I'm Done Eating At Burger King

I am turning homeless, in our lovely city (only 21 murders in the last 3 weeks) the last time they had an entitlement day, there were 41 different organizations there to sign you up and give away all kind of needy things ............

I am beginning to believe that I just need to take a break and work the system for a while .... but, I have too much self respect
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
. It's a Brazilian company.

I've pointed out the majority ownership by 3G, but it just goes over their pointy widdle heads.

Does not matter, by definition any company that sells stock is considered "publicly owned" no matter who owns controlling interest!!
I am turning homeless, in our lovely city (only 21 murders in the last 3 weeks) the last time they had an entitlement day, there were 41 different organizations there to sign you up and give away all kind of needy things ............

I am beginning to believe that I just need to take a break and work the system for a while .... but, I have too much self respect
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
. It's a Brazilian company.

I've pointed out the majority ownership by 3G, but it just goes over their pointy widdle heads.

Does not matter, by definition any company that sells stock is considered "publicly owned" no matter who owns controlling interest!!

I never said it wasn't publicly traded, you moron. I pointed out that it was majority owned by a Brazilian PE firm.
I am turning homeless, in our lovely city (only 21 murders in the last 3 weeks) the last time they had an entitlement day, there were 41 different organizations there to sign you up and give away all kind of needy things ............

I am beginning to believe that I just need to take a break and work the system for a while .... but, I have too much self respect
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
. It's a Brazilian company.

I've pointed out the majority ownership by 3G, but it just goes over their pointy widdle heads.

Does not matter, by definition any company that sells stock is considered "publicly owned" no matter who owns controlling interest!!

I never said it wasn't publicly traded, you moron. I pointed out that it was majority owned by a Brazilian PE firm.

You just don't get it do you moron, by definition, publicly traded = publicly owned !!
I am turning homeless, in our lovely city (only 21 murders in the last 3 weeks) the last time they had an entitlement day, there were 41 different organizations there to sign you up and give away all kind of needy things ............

I am beginning to believe that I just need to take a break and work the system for a while .... but, I have too much self respect
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
. It's a Brazilian company.

I've pointed out the majority ownership by 3G, but it just goes over their pointy widdle heads.

Does not matter, by definition any company that sells stock is considered "publicly owned" no matter who owns controlling interest!!

I never said it wasn't publicly traded, you moron. I pointed out that it was majority owned by a Brazilian PE firm.

You just don't get it do you moron, by definition, publicly traded = publicly owned !!

Do yourself a favor and read up on Private Equity.
Uh. Burger King is not a public company; it's owned by a Brazilian based private equity fund.

I think what he means is private company vs public. You are thinking of "publicly traded" which is not the same. Private companies can be and are, publicly traded.

3G owns the majority of BK, and has control. There is public float, but BK is managed like a private equity investment.
I agree with you, I'm just trying to figure out where he got confused.

No one is confused, all companies are privately owned unless the government runs them, any time you sell stock options you are considered a publicly owned business!!

What's the difference between publicly- and privately-held companies?

By Investopedia Staff A A A
Related Searches: Yahoo Finance, Initial Public Offering, SEC, iPod, Initial Public Stock Offering

Privately-held companies are - no surprise here - privately held. This means that, in most cases, the company is owned by the company's founders, management or a group of private investors. A public company, on the other hand, is a company that has sold a portion of itself to the public via an initial public offering of some of its stock, meaning shareholders have claim to part of the company's assets and profits.

One of the biggest differences between the two types of companies deals with public disclosure. If it's a public U.S. company, which means it is trading on a U.S. stock exchange, it is typically required to file quarterly earnings reports (among other things) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This information is also made available to shareholders and the public. Private companies, however, are not required to disclose their financial information to anyone since they do not trade stock on a stock exchange.

The main advantage public companies have is their ability to tap the financial markets by selling stock (equity) or bonds (debt) to raise capital (i.e. cash) for expansion and projects. The main advantage to private companies is that management doesn't have to answer to stockholders and isn't required to file disclosure statements with the SEC. However, a private company can't dip into the public capital markets and must therefore turn to private funding, which can boost the cost of capital and may limit expansion. It has been said often that private companies seek to minimize the tax bite, while public companies seek to increase profits for shareholders.

I know this above everyone's p-ay grade, seems the confusion is with yourselves ........
You have heard of "Investopedia", correct??

So no one owns any of that public stock except for the private owners??
So then why did you argue with him when that's what he was saying?
I know this above everyone's p-ay grade, seems the confusion is with yourselves ........
You have heard of "Investopedia", correct??

So no one owns any of that public stock except for the private owners??

Tell us, what's it like going through life with only a lower brain stem?

Made a fool of you, answer your own question................
You can't make this stuff up folks, the comedy writes itself.
Since when are you so readily concerned about the American worker.
If burger king was as loyal to this country and they want their employees and customers to be to them , then there might be an argument.
But alas, it's all about the money to them. Loyalty is not even in their vocabulary.
Stop trying to be so high and mighty. It just doesn't fit your persona.

For my taste burger king was of last resort, any of the fast food chains are trash. Hopefully, burger king will take all their business out of the US.
You see here, and with the typical responses from those "mostly"on the right, what their idea of patriotism really consist.
But , help us if they need boots on the ground. Then its everyone help us out. Please.
I say good by to burger king if you want it your way. Leave.

When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

I'm sure all the employees who earn money working for BK appreciate your sentiment.

I am turning homeless, in our lovely city (only 21 murders in the last 3 weeks) the last time they had an entitlement day, there were 41 different organizations there to sign you up and give away all kind of needy things ............

I am beginning to believe that I just need to take a break and work the system for a while .... but, I have too much self respect
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
. It's a Brazilian company.

I've pointed out the majority ownership by 3G, but it just goes over their pointy widdle heads.

Does not matter, by definition any company that sells stock is considered "publicly owned" no matter who owns controlling interest!!

I never said it wasn't publicly traded, you moron. I pointed out that it was majority owned by a Brazilian PE firm.

You just don't get it do you moron, by definition, publicly traded = publicly owned !!
Hey shit for brains! I already explained it to you. Did you bother to read it?

The government doesn't own BK, it's a private company. Private companies can be publicly traded.

You are confused, just stop.
Since when are you so readily concerned about the American worker.
If burger king was as loyal to this country and they want their employees and customers to be to them , then there might be an argument.
But alas, it's all about the money to them. Loyalty is not even in their vocabulary.
Stop trying to be so high and mighty. It just doesn't fit your persona.

You are just about as dense as your Siamese Twin DrDNG.

BurgerKing is not moving out of the U.S. The U.S. jobs are for the most part staying in the U.S., with the exception of some HQ staff due to the merger with Tim Hortons. BK will continue to pay income taxes on its U.S. based income.

You Moonbats really are a sorry lot.

I am turning homeless, in our lovely city (only 21 murders in the last 3 weeks) the last time they had an entitlement day, there were 41 different organizations there to sign you up and give away all kind of needy things ............

I am beginning to believe that I just need to take a break and work the system for a while .... but, I have too much self respect
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
. It's a Brazilian company.

I've pointed out the majority ownership by 3G, but it just goes over their pointy widdle heads.

Does not matter, by definition any company that sells stock is considered "publicly owned" no matter who owns controlling interest!!

I never said it wasn't publicly traded, you moron. I pointed out that it was majority owned by a Brazilian PE firm.

You just don't get it do you moron, by definition, publicly traded = publicly owned !!
You just don't get it do you idiot. That wasn't his original argument.
I am turning homeless, in our lovely city (only 21 murders in the last 3 weeks) the last time they had an entitlement day, there were 41 different organizations there to sign you up and give away all kind of needy things ............

I am beginning to believe that I just need to take a break and work the system for a while .... but, I have too much self respect
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
. It's a Brazilian company.

I've pointed out the majority ownership by 3G, but it just goes over their pointy widdle heads.

Does not matter, by definition any company that sells stock is considered "publicly owned" no matter who owns controlling interest!!

I never said it wasn't publicly traded, you moron. I pointed out that it was majority owned by a Brazilian PE firm.

You just don't get it do you moron, by definition, publicly traded = publicly owned !!

Do yourself a favor and read up on Private Equity.

Now that's a problem. He's not good at reading, even when he bothers to.
Maybe if you go read what the hell you wrote in response to my post and then my rebuttal to yours.
If anyone doesn't get what the hell they are talking about it would be you. Trying to explain it all to you
would be a waste of time.
Stupid is you.

Since when are you so readily concerned about the American worker.
If burger king was as loyal to this country and they want their employees and customers to be to them , then there might be an argument.
But alas, it's all about the money to them. Loyalty is not even in their vocabulary.
Stop trying to be so high and mighty. It just doesn't fit your persona.

You are just about as dense as your Siamese Twin DrDNG.

BurgerKing is not moving out of the U.S. The U.S. jobs are for the most part staying in the U.S., with the exception of some HQ staff due to the merger with Tim Hortons. BK will continue to pay income taxes on its U.S. based income.

You Moonbats really are a sorry lot.

Since when are you so readily concerned about the American worker.
If burger king was as loyal to this country and they want their employees and customers to be to them , then there might be an argument.
But alas, it's all about the money to them. Loyalty is not even in their vocabulary.
Stop trying to be so high and mighty. It just doesn't fit your persona.

You are just about as dense as your Siamese Twin DrDNG.

BurgerKing is not moving out of the U.S. The U.S. jobs are for the most part staying in the U.S., with the exception of some HQ staff due to the merger with Tim Hortons. BK will continue to pay income taxes on its U.S. based income.

You Moonbats really are a sorry lot.

Ain't it the truth!
You are just about as dense as your Siamese Twin DrDNG.

BurgerKing is not moving out of the U.S. The U.S. jobs are for the most part staying in the U.S., with the exception of some HQ staff due to the merger with Tim Hortons. BK will continue to pay income taxes on its U.S. based income.

You Moonbats really are a sorry lot.


Some people just don't understand capitalism. BK is doing what ANY company (big or small) would do: looking out for their best interest. If that means "moving" to Canada then so be it.
They interpret statements exactly how they feel it fits into their argument and then make asinine comments.

Since when are you so readily concerned about the American worker.
If burger king was as loyal to this country and they want their employees and customers to be to them , then there might be an argument.
But alas, it's all about the money to them. Loyalty is not even in their vocabulary.
Stop trying to be so high and mighty. It just doesn't fit your persona.

You are just about as dense as your Siamese Twin DrDNG.

BurgerKing is not moving out of the U.S. The U.S. jobs are for the most part staying in the U.S., with the exception of some HQ staff due to the merger with Tim Hortons. BK will continue to pay income taxes on its U.S. based income.

You Moonbats really are a sorry lot.

Ain't it the truth!
Your choice. whatever blows you're skirt up but don't ya all think this a little TOO LATE for protesting. most of the jobs are gone overseas and you call Bill Clinton and give him an ear full or you can call Obama and demand he bring down taxes on business so to keep them in the country

but, good luck with that. lowing taxes to a Democrat is like sticking a stake in their heart..they do not care the jobs are gone or leaving IF THEY DID he would of DONE something besides calling them, Un American. unpatriotic, etc

who would want to stay in a country with a President who calls you names instead of bring up a policy to help us?
You are just about as dense as your Siamese Twin DrDNG.

BurgerKing is not moving out of the U.S. The U.S. jobs are for the most part staying in the U.S., with the exception of some HQ staff due to the merger with Tim Hortons. BK will continue to pay income taxes on its U.S. based income.

You Moonbats really are a sorry lot.


Some people just don't understand capitalism. BK is doing what ANY company (big or small) would do: looking out for their best interest. If that means "moving" to Canada then so be it.

They actually have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders to minimize their tax burden.
Your choice. whatever blows you're skirt up but don't ya all think this a little TOO LATE for protesting. most of the jobs are gone overseas and you call Bill Clinton and give him an ear full or you can call Obama and demand he bring down taxes on business so to keep them in the country

but, good luck with that. lowing taxes to a Democrat is like sticking a stake in their heart..they do not care the jobs are gone or leaving IF THEY DID he would of DONE something besides calling them, Un American. unpatriotic, etc

who would want to stay in a country with a President who calls you names instead of bring up a policy to help us?

Except that BK hasn't left the US and isn't likely to do so. This whole thread is pointless.

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