I'm Done Eating At Burger King

One thing to remember in this debate, Federal tax revenue reached record highs last year.
Is the budget balanced now?

That is the sad part about pointing out record revenue, we are still digging ourselves into a hole. Even when the war in Iraq, which was blamed for the deficit, ended two years ago. Record profits yet record debt, we are screwed.

We borrow money just to pay the interest on the money we borrowed previously.
That's called bankruptcy in the real world.

It is like paying off your MasterCard with your Visa card. A household run like the government would be bankrupt.
One thing to remember in this debate, Federal tax revenue reached record highs last year, just like corporate profits.

and you call the government taking more of our hard earned money a good thing?

Gotta feed that MONSTER and our masters in government. so they can put their jack boots..I mean laws on us, you know one's like what size soda cup we can have and wailing over football team names.

Steph. What is with you today? Whow. I never said them taking more was good, I said it was fact. Countering those who imply a tax cut hurt revenue, that is all.

Sorry hon,
I read it wrong. Just with everything going on under this regime, the borders, this bs with Ferugson, calling us names like, deniers, domestic terrorist, etc. I guess I'm becoming just a tad more angry every day and it's showing through here.
again I apologize dear and to everyone here in advance if I jump to conclusions too fast.
just because something is a "business" does not mean it should duck taxes any more than you can.

You think the u.s tax code is fair and well written?

How many volumes (books) does the tax code encompass?

How many pages?

Do you purposely seek out the most expensive items when you purchase equal items?

If a product were equal in every way except one place sells it for 5 dollars and the other sells it for 2 dollars...where do you buy at?

Do you claim any deductions on your tax returns?

Why should I subsidize corporations?

Let them pay their own cost of doing business.

and, ultimately, that is the crux of it. we're not supposed to have to compete with third world countries for work. we are supposed to have a higher standard of living. the thing I don't understand is why the same people who are so resentful of any benefit accruing to the people who actually do the work are willing to give endless subsidies to corporations for the privilege of working 40 hours a week and not being able to afford a place to live, food on the table, medical care, an education for your kids and maybe a small vacation every year.

if you don't have those things, what's the point?

The point, you flaming idiot, is that the US corporate tax rate is driving companies and jobs out of this country. Cut the corporate tax rate and the US economy would boom like never before. There are trillions waiting to be spent in this country.
just because something is a "business" does not mean it should duck taxes any more than you can.

You think the u.s tax code is fair and well written?

How many volumes (books) does the tax code encompass?

How many pages?

Do you purposely seek out the most expensive items when you purchase equal items?

If a product were equal in every way except one place sells it for 5 dollars and the other sells it for 2 dollars...where do you buy at?

Do you claim any deductions on your tax returns?

Why should I subsidize corporations?

Let them pay their own cost of doing business.

and, ultimately, that is the crux of it. we're not supposed to have to compete with third world countries for work. we are supposed to have a higher standard of living. the thing I don't understand is why the same people who are so resentful of any benefit accruing to the people who actually do the work are willing to give endless subsidies to corporations for the privilege of working 40 hours a week and not being able to afford a place to live, food on the table, medical care, an education for your kids and maybe a small vacation every year.

if you don't have those things, what's the point?

The point, you flaming idiot, is that the US corporate tax rate is driving companies and jobs out of this country. Cut the corporate tax rate and the US economy would boom like never before. There are trillions waiting to be spent in this country.

agreed, and if Obama and Democrats REALLY cared about them "leaving this country" they would do exactly what you suggested, cut taxes. but you can't that through the people in the Democrat base. it's the same ole, everyone else's fault but theirs..... because they VOTED for the man for President
Canada got it right. America still hasn't. Canada dumped their loony Communists/Socialists and lowered their Corporate Tax Rate. And they've thrived ever since. The U.S. needs to follow their lead. It has to encourage businesses to stay home.

Would you like to cut our corporate tax and replace the lost revenue source with a VAT tax, like Canada has?
Between Burger King's gay burger, my suffering an infected cracked tooth from biting down on one of their whoppers years ago and now this, I'll never eat there again.
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

You should be mad at your government, not BK tbh.

Not really -- it's not a tax move. Got zilch to do with taxes.

Once again for the slow -- you don't need to spend umpteen billion bucks to buy a megacompany just to move to Canada. You just don't. On the other hand you can grow your business by such a move, including getting back into a major market you had to bail out of a few years ago. Think about it.

Sounds like you're seeing a reality that you want to see. No surprise, coming from a well-known crony-government supporter.

Companies move their HQs because it is better for their bottom line, not because they want to penetrate a market.

As I said above, prove me wrong. Show me one shred of evidence that this has something to do with tax advantages and not with, as my link said, the fact that Canada would be the new company's largest market.

Essplain to my obviously uneducated brain why moving to Canada requires a multi-billion dollar investment buying another company. Because I can set you up right now in an office space in Richmond Hill (Toronto suburbs) for 0.0001% of that. And that's after my finder's fee.

Is 3G stupid?

Whatcha got?

The wave of articles is not about BK moving to Canada for the sake of penetrating the Canada market (because that would be moronic (like you)). Nay, they are about securing lower tax rates as is stated in the nut graph of articles like this:

Is Burger King s move to Canada a raw deal for U.S. taxpayers - Fortune

So, you're the one making a counter-intuitive assertion that flies in the face of conventional logic. I would surmise that the 'burden of proof' is on you.

That's not a "wave of articles" -- that's a wave of opinion blogs. It's the internets; everybody can have one.
What I asked for is evidence of a relationship between this deal and tax concerns. Evidence, not speculation. Because you need evidence before you can declare "A; therefore B".

Whatcha got?
I think labor should be in on this. There should be a boycotter with a picket sign stationed at every Burger King saying "no more inversions". If BK takes a hit from this, other companies will be watching. Every company that locates out of country should be treated like a traitor.
Look, it's really simple.

Burger King had some financial (operating) issues, as often happens with a large enterprise. In 2010 they were taken over by a Brazilian investment firm called 3G. As part of 3G's restructuring they trimmed the fat, so to speak, among other things divesting their operations in Canada.

Now, in 2014, they want a way back in and 3G sees a merger with Tim Horton's -- the size and reach of which in Canada cannot be overstated, they're everywhere and very profitable -- as a big-splash way to not only get back into Canada but put TH's 4600+ stores into the same stream with their own. The end result will make Canada the biggest part of their market. It's a big investment with a big expected return. Instant access.

No one has yet demonstrated, nor has either company claimed, that there even would be a tax benefit, let alone that that is their reasoning. That reasoning is complete speculation on the part of talking heads trying to stir the shit. The fact is if BK (or anyone else) wanted to move to Canada (or anywhere else), they don't need to buy a company to do it. Let alone a megacorporation the size of Tim Horton's. The reasoning put forth by the shit-stirrers is entirely speculative, if not specious. The premise is unfounded.

That's why I keep asking for actual evidence and no one can produce it.
Is there a box of tissues handy for the whiny libs??? I don't see any of you bastards blaming that Obama crony and BFF Warren Buffet.. Where's your fucking outrage???? :crybaby::funnyface:

Not gonna happen. In fact, once the Obamabots realize his good bud Warren Buffet's behind this, they'll quickly reboot and begin vigorously defending it. They're not very honest people.
See where they talk about increase in stock prices, offsets any boycott by a huge margin ...............

Get the fuck over it folks, this IS the coming future for our Corporations who have the ability!!

Uh. Burger King is not a public company; it's owned by a Brazilian based private equity fund.

So this is not a public company?? This is the first reference to me and what started our dialog................
That is not your post that was made in this thread Yesterday @ 2:46 pm post #194??
Uh. Burger King is not a public company; it's owned by a Brazilian based private equity fund.

I think what he means is private company vs public. You are thinking of "publicly traded" which is not the same. Private companies can be and are, publicly traded.

Link to that please, according to my Link to Investopedia they are mutually exclusive!!

Can you name one nationally "well known" private corporation that has been in the news recently??

I am turning homeless, in our lovely city (only 21 murders in the last 3 weeks) the last time they had an entitlement day, there were 41 different organizations there to sign you up and give away all kind of needy things ............

I am beginning to believe that I just need to take a break and work the system for a while .... but, I have too much self respect
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
. It's a Brazilian company.

I've pointed out the majority ownership by 3G, but it just goes over their pointy widdle heads.

Does not matter, by definition any company that sells stock is considered "publicly owned" no matter who owns controlling interest!!

I never said it wasn't publicly traded, you moron. I pointed out that it was majority owned by a Brazilian PE firm.

You just don't get it do you moron, by definition, publicly traded = publicly owned !!

Do yourself a favor and read up on Private Equity.

Perhaps you need to xplain how the majority share holder can put this business out of business??
What happens when the majority share holder sells all their stock?? Or even enough to give some the ability to make a "hostile takeover" ??
I am turning homeless, in our lovely city (only 21 murders in the last 3 weeks) the last time they had an entitlement day, there were 41 different organizations there to sign you up and give away all kind of needy things ............

I am beginning to believe that I just need to take a break and work the system for a while .... but, I have too much self respect
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
. It's a Brazilian company.

I've pointed out the majority ownership by 3G, but it just goes over their pointy widdle heads.

Does not matter, by definition any company that sells stock is considered "publicly owned" no matter who owns controlling interest!!

I never said it wasn't publicly traded, you moron. I pointed out that it was majority owned by a Brazilian PE firm.

You just don't get it do you moron, by definition, publicly traded = publicly owned !!
Hey shit for brains! I already explained it to you. Did you bother to read it?

The government doesn't own BK, it's a private company. Private companies can be publicly traded.

You are confused, just stop.

NO!!! NO!!!!! NO!!!!! NO!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Privately-held companies are - no surprise here - privately held. This means that, in most cases, the company is owned by the company's founders, management or a group of private investors. A public company, on the other hand, is a company that has sold a portion of itself to the public via an initial public offering of some of its stock, meaning shareholders have claim to part of the company's assets and profits.

Well there is the definitive test, can we by stock or not??

Pssst, hey dumbass. Here's my last chance offer for you to have a clue:

No one is arguing that

What are you arguing then??
One thing to remember in this debate, Federal tax revenue reached record highs last year, just like corporate profits.
Canada got it right. America still hasn't. Canada dumped their loony Communists/Socialists and lowered their Corporate Tax Rate. And they've thrived ever since. The U.S. needs to follow their lead. It has to encourage businesses to stay home.

It has nothing to do with taxes. Never did.

Prove me wrong. Or run away, like you usually do.

And wtf's this bullshit about Canada "dumping their communists"? Do you have the vaguest clue what you're talking about?

Canada dumped their Communists/Socialists. And that's when things dramatically improved for them. They got their Tax situation right, and their house in order. And now they're thriving. We'll have to follow their lead and do the same here.

You just repeated the same sentence without explaining it. Why is that exactly? Don't have one?
Canada isn't exactly "thriving" any more than we are. Nor are taxes on a company like TH significantly different. Guess again.

They're doing very well economically. Have been for awhile. They don't have the crushing Debt and their Tax situation has improved dramatically. Once they lowered their Corporate Tax Rate, things really took off for em. We could learn a lot from Canada.

A lot more than we can learn from your posts apparently... :rolleyes:

You don't wanna learn. It's your willful ignorance. I'm teaching, but i can't force you to learn.

What you can't seem to "force" is yourself to answer the question.

Once again, third time now (fourth?) -- what do you mean when you say Canada got rid of communists?

Communist/Socialist assholes ran Canada for years. But that's no longer the case. Once they decided to dump em, they became an economic powerhouse. They don't have the crushing Debt, and high unemployment we have here.

Canada has reversed course and has become a Business-Friendly Nation. We should follow their lead on many economic issues. They have their house in order, the U.S. doesn't.
Look I know comprehension runs low among you two, but if you could have the little girl down the street or the blind man xplain that last few words ",meaning shareholders have claim to part of the company's assets and profits." ..........................
Knowing Your Rights As A Shareholder
By Investopedia Staff A A A
Related Searches: Worldcom Scandal, Worldcom Accounting Scandal, Enron, Shareholders Definition, Tyco Scandal

Say you just bought stock in Disney (NYSE:DIS). As a part owner of the company does this mean you and the family can hit Disneyland for free this summer? Why is it that Anheuser-Busch (NYSE:BUD) shareholders don't get a case of beer each quarter? (Forget the dividends!) Although these perks are highly unlikely, they do raise a good question: what rights and privileges do shareholders have? While they may not be entitled to free rides and beer, many investors are unaware of their rights as shareowners. In this article, we discuss what privileges come with being a shareholder and which do not. (To learn more about shareholder rights and responsibilities, see also Proxy Voting Gives Fund Shareholders A Say.)
Levels of Ownership Rights
Before getting into the nitty-gritty of shareholder rights, let's first look at a company's pecking order. Every company has a hierarchical structure of rights that accompany the three main classes of securities that companies issue: bonds, preferred stock and common stock (To learn more, see our Stocks Basics Tutorial.)

The priority of each security is best understood by looking at what happens when a company goes bankrupt. You may think that as an owner you'd be first in line for getting a portion of the company's assets if it went belly up. After all, you did pay for them. In reality, as a common shareholder you are at the very bottom of the corporate food chain when a company liquidates; you are the corporate equivalent of a hyena that eats only after the lions have eaten their share. During insolvency proceedings, it is the creditors who first get dibs on the company's assets to settle their outstanding debts, then the bondholders get first crack at those leftovers, followed by preferred shareholders and finally the common shareholders. This hierarchy forms according to the principle of absolute priority.

In addition to the rules of absolute priority, there are other rights that differ with each class of security. For example, usually a company's charter states that only the common stockholders have voting privileges and preferred stockholders must receive dividends before common stockholders. The rights of bondholders are determined differently because a bond agreement, or indenture, represents a contract between the issuer and the bondholder. The payments and privileges the bondholder receives are governed by the indenture (tenets of the contract).

Risks and Rewards
Sounds pretty bad for common shareholders, doesn't it? Don't be fooled, common shareholders are still the part owners of the business and if the business is able to turn a profit, then common shareholders gain. The liquidation preference we described makes logical sense: shareholders take on a greater risk (they receive next to nothing if the firm goes bankrupt) but they also have a greater reward potential through exposure to share price appreciation when the company succeeds, whereas there are usually fewer preferred stocks held by a select few. As such, preferred stocks generally experience less price fluctuation.

When you discuss reading to boost one's intelligence, perhaps some of you would like to learn about Share holder rights ...............

So when we get to the part of that Private Equity firm owns BK, holla @ me and tell me your stance ...............

Funny he makes reference to the Hyenas eating after the lions ...............rooooooaaaaaarrrrrrrrr!!!!!!
Communist/Socialist assholes ran Canada for years. But that's no longer the case. Once they decided to dump em, they became an economic powerhouse. They don't have the crushing Debt, and high unemployment we have here.

Canada has reversed course and has become a Business-Friendly Nation. We should follow their lead on many economic issues. They have their house in order, the U.S. doesn't.

To any of this?


Didn't think so.
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Is there a box of tissues handy for the whiny libs??? I don't see any of you bastards blaming that Obama crony and BFF Warren Buffet.. Where's your fucking outrage???? :crybaby::funnyface:

Not gonna happen. In fact, once the Obamabots realize his good bud Warren Buffet's behind this, they'll quickly reboot and begin vigorously defending it. They're not very honest people.

Wrong again. Once again, for the slow --- Warren Buffett's not "behind" this, 3G --- Burger King's majority owner -- is behind it. Buffett's an investor in 3G, and already was before this. That's what you do when you have a lot of money - you invest. And that's what 3G is doing here.

You're not very honest people, are ya?
Canada dumped their Communists/Socialists. And that's when things dramatically improved for them. They got their Tax situation right, and their house in order. And now they're thriving. We'll have to follow their lead and do the same here.

Canada may have lower corporate income taxes but all taxes are still higher, and Canada is still significantly more "Communist/Socialist" than America.

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