I'm Done Eating At Burger King

Is there a box of tissues handy for the whiny libs??? I don't see any of you bastards blaming that Obama crony and BFF Warren Buffet.. Where's your fucking outrage???? :crybaby::funnyface:
Hang on a second...

Waahhhhhhwahhhhhwahhhhh sniffle sniffle BURGERKING BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Booooooooooooosh and Burger King, oh the injustice Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
American restaurants are, in the main, dog shit.

You don't travel much, right?

i rarely ever eat out, home cooking is 1,000% better and healthier.


one of my favorites foreign restraunts was in Napoli, Italy. spaghetti and sauce was outstanding and their real old world pizza with lots of Anchovies was also a favorite. :up:

I lived in Naples for 18 months on Via Antonino Pio in the Soccavo area.

Bella Napoli!
Burger King.

Great Canadian food.



Get used to it, Americans!

:lmao: :rofl:

Hey maybe BK can convince TH to let me put my own cream and sweetner in the coffee.
I hate that, eh?

"Double, double."

Learn to say it, eh!
You liberal bedwetting crybabies created a poisonous environment for business and so when they do what they must to placate their shareholders you meltdown crying like pussy babies and blame the company. There are no bigger idiots in this life than retarded leftists.

For sure, Obama has been absolutely hostile against Business, calling them unpatriotic, Un-American and of course this one, YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT!
I wouldn't invest in place I don't feel welcome
so instead of boycotting BG you should call and bitch at your GOVERNMENT run by that Dear wonderful leader, obama
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

if i were to eat fast food from anywhere now, i would devote my dollars to Burger King

I have to wonder what is wrong with you people? For only this one factor you would go to BK, do you really hate America that much? So I can assume that all the left wingers that are applauding BK will never once again raise on voice of concern when an American company moves off shore. Thank goodness if this is all it takes to shut them up..

you fucking liberscum are so fucking brainless it amazes even my dog, at least she understands the disgust and hate for that illegal alien mulatto muslime golfer who is the reason for corporate taxes being so high.., do you and your idiot liberfucks like paying $25.00 for a plain burgr, fiveor six fries a a tablespoonful of cola ?

please do not reply it will only reveal your utter stupidity. :lmao:

oooooooh BTW!! ................ :fu:

Me, liberal, haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.

Maybe I threw you in with the wrong group but really what you said is pretty damn idiotic. What point are you making by saying that just because a company moves out of the country you would now frequent them? Because you apparently hate Obama and think that you buy a hamburger, or whatever, would hurt him?
If I read the article correctly the tax benefit isn't that great. Maybe they are moving because overhead is less, not sure. Or because they are buying the largely Canadian Tom Horton chain. Either way I am done with BK.
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When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

You should be mad at your government, not BK tbh.

Not really -- it's not a tax move. Got zilch to do with taxes.

Once again for the slow -- you don't need to spend umpteen billion bucks to buy a megacompany just to move to Canada. You just don't. On the other hand you can grow your business by such a move, including getting back into a major market you had to bail out of a few years ago. Think about it.

Sorry pogo, gotta call BULLSHIT. Taxation played a part in the decision making process. The acquisition due diligence team considered the effects of a "tax inversion". They came to the conclusion that they will save taxes- a lot of taxes. That's why they are doing the "inversion".

To be fair, they still might have made the deal without the tax inversion benefits......
They would buy Tim Horton's if Canada's corporate tax rate were 50% I think. Then, Tim Horton's would be moving their HQ here. I think it is a chicken or egg thing. The buying of Tim Horton's is a solid business move no matter which country the HQ is in. It bumps 3Q up to 2nd or 3rd (can't remember which) in their market, which is huge. Tim Horton's is more than sound. There is no downside.

Once the acquisition/merger was somewhat settled, THEN the question of which HQ is better for the bottom line.
You liberal bedwetting crybabies created a poisonous environment for business and so when they do what they must to placate their shareholders you meltdown crying like pussy babies and blame the company. There are no bigger idiots in this life than retarded leftists.

For sure, Obama has been absolutely hostile against Business, calling them unpatriotic, Un-American and of course this one, YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT!
I wouldn't invest in place I don't feel welcome
so instead of boycotting BG you should call and bitch at your GOVERNMENT run by that Dear wonderful leader, obama

How can we say that Obama has be absolutely hostile against business when in the second quarter Bank profits and corporate profits were at record highs? Meanwhile consumer spending has flat lined. What does that tell you about the 1 percenter in the WH?

THAT is really what we should be bitchin' about. Bitchin' about how corporations and businesses are going to use Obamacare to throw their employees off their health care and let them fend for themselves on the exchanges. How corporations and banks are screwing the working man to booster their profit.

Obama, hostile to business, I don't think so. That said, the debt that he has racked up can, and will, come back to bite us in the ass. By that time Banks and corporations will have taken measures to protect themselves, the rest of us, soup lines. Which we are already seeing.
You liberal bedwetting crybabies created a poisonous environment for business and so when they do what they must to placate their shareholders you meltdown crying like pussy babies and blame the company. There are no bigger idiots in this life than retarded leftists.

For sure, Obama has been absolutely hostile against Business, calling them unpatriotic, Un-American and of course this one, YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT!
I wouldn't invest in place I don't feel welcome
so instead of boycotting BG you should call and bitch at your GOVERNMENT run by that Dear wonderful leader, obama

How can we say that Obama has be absolutely hostile against business when in the second quarter Bank profits and corporate profits were at record highs? Meanwhile consumer spending has flat lined. What does that tell you about the 1 percenter in the WH?

THAT is really what we should be bitchin' about. Bitchin' about how corporations and businesses are going to use Obamacare to throw their employees off their health care and let them fend for themselves on the exchanges. How corporations and banks are screwing the working man to booster their profit.

Obama, hostile to business, I don't think so. That said, the debt that he has racked up can, and will, come back to bite us in the ass. By that time Banks and corporations will have taken measures to protect themselves, the rest of us, soup lines. Which we are already seeing.

well, who instituted ObamaScamCare? so you don't expect businesses and corporations are going to take advantage of it? How else is Obama going fill the enrollment of his pos Entitlement?
Again you all should be bitching at your New Fascist DADDY Government
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

Selfish bastards.

So you don't try to minimize your tax burden as much as possible?

The ownership group is also I believe 51% Brazilian.

Finally this is only about corporate profits. The Franchise profits are still taxed in the location of the franchises, not based on the corporate headquarters.
You liberal bedwetting crybabies created a poisonous environment for business and so when they do what they must to placate their shareholders you meltdown crying like pussy babies and blame the company. There are no bigger idiots in this life than retarded leftists.

For sure, Obama has been absolutely hostile against Business, calling them unpatriotic, Un-American and of course this one, YOU DIDN'T BUILD THAT!
I wouldn't invest in place I don't feel welcome
so instead of boycotting BG you should call and bitch at your GOVERNMENT run by that Dear wonderful leader, obama

How can we say that Obama has be absolutely hostile against business when in the second quarter Bank profits and corporate profits were at record highs? Meanwhile consumer spending has flat lined. What does that tell you about the 1 percenter in the WH?

THAT is really what we should be bitchin' about. Bitchin' about how corporations and businesses are going to use Obamacare to throw their employees off their health care and let them fend for themselves on the exchanges. How corporations and banks are screwing the working man to booster their profit.

Obama, hostile to business, I don't think so. That said, the debt that he has racked up can, and will, come back to bite us in the ass. By that time Banks and corporations will have taken measures to protect themselves, the rest of us, soup lines. Which we are already seeing.

well, who instituted ObamaScamCare? so you don't expect businesses and corporations are going to take advantage of it? How else is Obama going fill the enrollment of his pos Entitlement?
Again you all should be bitching at your New Fascist DADDY Government

I think you may have made an incorrect assumption that I was somehow defending the Mistake in Chief. What I am saying is that we make sure we target the real problem. Corporations and Banks, as evidenced by their record profits, are doing just fine. The working man and woman not so much. And yes, I expect corporations and business to do what is best for their profit margin which apparently is what Obama fosters.

But isn't that always the way it is with liberals. They say they hate corporations and want to help the working man, and what is the result, exactly the opposite.
One thing to remember in this debate, Federal tax revenue reached record highs last year, just like corporate profits.
One thing to remember in this debate, Federal tax revenue reached record highs last year, just like corporate profits.

and you call the government taking more of our hard earned money a good thing?

Gotta feed that MONSTER and our masters in government. so they can put their jack boots..I mean laws on us, you know one's like what size soda cup we can have and wailing over football team names.
One thing to remember in this debate, Federal tax revenue reached record highs last year, just like corporate profits.

and you call the government taking more of our hard earned money a good thing?

Gotta feed that MONSTER and our masters in government. so they can put their jack boots..I mean laws on us, you know one's like what size soda cup we can have and wailing over football team names.

Steph. What is with you today? Whow. I never said them taking more was good, I said it was fact. Countering those who imply a tax cut hurt revenue, that is all.
One thing to remember in this debate, Federal tax revenue reached record highs last year.
Is the budget balanced now?

That is the sad part about pointing out record revenue, we are still digging ourselves into a hole. Even when the war in Iraq, which was blamed for the deficit, ended two years ago. Record profits yet record debt, we are screwed.
One thing to remember in this debate, Federal tax revenue reached record highs last year.
Is the budget balanced now?

That is the sad part about pointing out record revenue, we are still digging ourselves into a hole. Even when the war in Iraq, which was blamed for the deficit, ended two years ago. Record profits yet record debt, we are screwed.

We borrow money just to pay the interest on the money we borrowed previously.
That's called bankruptcy in the real world.

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