you to buy health insurance - product of private companies - could also force you to buy solar panels from private companies. Oh, wait, California is onto that.

Actually I'm a little disappointed that President Trump has ended the forced purchasing. You see, I have this neat little product, a horseshit scooper, that everyone needs to be forced to buy and carry with them in because one never knows when one will have to clean up after a mouth-foaming liberal.
When people without healthcare get sick, everyone pays for it.


Once again for me saying this, in south Carolina they will garnish wages for over due hospital bills, by the state IRS
Every Republican who chooses not to buy it.

Another in a long unbroken string of failthreads from the idiot OP.
How many USMB Republicans won't have healthcare this time next year?


Why, pray tell, would we not have healthcare, by which I presume you mean health insurance, and/or the ability to pay for medical treatment?

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