I'm Done Eating At Burger King

five guys? not that expensive for what you get. they make a great hot dog, too, btw. as for in and out, no idea what they cost, but people swear by them.

For the first time that I can remember, I actually agree with you.. Five Guys is great, and I love their flat top grilled hot dogs. Just never order a Large Fry. My son and I split a regular size have left overs.
Right now, you really could say that Burger King isn't an American company anyway, since I believe 3G Capital is the majority stockholder right now, a d they're a Brazilian company.
You're supposed to be a lawyer, you should know the not so subtle difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. The former being legal and the latter not so much.



it's a "lawyer"?..and saying things like THAT?

I doubt it...no way..

The jury's out on that, m'lud.

no. it's really not. my paycheck says so.

so bite me.


clearly not a tax lawyer.

nope. I hated tax law. just saying.
You're supposed to be a lawyer, you should know the not so subtle difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. The former being legal and the latter not so much.



it's a "lawyer"?..and saying things like THAT?

I doubt it...no way..

The jury's out on that, m'lud.

no. it's really not. my paycheck says so.

so bite me.


OK. But just for the record, what area of law do you specialise in?
Bottom line is that they will no longer be an American company. And I have always chosen to spend my money on American products whenever possible. Those who choose to buy foreign made products over American have no right to cry, piss and moan over American joblessness.

If liberals would stop taxing the shit out of em they wouldnt have to leave for greener pastures.
five guys? not that expensive for what you get. they make a great hot dog, too, btw. as for in and out, no idea what they cost, but people swear by them.

For the first time that I can remember, I actually agree with you.. Five Guys is great, and I love their flat top grilled hot dogs. Just never order a Large Fry. My son and I split a regular size have left overs.

yep. they scoop as many fries into the bag as they do into the little cardboard thing.

and hey... we have to agree on something.

What difference does the location of the corporate headquarters make if you are hungry? If you are serious about "made in the USA" products you will be very disappointed about what's available.
You're supposed to be a lawyer, you should know the not so subtle difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. The former being legal and the latter not so much.



it's a "lawyer"?..and saying things like THAT?

I doubt it...no way..

The jury's out on that, m'lud.

no. it's really not. my paycheck says so.

so bite me.


OK. But just for the record, what area of law do you specialise in?

specialize? my major practice areas were always entertainment litigation, matrimonial and transactional real estate. now, I work more in a consulting capacity and have to be more of a generalist.
You're supposed to be a lawyer, you should know the not so subtle difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. The former being legal and the latter not so much.



it's a "lawyer"?..and saying things like THAT?

I doubt it...no way..

The jury's out on that, m'lud.

no. it's really not. my paycheck says so.

so bite me.


clearly not a tax lawyer.

nope. I hated tax law. just saying.

You proved that by not understanding the difference between avoidance and evasion.

but you come on here and chirp about tax laws...
Bottom line is that they will no longer be an American company. And I have always chosen to spend my money on American products whenever possible. Those who choose to buy foreign made products over American have no right to cry, piss and moan over American joblessness.

If liberals would stop taxing the shit out of em they wouldnt have to leave for greener pastures.

tax rates should be competitive. but taxes have to be paid.... by everyone. they should, minimally, pay for what we give their employees to make up for stagnant wages.
You're supposed to be a lawyer, you should know the not so subtle difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. The former being legal and the latter not so much.



it's a "lawyer"?..and saying things like THAT?

I doubt it...no way..

The jury's out on that, m'lud.

no. it's really not. my paycheck says so.

so bite me.


clearly not a tax lawyer.

nope. I hated tax law. just saying.

You proved that by not understanding the difference between avoidance and evasion.

but you come on here and chirp about tax laws...

I understand and know the difference. I chose the word not in a legal sense but a factual sense.

my practice, or lack thereof, in the areas of tax law would preclude me from advising a client as to what they can can do to shield assets. it has nothing whatsoever to do with my ability to reason an opinion.

I hope that helps. but no doubt your little rant made you feel better about yourself. :thup:
You're supposed to be a lawyer, you should know the not so subtle difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. The former being legal and the latter not so much.



it's a "lawyer"?..and saying things like THAT?

I doubt it...no way..

The jury's out on that, m'lud.

no. it's really not. my paycheck says so.

so bite me.


OK. But just for the record, what area of law do you specialise in?

specialize? my major practice areas were always entertainment litigation, matrimonial and transactional real estate. now, I work more in a consulting capacity and have to be more of a generalist.

In my line of work we call those "property brokers" over here, and I've had my fair share of (indirect) dealings with them. Personally speaking, I doubt I'd have the patience to practice law (as a solicitor or a barrister).
Bottom line is that they will no longer be an American company. And I have always chosen to spend my money on American products whenever possible. Those who choose to buy foreign made products over American have no right to cry, piss and moan over American joblessness.

If liberals would stop taxing the shit out of em they wouldnt have to leave for greener pastures.

tax rates should be competitive. but taxes have to be paid.... by everyone. they should, minimally, pay for what we give their employees to make up for stagnant wages.

Never said they shouldnt pay taxes. But when those taxes become punitive I dont blame em for leaving.
And for you to cry about stagnant wages when your dear leader is flooding the country with illegals is kind of ironic.
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

if i were to eat fast food from anywhere now, i would devote my dollars to Burger King

I have to wonder what is wrong with you people? For only this one factor you would go to BK, do you really hate America that much? So I can assume that all the left wingers that are applauding BK will never once again raise on voice of concern when an American company moves off shore. Thank goodness if this is all it takes to shut them up..

We don't hate America. We hate the way liberals are fucking it all up. The Burger King move is a symptom of that process.
You're supposed to be a lawyer, you should know the not so subtle difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. The former being legal and the latter not so much.



it's a "lawyer"?..and saying things like THAT?

I doubt it...no way..

The jury's out on that, m'lud.

no. it's really not. my paycheck says so.

so bite me.


OK. But just for the record, what area of law do you specialise in?
ambulance chasing?

You're supposed to be a lawyer, you should know the not so subtle difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. The former being legal and the latter not so much.



it's a "lawyer"?..and saying things like THAT?

I doubt it...no way..

The jury's out on that, m'lud.

no. it's really not. my paycheck says so.

so bite me.


OK. But just for the record, what area of law do you specialise in?
ambulance chasing?

Everyone's gotta start somewhere.
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Heard some BK representative in a radio news break yesterday afternoon saying they weren't moving HQ, it'll remain in Miami, and they'll continue to pay US taxes.

Hours later though on CNN they were still reporting the move for tax reasons and haven't checked any TV news since so not sure what's going on now.
This is what I said many posts ago. When and if they go, I will support them. If, as it appears according to this, they don't move it'll not bother me since I never liked BK anyway and eating there would be a struggle. But I would support them if they did.
I don't eat fast food and honestly don't care.

If the government wants to stop more of this shit from happening they need to lower corporate tax rates. But that requires leadership. Obama thinks that leadership is a boat.....

no. they need to tariff the s***t out of corporations that off shore.

It'd be far easier and more effective to eliminate deductions, lower the rate, and stop taxing overseas earnings....

Economics 101 - if you want more of something subsidize it, if you want less of something tax it.
Bottom line is that they will no longer be an American company. And I have always chosen to spend my money on American products whenever possible. Those who choose to buy foreign made products over American have no right to cry, piss and moan over American joblessness.

If liberals would stop taxing the shit out of em they wouldnt have to leave for greener pastures.

tax rates should be competitive. but taxes have to be paid.... by everyone. they should, minimally, pay for what we give their employees to make up for stagnant wages.

Never said they shouldnt pay taxes. But when those taxes become punitive I dont blame em for leaving.
And for you to cry about stagnant wages when your dear leader is flooding the country with illegals is kind of ironic.

taxes shouldn't be punitive. but our taxes, and corporate taxes in particular, are lower than they've been in decades.
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
They haven't moved their headquarters yet. When and if they do, I will begin eating at Burger King. Thus effectively canceling out your boycott.


Another America-hating RW thinking he can harm the US by eating garbage.

You people are beyond merely dumb.
See? Your left wing stupidity knows no bounds. The reason I never put you on ignore even though you are an ignorant, racist, partisan hack, is that you are a constant reminder of what democrats really are.

I do not hate Anerica. Unlike you liberal morons, I can differentiate between the country I love and it's screwed up government. I hate the government, especially this current one. There is a difference though I don't expect a moron like you to know that.

You seem to mean well, but you don't quite get it.
Yeah I get it. What's not to get? Luddley is a moron who doesn't know that one can love America but hate those who are running it. Why can't YOU get that?

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