I'm Done Eating At Burger King

When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

if i were to eat fast food from anywhere now, i would devote my dollars to Burger King

I have to wonder what is wrong with you people? For only this one factor you would go to BK, do you really hate America that much? So I can assume that all the left wingers that are applauding BK will never once again raise on voice of concern when an American company moves off shore. Thank goodness if this is all it takes to shut them up..

Which left wingers are applauding BK's move to Canada? Seems that most of the trumpet section is from the right on this move.

no, you all act this is all of sudden something new because Obama was wailing on it
So you can go call your Dear leader and ask him to put his jackboot on their neck and FORCE them stay here.
Or if he cared at ALL about them or us he would of taken the initiative in SIX FRIKKEN years to lower their rates and try to entice them to stay. but that isn't the OBAMA WAY, he figures just call them name and bully the hell out them and that make them stay. you can't take the stupid or the thug out of some people
no, you all act this is all of sudden something new because Obama was wailing on it
So you can go call your Dear leader and ask him to put his jackboot on their neck and FORCE them stay here.
Or if he cared at ALL about them or us he would of taken the initiative in SIX FRIKKEN years to lower their rates and try to entice them to stay. but that isn't the OBAMA WAY, he figures just call them name and bully the hell out them and that make them stay. you can't take the stupid or the thug out of some people

You also can't get a "tax motive" out of this story, Steph.
Isn't there. Does not exist. Not found. Search produced no results.
Burger King.

Great Canadian food.



Get used to it, Americans!
Or the taxes are too ruddy high.
BK is a business, and is obligated by capitalist principles to make as much as possible.
I have no issue with them for this move.

I pulled the SEC filing's for Burger King.

BKW Annual Balance Sheet - Burger King Worldwide Inc. Annual Financials

From 2009-2013 Burger King paid $11.1M in total taxes on $2.13 billion cash.

From 2009-2013 Burger King realized a deferred tax credit of $693 Million, PLUS, a deferred income of $13.8 Million both of which they will never be taxed.

The King has fucked-over the American taxpayer 'royally.'

Since you have some opinion that corporations in the US are over-taxed, why don't you list a publicly held company so I can show you how that company paid less percent in taxes than you did.
Ah, two days after it's been established in comes Whizbag to shoot the wounded. How courageous.
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

if i were to eat fast food from anywhere now, i would devote my dollars to Burger King

I have to wonder what is wrong with you people? For only this one factor you would go to BK, do you really hate America that much? So I can assume that all the left wingers that are applauding BK will never once again raise on voice of concern when an American company moves off shore. Thank goodness if this is all it takes to shut them up..

you fucking liberscum are so fucking brainless it amazes even my dog, at least she understands the disgust and hate for that illegal alien mulatto muslime golfer who is the reason for corporate taxes being so high.., do you and your idiot liberfucks like paying $25.00 for a plain burgr, fiveor six fries a a tablespoonful of cola ?

please do not reply it will only reveal your utter stupidity. :lmao:

oooooooh BTW!! ................ :fu:
Hopefully, it's a wake up call. Canada has moved in the right direction in recent years. They started with booting their Communists/Socialists. And now they're thriving. Our nation needs to follow their lead. We need to encourage businesses to stay home.

YES!! we need to follow their lead and kick our Communists/Socialists traitors out to Cuba, providing Cuba will take them, actually ISIS would gladly take them a nd pole their disgusting fucking heads ! :up:
Hopefully, it's a wake up call. Canada has moved in the right direction in recent years. They started with booting their Communists/Socialists. And now they're thriving. Our nation needs to follow their lead. We need to encourage businesses to stay home.

..but congress writes the tax code...and the tax code is more punitive than fair...

please remember..., all USMB posters, the liberfool faction wrote the current tax code, if it were written now the illegal alien muslime mulatto would veto it or Harry "Whorehouse" Reid would round file it. :up:
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

if i were to eat fast food from anywhere now, i would devote my dollars to Burger King

I have to wonder what is wrong with you people? For only this one factor you would go to BK, do you really hate America that much? So I can assume that all the left wingers that are applauding BK will never once again raise on voice of concern when an American company moves off shore. Thank goodness if this is all it takes to shut them up..

Yes they do hate America that much. Over and over, they'll do any thing they can do to harm their own country.

They do business with companies who lie, cheat and steal to hurt the US and/or Americans and then bitch because the US borrows money.

Wish they'd move to Russia, where they belong.

WoW !!
Don't worry, once the loony Obamabots realize it's his good bud Warren Buffet behind this, they'll quickly reboot and be all for it. Not exactly honest people you're dealing with. ;)
Actually it's 3G, BK's owner, a Brazilian investment firm, behind it. Warren Buffett is an investor in 3G. Has been for some time including prior to this.

Perhaps you want to revert to your theory that the O'bama obsession got a bad burger last week, hit the "increase" button on the White House remote control tax-o-matic system and drove BK kicking and screaming to the Great White North where they have no taxes at all (that's how they pay for that health insurance eh) or something else for which you have no evidence whatsoever.

Life in Da Bubble. Nothing if not entertaining.
American restaurants are, in the main, dog shit.

You don't travel much, right?

i rarely ever eat out, home cooking is 1,000% better and healthier.


one of my favorites foreign restraunts was in Napoli, Italy. spaghetti and sauce was outstanding and their real old world pizza with lots of Anchovies was also a favorite. :up:
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

if i were to eat fast food from anywhere now, i would devote my dollars to Burger King

Yep. If it hurts America, some RWs are in favor of it.

I think a lot of you anti-America traitors will say the same.

Then y'all can bitch and whine at Obama formaking you fat and giving you diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Who would do that? Eat what you want. Sounds like something only you Nanny/Police Staters would do. I don't rely on Government to tell me what to eat or not to eat.

Only idiots and the extremely poor eat at fat food places like BK, McD's etc.

Oh yeah, and now, those RWs who think they can harm the US by eating there. :cuckoo:

Nanny/Police Stater gibberish. Eat what you want. If you need Government to tell you what to eat or not to eat, you're a brain-dead imbecile.

You're always such a knee jerk idiot.

Where have I ever said you should not be allowed to eat whatever garbage you choose?

Go ahead and eat it. Eats lots and lots of it. Get your heart disease and die young. Pretend you're thinking for yourself.

And, pretend you're not supporting socialism.

You're a very confused Nanny/Police Stater. I mean, even more than the average Nanny/Police Stater nutter.

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