I'm Done Eating At Burger King

Bottom line is that they will no longer be an American company. And I have always chosen to spend my money on American products whenever possible. Those who choose to buy foreign made products over American have no right to cry, piss and moan over American joblessness.

If liberals would stop taxing the shit out of em they wouldnt have to leave for greener pastures.

tax rates should be competitive. but taxes have to be paid.... by everyone. they should, minimally, pay for what we give their employees to make up for stagnant wages.

Never said they shouldnt pay taxes. But when those taxes become punitive I dont blame em for leaving.
And for you to cry about stagnant wages when your dear leader is flooding the country with illegals is kind of ironic.

taxes shouldn't be punitive. but our taxes, and corporate taxes in particular, are lower than they've been in decades.

That is utter nonsense. The federal marginal corporate tax rate is 35%; states add additional tax burdens.

The companies that are able to lower these amounts are generally big government corporate cronies. Politicians use the tax code to reward friends and punish enemies. The companies truly hurt by this punitive rate are smaller ones without lobbyists in D.C. - the very companies who would normally be creating jobs but are not due to Obamanomics (high taxes, intrusive regulation, state controlled health care, etc.).

that's nice. corporations don't PAY 35%.

I hope that helps.

Uh. You are absolutely wrong. There are corporation that pay 35%.
Bottom line is that they will no longer be an American company. And I have always chosen to spend my money on American products whenever possible. Those who choose to buy foreign made products over American have no right to cry, piss and moan over American joblessness.

If liberals would stop taxing the shit out of em they wouldnt have to leave for greener pastures.

tax rates should be competitive. but taxes have to be paid.... by everyone. they should, minimally, pay for what we give their employees to make up for stagnant wages.

Never said they shouldnt pay taxes. But when those taxes become punitive I dont blame em for leaving.
And for you to cry about stagnant wages when your dear leader is flooding the country with illegals is kind of ironic.

taxes shouldn't be punitive. but our taxes, and corporate taxes in particular, are lower than they've been in decades.

That is utter nonsense. The federal marginal corporate tax rate is 35%; states add additional tax burdens.

The companies that are able to lower these amounts are generally big government corporate cronies. Politicians use the tax code to reward friends and punish enemies. The companies truly hurt by this punitive rate are smaller ones without lobbyists in D.C. - the very companies who would normally be creating jobs but are not due to Obamanomics (high taxes, intrusive regulation, state controlled health care, etc.).

that's nice. corporations don't PAY 35%.

I hope that helps.

Uh. You are absolutely wrong. There are corporation that pay 35%.
She should tell all of those companies that have left the US that they didn't have to do it. That the highest corporate tax rate is an illusion, that should make them stand up and take notice right?
just because something is a "business" does not mean it should duck taxes any more than you can.

You think the u.s tax code is fair and well written?

How many volumes (books) does the tax code encompass?

How many pages?

Do you purposely seek out the most expensive items when you purchase equal items?

If a product were equal in every way except one place sells it for 5 dollars and the other sells it for 2 dollars...where do you buy at?

Do you claim any deductions on your tax returns?

Why should I subsidize corporations?

Let them pay their own cost of doing business.

Then let your Congressmen know about your displeasure, they are the ones that allow and write the tax codes that favor the rich. It is not a businesses fault that they follow the tax codes. It is Congress that allows the rules in the first place. Stop blaming businesses for following the laws. Blame Congress for making the laws.

actually, if they move off shore, they are EVADING the tax codes. personally, I think they should be taxed to bring their products here at such a high rate that it doesn't pay for them to leave.

as for my congress members, i'm a new Yorker... my representatives already know. and don't blame me for the teatards.

No, they are avoiding, evading the taxes is illegal, avoiding them is legal.
just because something is a "business" does not mean it should duck taxes any more than you can.

You think the u.s tax code is fair and well written?

How many volumes (books) does the tax code encompass?

How many pages?

Do you purposely seek out the most expensive items when you purchase equal items?

If a product were equal in every way except one place sells it for 5 dollars and the other sells it for 2 dollars...where do you buy at?

Do you claim any deductions on your tax returns?

Why should I subsidize corporations?

Let them pay their own cost of doing business.

Then let your Congressmen know about your displeasure, they are the ones that allow and write the tax codes that favor the rich. It is not a businesses fault that they follow the tax codes. It is Congress that allows the rules in the first place. Stop blaming businesses for following the laws. Blame Congress for making the laws.

actually, if they move off shore, they are EVADING the tax codes. personally, I think they should be taxed to bring their products here at such a high rate that it doesn't pay for them to leave.

as for my congress members, i'm a new Yorker... my representatives already know. and don't blame me for the teatards.

No, they are avoiding, evading the taxes is illegal, avoiding them is legal.

She's from new york..some of the highest taxes in the nation..people have been bailing out of that statist hellhole for years...
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
A liberal pissed off at a burger chain owned by another liberal who wants to avoid paying high taxes? :muahaha:
I don't care much about the "liberal vs. conservative" game you play all the time. I know THIS--when BK pays taxes in Canada instead of the U.S., it costs the U.S. some jobs. (If you don't know why this is, we're done talking.)

So I will not patronize BK anymore; there are plenty of other options. Besides, BK serves food for fattys.
just because something is a "business" does not mean it should duck taxes any more than you can.

You think the u.s tax code is fair and well written?

How many volumes (books) does the tax code encompass?

How many pages?

Do you purposely seek out the most expensive items when you purchase equal items?

If a product were equal in every way except one place sells it for 5 dollars and the other sells it for 2 dollars...where do you buy at?

Do you claim any deductions on your tax returns?

Why should I subsidize corporations?

Let them pay their own cost of doing business.

Then let your Congressmen know about your displeasure, they are the ones that allow and write the tax codes that favor the rich. It is not a businesses fault that they follow the tax codes. It is Congress that allows the rules in the first place. Stop blaming businesses for following the laws. Blame Congress for making the laws.

actually, if they move off shore, they are EVADING the tax codes. personally, I think they should be taxed to bring their products here at such a high rate that it doesn't pay for them to leave.

as for my congress members, i'm a new Yorker... my representatives already know. and don't blame me for the teatards.

No, they are avoiding, evading the taxes is illegal, avoiding them is legal.

She's from new york..some of the highest taxes in the nation..people have been bailing out of that statist hellhole for years...
You people say the stupidist things sometimes.

It is actually your so-called "statist" states that bail out the red states. This happens continually, and I thought everyone knew it by now. There is just no way in hell states like Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, Oklahoma, the Dakotas, Arizona, or other red states can support themselves--too few people, and too little income.
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

if i were to eat fast food from anywhere now, i would devote my dollars to Burger King

I have to wonder what is wrong with you people? For only this one factor you would go to BK, do you really hate America that much? So I can assume that all the left wingers that are applauding BK will never once again raise on voice of concern when an American company moves off shore. Thank goodness if this is all it takes to shut them up..

Yes they do hate America that much. Over and over, they'll do any thing they can do to harm their own country.

They do business with companies who lie, cheat and steal to hurt the US and/or Americans and then bitch because the US borrows money.

Wish they'd move to Russia, where they belong.

When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

if i were to eat fast food from anywhere now, i would devote my dollars to Burger King

Yep. If it hurts America, some RWs are in favor of it.

I think a lot of you anti-America traitors will say the same.

Then y'all can bitch and whine at Obama formaking you fat and giving you diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

Who would do that? Eat what you want. Sounds like something only you Nanny/Police Staters would do. I don't rely on Government to tell me what to eat or not to eat.

Only idiots and the extremely poor eat at fat food places like BK, McD's etc.

Oh yeah, and now, those RWs who think they can harm the US by eating there. :cuckoo:
@Luddly Neddite Idiot



Should I post those horrendous pics of Perry and Bachmann eating deep fried butter?

Besides subsidizing corporate costs of doing business, besides helping the poor by paying for their food stamps and welfare, besides harming your health - the icing on this cake is that you're supporting socialism in Canada.

Chow down, dupes!

You are the dumb shit that is claiming the RW are the only ones eating fast food.

It is the liberal Warren Buffett that lamented he paid to little taxes, that is spearheading this.

Why are you not addressing the Congress that has failed to close the loop holes. The Democrats, after Reagan left office, started creating all the deductions, tax credits and loopholes and all you focus on is the corporations, they are in business to make money, Congress is elected to make laws, businesses base their decisions off the laws.

Do you expect businesses to ignore the deductions and credits that Congress has made into law?


no one is talking about the "deductions and credits that Congress has made into law".

the conversation is about offshoring business to evade payment of taxes.
just because something is a "business" does not mean it should duck taxes any more than you can.

You think the u.s tax code is fair and well written?

How many volumes (books) does the tax code encompass?

How many pages?

Do you purposely seek out the most expensive items when you purchase equal items?

If a product were equal in every way except one place sells it for 5 dollars and the other sells it for 2 dollars...where do you buy at?

Do you claim any deductions on your tax returns?

Why should I subsidize corporations?

Let them pay their own cost of doing business.

Then let your Congressmen know about your displeasure, they are the ones that allow and write the tax codes that favor the rich. It is not a businesses fault that they follow the tax codes. It is Congress that allows the rules in the first place. Stop blaming businesses for following the laws. Blame Congress for making the laws.

actually, if they move off shore, they are EVADING the tax codes. personally, I think they should be taxed to bring their products here at such a high rate that it doesn't pay for them to leave.

as for my congress members, i'm a new Yorker... my representatives already know. and don't blame me for the teatards.

No, they are avoiding, evading the taxes is illegal, avoiding them is legal.

She's from new york..some of the highest taxes in the nation..people have been bailing out of that statist hellhole for years...

"disagree" all you want sweetie..what I said is true..Some of the highest taxes in the nation.
Here's the difference. I prove what I say..you just say anything that comes into your head.

Where You ll Pay the Most in State and Local Taxes
Some states have high sales taxes and property taxes, but no income taxes. Other states have no sales tax, but high income taxes. So how do you compare them? How do you know where you’ll pay the least tax? The Tax Foundation has created a list that answers this very question. Their list of state tax burdens takes all state and local taxes into account and ranks the states based on their overall estimated tax burden.

States With The Lowest Taxes
To rank the state’s tax burdens, the Tax Foundation compared the total taxes that state residents pay as a percentage of per capita income. Included in the total taxes are local taxes such as property taxes and local sales taxes. The states whose residents pay the least in taxes are:

    • Alaska at 6.4% of income
    • Nevada at 6.6% of income
    • Wyoming at 7% of income
    • Florida at 7.4% of income
    • New Hampshire at 7.6% of income
It’s interesting to note that none of these states have an individual income tax.

States With The Highest Taxes
At the bottom of the Tax Foundation’s rankings were these states, with the highest tax burdens in the nation:

    • New Jersey at 11.8% of income
    • New York at 11.7% of income
    • Connecticut at 11.1% of income
    • Maryland at 10.8% of income
    • Hawaii at 10.6% of income
Not to mention other "fees" and "service charges" they always sneak in...
Bottom line is that they will no longer be an American company. And I have always chosen to spend my money on American products whenever possible. Those who choose to buy foreign made products over American have no right to cry, piss and moan over American joblessness.

If liberals would stop taxing the shit out of em they wouldnt have to leave for greener pastures.

tax rates should be competitive. but taxes have to be paid.... by everyone. they should, minimally, pay for what we give their employees to make up for stagnant wages.

Never said they shouldnt pay taxes. But when those taxes become punitive I dont blame em for leaving.
And for you to cry about stagnant wages when your dear leader is flooding the country with illegals is kind of ironic.

taxes shouldn't be punitive. but our taxes, and corporate taxes in particular, are lower than they've been in decades.

That is utter nonsense. The federal marginal corporate tax rate is 35%; states add additional tax burdens.

The companies that are able to lower these amounts are generally big government corporate cronies. Politicians use the tax code to reward friends and punish enemies. The companies truly hurt by this punitive rate are smaller ones without lobbyists in D.C. - the very companies who would normally be creating jobs but are not due to Obamanomics (high taxes, intrusive regulation, state controlled health care, etc.).

that's nice. corporations don't PAY 35%.

I hope that helps.

Uh. You are absolutely wrong. There are corporation that pay 35%.
She should tell all of those companies that have left the US that they didn't have to do it. That the highest corporate tax rate is an illusion, that should make them stand up and take notice right?

The Progs are just sticking to their scripts that Taxes Don't Affect Behavior....
just because something is a "business" does not mean it should duck taxes any more than you can.

You think the u.s tax code is fair and well written?

How many volumes (books) does the tax code encompass?

How many pages?

Do you purposely seek out the most expensive items when you purchase equal items?

If a product were equal in every way except one place sells it for 5 dollars and the other sells it for 2 dollars...where do you buy at?

Do you claim any deductions on your tax returns?

Why should I subsidize corporations?

Let them pay their own cost of doing business.

Then let your Congressmen know about your displeasure, they are the ones that allow and write the tax codes that favor the rich. It is not a businesses fault that they follow the tax codes. It is Congress that allows the rules in the first place. Stop blaming businesses for following the laws. Blame Congress for making the laws.

actually, if they move off shore, they are EVADING the tax codes. personally, I think they should be taxed to bring their products here at such a high rate that it doesn't pay for them to leave.

as for my congress members, i'm a new Yorker... my representatives already know. and don't blame me for the teatards.

No, they are avoiding, evading the taxes is illegal, avoiding them is legal.

She's from new york..some of the highest taxes in the nation..people have been bailing out of that statist hellhole for years...
You people say the stupidist things sometimes.

It is actually your so-called "statist" states that bail out the red states. This happens continually, and I thought everyone knew it by now. There is just no way in hell states like Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, Oklahoma, the Dakotas, Arizona, or other red states can support themselves--too few people, and too little income.

You are confusing state taxes and federal. Can you prove that at least one penny of your STATE taxes goes to a Red State?
just because something is a "business" does not mean it should duck taxes any more than you can.

You think the u.s tax code is fair and well written?

How many volumes (books) does the tax code encompass?

How many pages?

Do you purposely seek out the most expensive items when you purchase equal items?

If a product were equal in every way except one place sells it for 5 dollars and the other sells it for 2 dollars...where do you buy at?

Do you claim any deductions on your tax returns?

Why should I subsidize corporations?

Let them pay their own cost of doing business.

Then let your Congressmen know about your displeasure, they are the ones that allow and write the tax codes that favor the rich. It is not a businesses fault that they follow the tax codes. It is Congress that allows the rules in the first place. Stop blaming businesses for following the laws. Blame Congress for making the laws.

actually, if they move off shore, they are EVADING the tax codes. personally, I think they should be taxed to bring their products here at such a high rate that it doesn't pay for them to leave.

as for my congress members, i'm a new Yorker... my representatives already know. and don't blame me for the teatards.

No, they are avoiding, evading the taxes is illegal, avoiding them is legal.

She's from new york..some of the highest taxes in the nation..people have been bailing out of that statist hellhole for years...

"disagree" all you want sweetie..what I said is true..Some of the highest taxes in the nation.
Here's the difference. I prove what I say..you just say anything that comes into your head.

Where You ll Pay the Most in State and Local Taxes
Some states have high sales taxes and property taxes, but no income taxes. Other states have no sales tax, but high income taxes. So how do you compare them? How do you know where you’ll pay the least tax? The Tax Foundation has created a list that answers this very question. Their list of state tax burdens takes all state and local taxes into account and ranks the states based on their overall estimated tax burden.

States With The Lowest Taxes
To rank the state’s tax burdens, the Tax Foundation compared the total taxes that state residents pay as a percentage of per capita income. Included in the total taxes are local taxes such as property taxes and local sales taxes. The states whose residents pay the least in taxes are:

    • Alaska at 6.4% of income
    • Nevada at 6.6% of income
    • Wyoming at 7% of income
    • Florida at 7.4% of income
    • New Hampshire at 7.6% of income
It’s interesting to note that none of these states have an individual income tax.

States With The Highest Taxes
At the bottom of the Tax Foundation’s rankings were these states, with the highest tax burdens in the nation:

    • New Jersey at 11.8% of income
    • New York at 11.7% of income
    • Connecticut at 11.1% of income
    • Maryland at 10.8% of income
    • Hawaii at 10.6% of income
Not to mention other "fees" and "service charges" they always sneak in...

You should note that the "low tax" states on the list are largely supported by the "high tax" states on the other list. When incomes are as low as they are in most red states, the citizens there simply cannot afford to pay higher taxes--and since the rich citizens run things, they refuse to. So, the red states are Takers.
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
A liberal pissed off at a burger chain owned by another liberal who wants to avoid paying high taxes? :muahaha:
I don't care much about the "liberal vs. conservative" game you play all the time. I know THIS--when BK pays taxes in Canada instead of the U.S., it costs the U.S. some jobs. (If you don't know why this is, we're done talking.)

So I will not patronize BK anymore; there are plenty of other options. Besides, BK serves food for fattys.

Well said.
just because something is a "business" does not mean it should duck taxes any more than you can.

You think the u.s tax code is fair and well written?

How many volumes (books) does the tax code encompass?

How many pages?

Do you purposely seek out the most expensive items when you purchase equal items?

If a product were equal in every way except one place sells it for 5 dollars and the other sells it for 2 dollars...where do you buy at?

Do you claim any deductions on your tax returns?

Why should I subsidize corporations?

Let them pay their own cost of doing business.

Then let your Congressmen know about your displeasure, they are the ones that allow and write the tax codes that favor the rich. It is not a businesses fault that they follow the tax codes. It is Congress that allows the rules in the first place. Stop blaming businesses for following the laws. Blame Congress for making the laws.

actually, if they move off shore, they are EVADING the tax codes. personally, I think they should be taxed to bring their products here at such a high rate that it doesn't pay for them to leave.

as for my congress members, i'm a new Yorker... my representatives already know. and don't blame me for the teatards.

No, they are avoiding, evading the taxes is illegal, avoiding them is legal.

She's from new york..some of the highest taxes in the nation..people have been bailing out of that statist hellhole for years...
You people say the stupidist things sometimes.

It is actually your so-called "statist" states that bail out the red states. This happens continually, and I thought everyone knew it by now. There is just no way in hell states like Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, Oklahoma, the Dakotas, Arizona, or other red states can support themselves--too few people, and too little income.

You are confusing state taxes and federal. Can you prove that at least one penny of your STATE taxes goes to a Red State?

State taxes in red states do NOT cover state expenses. That's why they rely upon federal aid (paid by wealthy blue states) to survive. Ever hear of crop subsidies? That's only one of a million ways federal taxes are channeled to red state commodity farmers.
just because something is a "business" does not mean it should duck taxes any more than you can.

You think the u.s tax code is fair and well written?

How many volumes (books) does the tax code encompass?

How many pages?

Do you purposely seek out the most expensive items when you purchase equal items?

If a product were equal in every way except one place sells it for 5 dollars and the other sells it for 2 dollars...where do you buy at?

Do you claim any deductions on your tax returns?

Why should I subsidize corporations?

Let them pay their own cost of doing business.

Then let your Congressmen know about your displeasure, they are the ones that allow and write the tax codes that favor the rich. It is not a businesses fault that they follow the tax codes. It is Congress that allows the rules in the first place. Stop blaming businesses for following the laws. Blame Congress for making the laws.

actually, if they move off shore, they are EVADING the tax codes. personally, I think they should be taxed to bring their products here at such a high rate that it doesn't pay for them to leave.

as for my congress members, i'm a new Yorker... my representatives already know. and don't blame me for the teatards.

No, they are avoiding, evading the taxes is illegal, avoiding them is legal.

She's from new york..some of the highest taxes in the nation..people have been bailing out of that statist hellhole for years...

"disagree" all you want sweetie..what I said is true..Some of the highest taxes in the nation.
Here's the difference. I prove what I say..you just say anything that comes into your head.

Where You ll Pay the Most in State and Local Taxes
Some states have high sales taxes and property taxes, but no income taxes. Other states have no sales tax, but high income taxes. So how do you compare them? How do you know where you’ll pay the least tax? The Tax Foundation has created a list that answers this very question. Their list of state tax burdens takes all state and local taxes into account and ranks the states based on their overall estimated tax burden.

States With The Lowest Taxes
To rank the state’s tax burdens, the Tax Foundation compared the total taxes that state residents pay as a percentage of per capita income. Included in the total taxes are local taxes such as property taxes and local sales taxes. The states whose residents pay the least in taxes are:

    • Alaska at 6.4% of income
    • Nevada at 6.6% of income
    • Wyoming at 7% of income
    • Florida at 7.4% of income
    • New Hampshire at 7.6% of income
It’s interesting to note that none of these states have an individual income tax.

States With The Highest Taxes
At the bottom of the Tax Foundation’s rankings were these states, with the highest tax burdens in the nation:

    • New Jersey at 11.8% of income
    • New York at 11.7% of income
    • Connecticut at 11.1% of income
    • Maryland at 10.8% of income
    • Hawaii at 10.6% of income
Not to mention other "fees" and "service charges" they always sneak in...

You should note that the "low tax" states on the list are largely supported by the "high tax" states on the other list. When incomes are as low as they are in most red states, the citizens there simply cannot afford to pay higher taxes--and since the rich citizens run things, they refuse to. So, the red states are Takers.
Bullshit moron.
just because something is a "business" does not mean it should duck taxes any more than you can.

You think the u.s tax code is fair and well written?

How many volumes (books) does the tax code encompass?

How many pages?

Do you purposely seek out the most expensive items when you purchase equal items?

If a product were equal in every way except one place sells it for 5 dollars and the other sells it for 2 dollars...where do you buy at?

Do you claim any deductions on your tax returns?

Why should I subsidize corporations?

Let them pay their own cost of doing business.

Then let your Congressmen know about your displeasure, they are the ones that allow and write the tax codes that favor the rich. It is not a businesses fault that they follow the tax codes. It is Congress that allows the rules in the first place. Stop blaming businesses for following the laws. Blame Congress for making the laws.

actually, if they move off shore, they are EVADING the tax codes. personally, I think they should be taxed to bring their products here at such a high rate that it doesn't pay for them to leave.

as for my congress members, i'm a new Yorker... my representatives already know. and don't blame me for the teatards.

No, they are avoiding, evading the taxes is illegal, avoiding them is legal.

She's from new york..some of the highest taxes in the nation..people have been bailing out of that statist hellhole for years...

"disagree" all you want sweetie..what I said is true..Some of the highest taxes in the nation.
Here's the difference. I prove what I say..you just say anything that comes into your head.

Where You ll Pay the Most in State and Local Taxes
Some states have high sales taxes and property taxes, but no income taxes. Other states have no sales tax, but high income taxes. So how do you compare them? How do you know where you’ll pay the least tax? The Tax Foundation has created a list that answers this very question. Their list of state tax burdens takes all state and local taxes into account and ranks the states based on their overall estimated tax burden.

States With The Lowest Taxes
To rank the state’s tax burdens, the Tax Foundation compared the total taxes that state residents pay as a percentage of per capita income. Included in the total taxes are local taxes such as property taxes and local sales taxes. The states whose residents pay the least in taxes are:

    • Alaska at 6.4% of income
    • Nevada at 6.6% of income
    • Wyoming at 7% of income
    • Florida at 7.4% of income
    • New Hampshire at 7.6% of income
It’s interesting to note that none of these states have an individual income tax.

States With The Highest Taxes
At the bottom of the Tax Foundation’s rankings were these states, with the highest tax burdens in the nation:

    • New Jersey at 11.8% of income
    • New York at 11.7% of income
    • Connecticut at 11.1% of income
    • Maryland at 10.8% of income
    • Hawaii at 10.6% of income
Not to mention other "fees" and "service charges" they always sneak in...

You should note that the "low tax" states on the list are largely supported by the "high tax" states on the other list. When incomes are as low as they are in most red states, the citizens there simply cannot afford to pay higher taxes--and since the rich citizens run things, they refuse to. So, the red states are Takers.

spin it however you think you need to..
Making up wild claims out of thin air that you can't support is the point.
just because something is a "business" does not mean it should duck taxes any more than you can.

You think the u.s tax code is fair and well written?

How many volumes (books) does the tax code encompass?

How many pages?

Do you purposely seek out the most expensive items when you purchase equal items?

If a product were equal in every way except one place sells it for 5 dollars and the other sells it for 2 dollars...where do you buy at?

Do you claim any deductions on your tax returns?

Why should I subsidize corporations?

Let them pay their own cost of doing business.

Then let your Congressmen know about your displeasure, they are the ones that allow and write the tax codes that favor the rich. It is not a businesses fault that they follow the tax codes. It is Congress that allows the rules in the first place. Stop blaming businesses for following the laws. Blame Congress for making the laws.

actually, if they move off shore, they are EVADING the tax codes. personally, I think they should be taxed to bring their products here at such a high rate that it doesn't pay for them to leave.

as for my congress members, i'm a new Yorker... my representatives already know. and don't blame me for the teatards.

No, they are avoiding, evading the taxes is illegal, avoiding them is legal.

She's from new york..some of the highest taxes in the nation..people have been bailing out of that statist hellhole for years...
You people say the stupidist things sometimes.

It is actually your so-called "statist" states that bail out the red states. This happens continually, and I thought everyone knew it by now. There is just no way in hell states like Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, Oklahoma, the Dakotas, Arizona, or other red states can support themselves--too few people, and too little income.

You are confusing state taxes and federal. Can you prove that at least one penny of your STATE taxes goes to a Red State?

State taxes in red states do NOT cover state expenses. That's why they rely upon federal aid (paid by wealthy blue states) to survive. Ever hear of crop subsidies? That's only one of a million ways federal taxes are channeled to red state commodity farmers.

LMAO....sure..sure..whatever you need to believe is ok with me. you hyperpartisans are pretty funny...carry on.
just because something is a "business" does not mean it should duck taxes any more than you can.

You think the u.s tax code is fair and well written?

How many volumes (books) does the tax code encompass?

How many pages?

Do you purposely seek out the most expensive items when you purchase equal items?

If a product were equal in every way except one place sells it for 5 dollars and the other sells it for 2 dollars...where do you buy at?

Do you claim any deductions on your tax returns?

Why should I subsidize corporations?

Let them pay their own cost of doing business.

Then let your Congressmen know about your displeasure, they are the ones that allow and write the tax codes that favor the rich. It is not a businesses fault that they follow the tax codes. It is Congress that allows the rules in the first place. Stop blaming businesses for following the laws. Blame Congress for making the laws.

actually, if they move off shore, they are EVADING the tax codes. personally, I think they should be taxed to bring their products here at such a high rate that it doesn't pay for them to leave.

as for my congress members, i'm a new Yorker... my representatives already know. and don't blame me for the teatards.

No, they are avoiding, evading the taxes is illegal, avoiding them is legal.

She's from new york..some of the highest taxes in the nation..people have been bailing out of that statist hellhole for years...

"disagree" all you want sweetie..what I said is true..Some of the highest taxes in the nation.
Here's the difference. I prove what I say..you just say anything that comes into your head.

Where You ll Pay the Most in State and Local Taxes
Some states have high sales taxes and property taxes, but no income taxes. Other states have no sales tax, but high income taxes. So how do you compare them? How do you know where you’ll pay the least tax? The Tax Foundation has created a list that answers this very question. Their list of state tax burdens takes all state and local taxes into account and ranks the states based on their overall estimated tax burden.

States With The Lowest Taxes
To rank the state’s tax burdens, the Tax Foundation compared the total taxes that state residents pay as a percentage of per capita income. Included in the total taxes are local taxes such as property taxes and local sales taxes. The states whose residents pay the least in taxes are:

    • Alaska at 6.4% of income
    • Nevada at 6.6% of income
    • Wyoming at 7% of income
    • Florida at 7.4% of income
    • New Hampshire at 7.6% of income
It’s interesting to note that none of these states have an individual income tax.

States With The Highest Taxes
At the bottom of the Tax Foundation’s rankings were these states, with the highest tax burdens in the nation:

    • New Jersey at 11.8% of income
    • New York at 11.7% of income
    • Connecticut at 11.1% of income
    • Maryland at 10.8% of income
    • Hawaii at 10.6% of income
Not to mention other "fees" and "service charges" they always sneak in...

You should note that the "low tax" states on the list are largely supported by the "high tax" states on the other list. When incomes are as low as they are in most red states, the citizens there simply cannot afford to pay higher taxes--and since the rich citizens run things, they refuse to. So, the red states are Takers.
Bullshit moron.

ask him to prove the wild claims...he can't...he just strung a bunch of words together hoping to sound intelligent.
I'd ask him myself but when they say things that dishonest i hit the ignore..why waste time on hyperpartisans. They have their agenda and integrity and honesty aren't on it.
just because something is a "business" does not mean it should duck taxes any more than you can.

You think the u.s tax code is fair and well written?

How many volumes (books) does the tax code encompass?

How many pages?

Do you purposely seek out the most expensive items when you purchase equal items?

If a product were equal in every way except one place sells it for 5 dollars and the other sells it for 2 dollars...where do you buy at?

Do you claim any deductions on your tax returns?

Why should I subsidize corporations?

Let them pay their own cost of doing business.

Then let your Congressmen know about your displeasure, they are the ones that allow and write the tax codes that favor the rich. It is not a businesses fault that they follow the tax codes. It is Congress that allows the rules in the first place. Stop blaming businesses for following the laws. Blame Congress for making the laws.

actually, if they move off shore, they are EVADING the tax codes. personally, I think they should be taxed to bring their products here at such a high rate that it doesn't pay for them to leave.

as for my congress members, i'm a new Yorker... my representatives already know. and don't blame me for the teatards.

No, they are avoiding, evading the taxes is illegal, avoiding them is legal.

She's from new york..some of the highest taxes in the nation..people have been bailing out of that statist hellhole for years...
You people say the stupidist things sometimes.

It is actually your so-called "statist" states that bail out the red states. This happens continually, and I thought everyone knew it by now. There is just no way in hell states like Nebraska, Kansas, Wyoming, Oklahoma, the Dakotas, Arizona, or other red states can support themselves--too few people, and too little income.

You are confusing state taxes and federal. Can you prove that at least one penny of your STATE taxes goes to a Red State?

State taxes in red states do NOT cover state expenses. That's why they rely upon federal aid (paid by wealthy blue states) to survive. Ever hear of crop subsidies? That's only one of a million ways federal taxes are channeled to red state commodity farmers.

Crop subsides? Do you morons in Red States not eat?

Federal aid DOES NOT come from state taxes dumbass. Federal money comes from taxes that we all pay regardless of the state.

Here in Florida we do not depend on Blue states what so ever, except for those of you who come here as tourists, but that's an industry the same as textiles, fuels, and manufacturing.

I asked you to prove that your state taxes supported us and you failed. That's because you haven't a clue what you are blabbering about idiot.
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
A liberal pissed off at a burger chain owned by another liberal who wants to avoid paying high taxes? :muahaha:
I don't care much about the "liberal vs. conservative" game you play all the time. I know THIS--when BK pays taxes in Canada instead of the U.S., it costs the U.S. some jobs. (If you don't know why this is, we're done talking.)

So I will not patronize BK anymore; there are plenty of other options. Besides, BK serves food for fattys.

Well, I wonder how you figure that??
Had you or anyone else been paying attention if and when BK moves it's corporate HQ's to Canada only one thing will actually occur.

No matter whether BKCHQ's are in the US or Canada all of the US EARNING' tax at a rate of about 35%.

If BKCHO's are in the US, CANADIAN EARNING's tax at a rate of about 26% in CANADA, the US taxes an additional 9% on those earnings, making the effect tax rate 35%.

If BKCHQ;s are in CANADA, the CANADIAN EARNING's tax at a rate of about 26%.

Now where in the hell do you see any thing remotely connected to fucking JOB's??

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