I'm Done Eating At Burger King

Didn't Warren Buffet, "Mr. fair taxes" guy, invest in BK avoiding American taxes? Really. I misspell a word or two and I get the riot act.

No -- he has invested in 3G in the past, which is the majority owner of Burger King. Some wags here are trying to stretch that all the way into Warren Buffett getting up and plunking down eight billion dollars to buy a Canadian chain just so to avoid taxes. Anyone who made that kind of move for that motivation would no longer be rich by the end of the week.
Sucks when you have to eat the own vile you spew eh?

Liberals bitch to no end when it is discovered that some gop member, up to & including Romney, has investments in some plan that invests in something obscure that you dislike. So much so to the point that the left says such investments prove condoning of (insert latest outrage here)

What the fuck does "eat the own vile you spew" mean? Is that something they sell at Burger King?
Or are you thinking of poutine? Because you may have a point for once.

Naaah, just kiddin'.

What have I posted about Romney's investments then? Or "gop [sic] members"? :link:

Somehow I have no memory of that. Hook a brutha up wouldja?
Didn't Warren Buffet, "Mr. fair taxes" guy, invest in BK avoiding American taxes? Really. I misspell a word or two and I get the riot act.

No -- he has invested in 3G in the past, which is the majority owner of Burger King. Some wags here are trying to stretch that all the way into Warren Buffett getting up and plunking down eight billion dollars to buy a Canadian chain just so to avoid taxes. Anyone who made that kind of move for that motivation would no longer be rich by the end of the week.
You can can take it either way, can't you? I hate ambiguity. I don't think it's going to hurt Buffet one way or the other, do you?
Didn't Warren Buffet, "Mr. fair taxes" guy, invest in BK avoiding American taxes? Really. I misspell a word or two and I get the riot act.

No -- he has invested in 3G in the past, which is the majority owner of Burger King. Some wags here are trying to stretch that all the way into Warren Buffett getting up and plunking down eight billion dollars to buy a Canadian chain just so to avoid taxes. Anyone who made that kind of move for that motivation would no longer be rich by the end of the week.
Sucks when you have to eat the own vile you spew eh?

Liberals bitch to no end when it is discovered that some gop member, up to & including Romney, has investments in some plan that invests in something obscure that you dislike. So much so to the point that the left says such investments prove condoning of (insert latest outrage here)

What the fuck does "eat the own vile you spew" mean? Is that something they sell at Burger King? Or are you thinking of poutine? Because you may have a point for once.

Naaah, just kiddin'.

What have I posted about Romney's investments then? Or "gop [sic] members"? :link:
I was painting with a broad brush god damn it & you know it. Don't go fucking up my point cause it was a good one.
Didn't Warren Buffet, "Mr. fair taxes" guy, invest in BK avoiding American taxes? Really. I misspell a word or two and I get the riot act.

No -- he has invested in 3G in the past, which is the majority owner of Burger King. Some wags here are trying to stretch that all the way into Warren Buffett getting up and plunking down eight billion dollars to buy a Canadian chain just so to avoid taxes. Anyone who made that kind of move for that motivation would no longer be rich by the end of the week.
Sucks when you have to eat the own vile you spew eh?

Liberals bitch to no end when it is discovered that some gop member, up to & including Romney, has investments in some plan that invests in something obscure that you dislike. So much so to the point that the left says such investments prove condoning of (insert latest outrage here)

What the fuck does "eat the own vile you spew" mean? Is that something they sell at Burger King? Or are you thinking of poutine? Because you may have a point for once.

Naaah, just kiddin'.

What have I posted about Romney's investments then? Or "gop [sic] members"? :link:
I was painting with a broad brush god damn it & you know it. Don't go fucking up my point cause it was a good one.


Well at least you're honest enough to cop to it right away rather than pussyfooting. I know a few posters that could take a cue from you. Good show sir.
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Didn't Warren Buffet, "Mr. fair taxes" guy, invest in BK avoiding American taxes? Really. I misspell a word or two and I get the riot act.

No -- he has invested in 3G in the past, which is the majority owner of Burger King. Some wags here are trying to stretch that all the way into Warren Buffett getting up and plunking down eight billion dollars to buy a Canadian chain just so to avoid taxes. Anyone who made that kind of move for that motivation would no longer be rich by the end of the week.
You can can take it either way, can't you? I hate ambiguity. I don't think it's going to hurt Buffet one way or the other, do you?

One never knows with investments but Buffett didn't get where he is by backing the wrong horse.
The delineation I tried to spell out is that of "whose idea it is". Some of our shallower minds have Warren Buffett as evil mastermind conniving his way out of 1% of some corporate taxes at the low low this-week-only price of eight billion dollars. It just isn't reality.
It is funny that BK moves to Canada to avoid taxes yet if you travel to cities like Erie, Buffalo and other border cities it is full of Canadians shopping and having dinner. Funnier still is if you engage them in discussion they are more then happy to tell you everything wrong with America. Sorry I have lost respect for Canada no wonder they speak French. As for BK, there are lots of alternatives.

I have worked with a couple Canadians; both finally married Americans, after years of complaing about having o reapply to work in the US (Florida). Same deal; always the superiority of Canada while they parked in Florida, and took well paying US jobs.

Wendy's fries are good; and Hardees AND Wendy's will make the burger as ordered also.
Didn't Warren Buffet, "Mr. fair taxes" guy, invest in BK avoiding American taxes? Really. I misspell a word or two and I get the riot act.

No -- he has invested in 3G in the past, which is the majority owner of Burger King. Some wags here are trying to stretch that all the way into Warren Buffett getting up and plunking down eight billion dollars to buy a Canadian chain just so to avoid taxes. Anyone who made that kind of move for that motivation would no longer be rich by the end of the week.
POGO is Warren BKBuffet's spokesperson.. Can't you tell? ROFL
Canada got it right. America still hasn't. Canada dumped their loony Communists/Socialists and lowered their Corporate Tax Rate. And they've thrived ever since. The U.S. needs to follow their lead. It has to encourage businesses to stay home.

Except the US actual tax rate is less than in Canada. I posted Burger Kings numbers from their SEC filing. For the past five years, BK has paid far less than the 15% in Canada, but they do have $600+M in deferred revenue that they'll probably walk on paying taxes, screwing the American middle class.
Didn't Warren Buffet, "Mr. fair taxes" guy, invest in BK avoiding American taxes? Really. I misspell a word or two and I get the riot act.

No -- he has invested in 3G in the past, which is the majority owner of Burger King. Some wags here are trying to stretch that all the way into Warren Buffett getting up and plunking down eight billion dollars to buy a Canadian chain just so to avoid taxes. Anyone who made that kind of move for that motivation would no longer be rich by the end of the week.
POGO is Warren BKBuffet's spokesperson.. Can't you tell? ROFL

Ah I just read. I know more about Tim Horton's than about Warren Buffett.
They're doing very well economically. Have been for awhile. They don't have the crushing Debt and their Tax situation has improved dramatically. Once they lowered their Corporate Tax Rate, things really took off for em. We could learn a lot from Canada.

And yet American business pays less than 15%. What part of that don't you understand?
Nope. Your own WSJ link in the post before the above one says in its subheadline, quote:
" 'This Is Not a Tax-Driven Deal,' Executive Says"

-- which also agrees with other links I've seen and posted.

Your own link.

Still cannot comprehend English, can you?

If you read my post you will never see the words tax driven. If you read your post you will see the claim that taxes had nothing to do with the deal. Your challenge to everyone was to prove you wrong on that claim. If the deal had nothing to do with taxes they would have not included the provision that transferred just enough of their stock to Tom Horton to allow them to not pay US taxes. Therefore, your claim that the tax differential had nothing to do with the deal has been disproven.

Feel free to run away from the thread just like every other time I proved your claims wrong.
No -- he has invested in 3G in the past, which is the majority owner of Burger King. Some wags here are trying to stretch that all the way into Warren Buffett getting up and plunking down eight billion dollars to buy a Canadian chain just so to avoid taxes. Anyone who made that kind of move for that motivation would no longer be rich by the end of the week.

You do know that Buffet actually acted as a consultant on this deal, and helped specifically with the tax inversion portion, don't you? Or would that fall into the news that you don't get because it upsets your progressive world view?
No -- he has invested in 3G in the past, which is the majority owner of Burger King. Some wags here are trying to stretch that all the way into Warren Buffett getting up and plunking down eight billion dollars to buy a Canadian chain just so to avoid taxes. Anyone who made that kind of move for that motivation would no longer be rich by the end of the week.

You do know that Buffet actually acted as a consultant on this deal, and helped specifically with the tax inversion portion, don't you? Or would that fall into the news that you don't get because it upsets your progressive world view?

No I don't know that. Haven't seen it, and the link you gave me earlier needs a subscription in order to read, so .... money talks, this doesn't.

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