I'm Done Eating At Burger King


It sure would be better if you folks would boycott nicer places to eat.

Oh well, I don't mind eating at Burger King now and then, now that I feel kinda obligated.


I drove by a BK last night...was fleetingly tempted to stop. But decided to go to a real restaurant instead.

It sure would be better if you folks would boycott nicer places to eat.

Oh well, I don't mind eating at Burger King now and then, now that I feel kinda obligated.


I drove by a BK last night...was fleetingly tempted to stop. But decided to go to a real restaurant instead.

So you drove all the way to a Tim Horton's?

Bada Bing!

No, we went to the Tribune Tavern in Oaklandtown. Twas Delish!
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Not really -- it's not a tax move. Got zilch to do with taxes.

Once again for the slow -- you don't need to spend umpteen billion bucks to buy a megacompany just to move to Canada. You just don't. On the other hand you can grow your business by such a move, including getting back into a major market you had to bail out of a few years ago. Think about it.

All of that is true, so is the fact that they will be paying less taxes to the US. You can blather about the other benefits all day long, but claiming that there is no tax benefit included in the deal when the company itself touted the tax incentives as the main reason they structured the final deal the ay they did just indicates your willful ignorance of the truth.

Nope. Your own WSJ link in the post before the above one says in its subheadline, quote:
" 'This Is Not a Tax-Driven Deal,' Executive Says"

-- which also agrees with other links I've seen and posted.

Your own link.
BK is just escaping the taxes and they are in business to make money. Nothing more, except our taxes chased their main offices out of the country.

And then a whiney lib saying he will not eat there ever again..............LOL

Whatever floats your boat man.............who cares.

Riiiight. Next time I want to lower my tax bill all I have to do is pony up eight billion bucks to buy a national Canadian icon and its 4600 stores. What a bargain, eh?

I take it you're not a financial advisor...
I am not a carnivore anymore. But the last time I went to BK, all they hired was Mexicans and the service was poor...No wonder their leadership wants to wants to bail from this country. Cheap and exploitative. Eat salad. Grow it your self.
I found out something a couple days ago that made me very happy about this deal: I have BK stock in my investments. :woohoo::woohoo:

Wish I had more. :dunno:

You sure? You're the guy who kept insisting Tim Horton's pulled all out of New England -- before I showed you seven stores in Bangor alone...
Didn't Warren Buffet, "Mr. fair taxes" guy, invest in BK avoiding American taxes? Really. I misspell a word or two and I get the riot act.
Didn't Warren Buffet, "Mr. fair taxes" guy, invest in BK avoiding American taxes? Really. I misspell a word or two and I get the riot act.

No -- he has invested in 3G in the past, which is the majority owner of Burger King. Some wags here are trying to stretch that all the way into Warren Buffett getting up and plunking down eight billion dollars to buy a Canadian chain just so to avoid taxes. Anyone who made that kind of move for that motivation would no longer be rich by the end of the week.
Didn't Warren Buffet, "Mr. fair taxes" guy, invest in BK avoiding American taxes? Really. I misspell a word or two and I get the riot act.

No -- he has invested in 3G in the past, which is the majority owner of Burger King. Some wags here are trying to stretch that all the way into Warren Buffett getting up and plunking down eight billion dollars to buy a Canadian chain just so to avoid taxes. Anyone who made that kind of move for that motivation would no longer be rich by the end of the week.
Sucks when you have to eat the own vile you spew eh?

Liberals bitch to no end when it is discovered that some gop member, up to & including Romney, has investments in some plan that invests in something obscure that you dislike. So much so to the point that the left says such investments prove condoning of (insert latest outrage here)

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