I'm Done Eating At Burger King

They actually have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders to minimize their tax burden.

Exactly. Every business's job is to make money.

edit: Oh and let's not forget that all of those BK franchises are still owned by Americans. AND Tim Hortons franchises are also owned by Americans (there's Timmy Ho's in the US).
Your choice. whatever blows you're skirt up but don't ya all think this a little TOO LATE for protesting. most of the jobs are gone overseas and you call Bill Clinton and give him an ear full or you can call Obama and demand he bring down taxes on business so to keep them in the country

but, good luck with that. lowing taxes to a Democrat is like sticking a stake in their heart..they do not care the jobs are gone or leaving IF THEY DID he would of DONE something besides calling them, Un American. unpatriotic, etc

who would want to stay in a country with a President who calls you names instead of bring up a policy to help us?

Except that BK hasn't left the US and isn't likely to do so. This whole thread is pointless.

No, Really... BK is going to pack up and move the 8,500+ restaurants it operates in the U.S. and move them all to Canada!
They actually have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders to minimize their tax burden.

Exactly. Every business's job is to make money.

edit: Oh and let's not forget that all of those BK franchises are still owned by Americans. AND Tim Hortons franchises are also owned by Americans (there's Timmy Ho's in the US).

There you go, being all logical, and sensible, and rational. That's just going to confuse the poor widdle whackjobs.
you can only laugh at that man/boy that is President if he wasn't so dangerous to us and our country

He held Warren Buffet up as some shining hero because he stood up to say, I should be taxed more...so what does the little man do, NAMED a tax after him. and now look.
the embarrassments of that man just keeps on rolling. OVER HIM
Obama is the biggest mistake this country ever made
There you go, being all logical, and sensible, and rational. That's just going to confuse the poor widdle whackjobs.

No I'm just being "anti-American". lol

And don't forget Greedy and Racist.

If you and most of the so called Patriotic Americans could simply mail there paychecks before taxes being with held and then have it mailed back with all the funds THEY WOULD. no different than corporations moving and avoiding the greedy IRS system,at least the BK jobs will stay here.
Privately-held companies are - no surprise here - privately held. This means that, in most cases, the company is owned by the company's founders, management or a group of private investors. A public company, on the other hand, is a company that has sold a portion of itself to the public via an initial public offering of some of its stock, meaning shareholders have claim to part of the company's assets and profits.

Well there is the definitive test, can we by stock or not??

Pssst, hey dumbass. Here's my last chance offer for you to have a clue:

No one is arguing that
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
They haven't moved their headquarters yet. When and if they do, I will begin eating at Burger King. Thus effectively canceling out your boycott.
See? Your left wing stupidity knows no bounds. The reason I never put you on ignore even though you are an ignorant, racist, partisan hack, is that you are a constant reminder of what democrats really are.

I do not hate Anerica. Unlike you liberal morons, I can differentiate between the country I love and it's screwed up government. I hate the government, especially this current one. There is a difference though I don't expect a moron like you to know that.

When you say that you plan on supporting a business that does harm to our great nation then you DO hate America.

Thanks for outing yourself as a left wing moron.
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
They haven't moved their headquarters yet. When and if they do, I will begin eating at Burger King. Thus effectively canceling out your boycott.
See? Your left wing stupidity knows no bounds. The reason I never put you on ignore even though you are an ignorant, racist, partisan hack, is that you are a constant reminder of what democrats really are.

I do not hate Anerica. Unlike you liberal morons, I can differentiate between the country I love and it's screwed up government. I hate the government, especially this current one. There is a difference though I don't expect a moron like you to know that.

When you say that you plan on supporting a business that does harm to our great nation then you DO hate America.

How does it harm America for BK to operate, to employ people, and to pay taxes on its income in the U.S., while it also operates in other countries and pays its local taxes to them?

he's an idiot. He has no idea.
I am turning homeless, in our lovely city (only 21 murders in the last 3 weeks) the last time they had an entitlement day, there were 41 different organizations there to sign you up and give away all kind of needy things ............

I am beginning to believe that I just need to take a break and work the system for a while .... but, I have too much self respect
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News
. It's a Brazilian company.

I've pointed out the majority ownership by 3G, but it just goes over their pointy widdle heads.

Does not matter, by definition any company that sells stock is considered "publicly owned" no matter who owns controlling interest!!

I never said it wasn't publicly traded, you moron. I pointed out that it was majority owned by a Brazilian PE firm.

Don't bother. He's busy trying to figure out a way to spin his way out of the pile of stupid he created for himself.
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do you people not understand how franchises work? Choosing not to have a Double Wopper with Cheese affects the locally owned franchise FAR more than it hurts the global corporation.
Yeah, too bad this entire tax myth has been (a) debunked and (b) already beaten to death in four other threads, which were already merged. :eusa_hand:

From a fifth thread on this, containing therein a link to the merge of the other four:

The Burger King move to Canada is a paper process taking advantage of the US tax code so that they can shift to a lower-corporate tax rate country. At the same time, jobs are not being offshored nor are operations yet liberals are shitting themselves and demonizing Burger King and other companies like Medtronic that are doing this. Why is this a problem?

These companies are seeking to avoid higher taxes by shifting to another domicile where they won't pay as much. Why is that a problem? What is the difference in motivation and outcome between Burger King trying to do this vs. a Massachusetts Senator that parks his $7M yacht in Rhode Island to avoid paying $500k per year in Massachusetts taxes??

There's no evidence BK is doing any such thing. That's pure speculation, and has been hacked to death in several threads already (which were merged here). There isn't even any evidence that it will save them taxes.

If this were really their motive, why not move to a country with a tax rate lower than Canada? If that were the motive, why spend umpteen billions of dollars to merge with a huge corporation, taking on over 4600 stores, when all you'd have to do is go plunk down a few hundred Loonies on an office space in Missasauga?

Doesn't pass the smell test. On the contrary, they did say the operation would move to Canada as that would be the largest market of the combined company.

I have it on good authority that these threads were merged in order to evade the O'bama Multi-thread Duplication Tax.

Liberals demonize McDonald's, Burger King, KFC, etc. for the obesity problem in the USA. So why the uproar when one of them moves out? We are not supposed to be eating their anyways.

There's as much evidence that they're "moving out" as there is that they're avoiding taxes. I.E., 0.

I never eat their anyways. I prefer food.
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

if i were to eat fast food from anywhere now, i would devote my dollars to Burger King

I have to wonder what is wrong with you people? For only this one factor you would go to BK, do you really hate America that much? So I can assume that all the left wingers that are applauding BK will never once again raise on voice of concern when an American company moves off shore. Thank goodness if this is all it takes to shut them up..

Which left wingers are applauding BK's move to Canada? Seems that most of the trumpet section is from the right on this move.
You are just about as dense as your Siamese Twin DrDNG.

BurgerKing is not moving out of the U.S. The U.S. jobs are for the most part staying in the U.S., with the exception of some HQ staff due to the merger with Tim Hortons. BK will continue to pay income taxes on its U.S. based income.

You Moonbats really are a sorry lot.


Some people just don't understand capitalism. BK is doing what ANY company (big or small) would do: looking out for their best interest. If that means "moving" to Canada then so be it.

Actually it's more accurately described as "buying a piece of Canada". TimHorton's is huge, and known by everyone coast to coast in that country (which is bigger than this one). They run over 4600 stores fer chrissake. And 3G, when it took over BK four years ago, divested BK's presence IN Canada as part of the restructure. So this is a way of getting back in with a bang.

Naah, I made that up; I just wanted to look at Batfink.

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