I'm Done Eating At Burger King

Anybody or anything that takes a stand against excessive taxation deserves support from Americans. Not, though, from either Kenyans or liberals posing as Americans.

ignorant people who don't understand that you don't divest your country of revenues do not deserve support.

there are good and proper taxes. there are bad taxes. you need to be discerning enough to understand which is which.

there will always BE taxes. and there SHOULD be because that's how we pay for things like roads.

I understand rightwingers want to starve the federal government so it can't function. but that isn't worthy of support.

If that's what you understand then you are a bigger partisan hack moron than I thought.
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

I am not a fast food aficionado, but I do support Burger King and other companies moving their headquarters to other country when Democrats control our nation and raise taxes for corporations believing that that will rake in more money for them to spend.

If I liked those nasty burgers Burger King sells, I would start eating there.
I don't like them either but I was going to start eating there. Fortunately for us we probably won't have to. Latest word is that BK will remain in Miami.
See where they talk about increase in stock prices, offsets any boycott by a huge margin ...............

Get the fuck over it folks, this IS the coming future for our Corporations who have the ability!!

Uh. Burger King is not a public company; it's owned by a Brazilian based private equity fund.
Anybody or anything that takes a stand against excessive taxation deserves support from Americans. Not, though, from either Kenyans or liberals posing as Americans.

ignorant people who don't understand that you don't divest your country of revenues do not deserve support.

there are good and proper taxes. there are bad taxes. you need to be discerning enough to understand which is which.

there will always BE taxes. and there SHOULD be because that's how we pay for things like roads.

I understand rightwingers want to starve the federal government so it can't function. but that isn't worthy of support.

It's not good and proper to tax income earned in other countries. Not is our government Starved For Funds - if anything it's gorged itself to the point where it cannot be satisfied no matter how much taxes are paid.

you are not real intelligent are you??

Ask Matt: Is Burger King a whopper stock now?

By: Matt Krantz August 28, 2014 6:30 am


Q: Is Burger King (BKW) a whopper stock now?

A: Burger King’s decision to combine with Canada’s Tim Hortons donut chain raised questions about national pride and taxation. Investors just want to know if the stock is a buy. The answer is: probably not.

Want me some Whopper

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Don't project your mental deficiencies on me, bub.

The majority owner of BurgerKing is G3 Capital.

3G Capital is a Brazilian multi-billion dollar,[1][2] global investment firm focused on long-term value creation, with a particular emphasis on maximizing the potential of brands and businesses. The firm and its partners have a strong history of generating value through operational excellence, board involvement, deep sector expertise and an extensive global network.[3] The firm was founded in 2004 by principals Jorge Paulo Lemann, Carlos Alberto Sicupira, Marcel Herrmann Telles and Roberto Thompson Motta.

The company is best known for its 2010 acquisition of Burger King, a $3.8 billion transaction, and for the February 2013 agreement to purchase H.J. Heinz Company for $28 billion in conjunction with Berkshire Hathaway.[4][5] 3G Capital has offices in New York City and Rio de Janeiro, and the firm is run by managing partner Alexandre Behring out of New York.[6][7] Affiliates of the firm and its partners have control or partial ownership stakes in global companies such as Anheuser-Busch InBev, Lojas Americanas, the largest non-food and online retailer in Latin America, and América Latina Logística, the largest railroad and logistics company in Latin America.

3G Capital - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Don't project your mental deficiencies on me, bub.

The majority owner of BurgerKing is G3 Capital.

3G Capital is a Brazilian multi-billion dollar,[1][2] global investment firm focused on long-term value creation, with a particular emphasis on maximizing the potential of brands and businesses. The firm and its partners have a strong history of generating value through operational excellence, board involvement, deep sector expertise and an extensive global network.[3] The firm was founded in 2004 by principals Jorge Paulo Lemann, Carlos Alberto Sicupira, Marcel Herrmann Telles and Roberto Thompson Motta.

The company is best known for its 2010 acquisition of Burger King, a $3.8 billion transaction, and for the February 2013 agreement to purchase H.J. Heinz Company for $28 billion in conjunction with Berkshire Hathaway.[4][5] 3G Capital has offices in New York City and Rio de Janeiro, and the firm is run by managing partner Alexandre Behring out of New York.[6][7] Affiliates of the firm and its partners have control or partial ownership stakes in global companies such as Anheuser-Busch InBev, Lojas Americanas, the largest non-food and online retailer in Latin America, and América Latina Logística, the largest railroad and logistics company in Latin America.

3G Capital - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
He is confused. He thinks "publicly traded" is the same thing as a public company. I don't know if the guy thinks that the government runs BK or not tbh.
Uh. Burger King is not a public company; it's owned by a Brazilian based private equity fund.

I think what he means is private company vs public. You are thinking of "publicly traded" which is not the same. Private companies can be and are, publicly traded.

3G owns the majority of BK, and has control. There is public float, but BK is managed like a private equity investment.

Don't project your mental deficiencies on me, bub.

The majority owner of BurgerKing is G3 Capital.

3G Capital is a Brazilian multi-billion dollar,[1][2] global investment firm focused on long-term value creation, with a particular emphasis on maximizing the potential of brands and businesses. The firm and its partners have a strong history of generating value through operational excellence, board involvement, deep sector expertise and an extensive global network.[3] The firm was founded in 2004 by principals Jorge Paulo Lemann, Carlos Alberto Sicupira, Marcel Herrmann Telles and Roberto Thompson Motta.

The company is best known for its 2010 acquisition of Burger King, a $3.8 billion transaction, and for the February 2013 agreement to purchase H.J. Heinz Company for $28 billion in conjunction with Berkshire Hathaway.[4][5] 3G Capital has offices in New York City and Rio de Janeiro, and the firm is run by managing partner Alexandre Behring out of New York.[6][7] Affiliates of the firm and its partners have control or partial ownership stakes in global companies such as Anheuser-Busch InBev, Lojas Americanas, the largest non-food and online retailer in Latin America, and América Latina Logística, the largest railroad and logistics company in Latin America.

3G Capital - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dig deep enough and you will find Soros.
Uh. Burger King is not a public company; it's owned by a Brazilian based private equity fund.

I think what he means is private company vs public. You are thinking of "publicly traded" which is not the same. Private companies can be and are, publicly traded.

3G owns the majority of BK, and has control. There is public float, but BK is managed like a private equity investment.
I agree with you, I'm just trying to figure out where he got confused.

Don't project your mental deficiencies on me, bub.

The majority owner of BurgerKing is G3 Capital.

3G Capital is a Brazilian multi-billion dollar,[1][2] global investment firm focused on long-term value creation, with a particular emphasis on maximizing the potential of brands and businesses. The firm and its partners have a strong history of generating value through operational excellence, board involvement, deep sector expertise and an extensive global network.[3] The firm was founded in 2004 by principals Jorge Paulo Lemann, Carlos Alberto Sicupira, Marcel Herrmann Telles and Roberto Thompson Motta.

The company is best known for its 2010 acquisition of Burger King, a $3.8 billion transaction, and for the February 2013 agreement to purchase H.J. Heinz Company for $28 billion in conjunction with Berkshire Hathaway.[4][5] 3G Capital has offices in New York City and Rio de Janeiro, and the firm is run by managing partner Alexandre Behring out of New York.[6][7] Affiliates of the firm and its partners have control or partial ownership stakes in global companies such as Anheuser-Busch InBev, Lojas Americanas, the largest non-food and online retailer in Latin America, and América Latina Logística, the largest railroad and logistics company in Latin America.

3G Capital - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
He is confused. He thinks "publicly traded" is the same thing as a public company. I don't know if the guy thinks that the government runs BK or not tbh.

He's a blithering moonbat moron who is unencumbered by knowledge of business and economics.

Don't project your mental deficiencies on me, bub.

The majority owner of BurgerKing is G3 Capital.

3G Capital is a Brazilian multi-billion dollar,[1][2] global investment firm focused on long-term value creation, with a particular emphasis on maximizing the potential of brands and businesses. The firm and its partners have a strong history of generating value through operational excellence, board involvement, deep sector expertise and an extensive global network.[3] The firm was founded in 2004 by principals Jorge Paulo Lemann, Carlos Alberto Sicupira, Marcel Herrmann Telles and Roberto Thompson Motta.

The company is best known for its 2010 acquisition of Burger King, a $3.8 billion transaction, and for the February 2013 agreement to purchase H.J. Heinz Company for $28 billion in conjunction with Berkshire Hathaway.[4][5] 3G Capital has offices in New York City and Rio de Janeiro, and the firm is run by managing partner Alexandre Behring out of New York.[6][7] Affiliates of the firm and its partners have control or partial ownership stakes in global companies such as Anheuser-Busch InBev, Lojas Americanas, the largest non-food and online retailer in Latin America, and América Latina Logística, the largest railroad and logistics company in Latin America.

3G Capital - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dig deep enough and you will find Soros.

In this case, it's Warren Buffett.

Don't project your mental deficiencies on me, bub.

The majority owner of BurgerKing is G3 Capital.

3G Capital is a Brazilian multi-billion dollar,[1][2] global investment firm focused on long-term value creation, with a particular emphasis on maximizing the potential of brands and businesses. The firm and its partners have a strong history of generating value through operational excellence, board involvement, deep sector expertise and an extensive global network.[3] The firm was founded in 2004 by principals Jorge Paulo Lemann, Carlos Alberto Sicupira, Marcel Herrmann Telles and Roberto Thompson Motta.

The company is best known for its 2010 acquisition of Burger King, a $3.8 billion transaction, and for the February 2013 agreement to purchase H.J. Heinz Company for $28 billion in conjunction with Berkshire Hathaway.[4][5] 3G Capital has offices in New York City and Rio de Janeiro, and the firm is run by managing partner Alexandre Behring out of New York.[6][7] Affiliates of the firm and its partners have control or partial ownership stakes in global companies such as Anheuser-Busch InBev, Lojas Americanas, the largest non-food and online retailer in Latin America, and América Latina Logística, the largest railroad and logistics company in Latin America.

3G Capital - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Dig deep enough and you will find Soros.

In this case, it's Warren Buffett.

yeah, I know. But Brazil means Soros. He is in the mix somehow. I guarantee it.
Uh. Burger King is not a public company; it's owned by a Brazilian based private equity fund.

I think what he means is private company vs public. You are thinking of "publicly traded" which is not the same. Private companies can be and are, publicly traded.

3G owns the majority of BK, and has control. There is public float, but BK is managed like a private equity investment.
I agree with you, I'm just trying to figure out where he got confused.

No one is confused, all companies are privately owned unless the government runs them, any time you sell stock options you are considered a publicly owned business!!

What's the difference between publicly- and privately-held companies?

By Investopedia Staff A A A
Related Searches: Yahoo Finance, Initial Public Offering, SEC, iPod, Initial Public Stock Offering

Privately-held companies are - no surprise here - privately held. This means that, in most cases, the company is owned by the company's founders, management or a group of private investors. A public company, on the other hand, is a company that has sold a portion of itself to the public via an initial public offering of some of its stock, meaning shareholders have claim to part of the company's assets and profits.

One of the biggest differences between the two types of companies deals with public disclosure. If it's a public U.S. company, which means it is trading on a U.S. stock exchange, it is typically required to file quarterly earnings reports (among other things) with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). This information is also made available to shareholders and the public. Private companies, however, are not required to disclose their financial information to anyone since they do not trade stock on a stock exchange.

The main advantage public companies have is their ability to tap the financial markets by selling stock (equity) or bonds (debt) to raise capital (i.e. cash) for expansion and projects. The main advantage to private companies is that management doesn't have to answer to stockholders and isn't required to file disclosure statements with the SEC. However, a private company can't dip into the public capital markets and must therefore turn to private funding, which can boost the cost of capital and may limit expansion. It has been said often that private companies seek to minimize the tax bite, while public companies seek to increase profits for shareholders.

I know this above everyone's p-ay grade, seems the confusion is with yourselves ........
You have heard of "Investopedia", correct??

So no one owns any of that public stock except for the private owners??
I know this above everyone's p-ay grade, seems the confusion is with yourselves ........
You have heard of "Investopedia", correct??

So no one owns any of that public stock except for the private owners??

Tell us, what's it like going through life with only a lower brain stem?
Now how did that phrase go ,
Blithering Moonbat Moron, that would be a self descriptor, correct??

You do realize as I let you male a fool of your self the opposition is rolling on the floor laughing @ your moonbat moronics ..............
Handed lemons a smart businessperson (note the pc in that!) makes lemonade.

So, Burger King, offer a limited time deal where welfare EBT cards get double value on purchase of a big burger and huge size fries. All the whiny liberals who love taxes so much they rave about it above will drop their complaints and flock to take advantage. They already love the grease - but a deal like this would put their alleged principles so far behind them they'll wither in the sunlight like so many turds.
I know this above everyone's p-ay grade, seems the confusion is with yourselves ........
You have heard of "Investopedia", correct??

So no one owns any of that public stock except for the private owners??

Tell us, what's it like going through life with only a lower brain stem?

Made a fool of you, answer your own question................

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