I'm Done Eating At Burger King

Wrong again. Once again, for the slow --- Warren Buffett's not "behind" this, 3G --- Burger King's majority owner -- is behind it. Buffett's an investor in 3G, and already was before this. That's what you do when you have a lot of money - you invest. And that's what 3G is doing here.

You're not very honest people, are ya?

Buffett is not even an investor in 3G. He is loaning some of the money to 3G so 3G can do the transaction.
Ah, two days after it's been established in comes Whizbag to shoot the wounded. How courageous.

Hey, I have a life,which means I don't see every single thread as soon as it is posted.

On the other hand, I love pointing out how stupid people can be, which is why I love replying to your posts.
Not really -- it's not a tax move. Got zilch to do with taxes.

Once again for the slow -- you don't need to spend umpteen billion bucks to buy a megacompany just to move to Canada. You just don't. On the other hand you can grow your business by such a move, including getting back into a major market you had to bail out of a few years ago. Think about it.

All of that is true, so is the fact that they will be paying less taxes to the US. You can blather about the other benefits all day long, but claiming that there is no tax benefit included in the deal when the company itself touted the tax incentives as the main reason they structured the final deal the ay they did just indicates your willful ignorance of the truth.
I found out something a couple days ago that made me very happy about this deal: I have BK stock in my investments. :woohoo::woohoo:

Wish I had more. :dunno:
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

Burger King isn't worthy of business, period.
Fast food is horrible and one of the main reasons the U.S. has the highest rates of obesity.
I got lucky. I've never been fat, unless you consider being pregnant fat.
You go where you get the best deal. Sad that place is Canuckistan, and just goes to show that taxes are waaaay too high in the US. People vote with their feet.BK will be paying exactly the same taxes on its US earnings. Their overseas earnings can now be repatriated to a country with a lower rate. I applaud them for the move.

I wish both TH and BK didn't suck so much, else I'd start throwing some business their way. Oh well, free choices in action.
find then you get a tax to run your business in america ... you don't like the tax, then close down your business ... thats fine by me ...:rock:you republicans that feel they are taxed too much well, thats why you're a dumb fuck... you have no Idea whats going on ....

Burger King is not doing anything illegal. But if it will make you folks "feel" better - I know how important that is to you - let's trap all existing American businesses here via presidential decree, double corporate taxes, add a few more layers of regulation, increase business responsibilities via the ACA, and jail the boards of directors of any corporation that makes a profit.

That should do it.


Burger King is not doing anything illegal. But if it will make you folks "feel" better - I know how important that is to you - let's trap all existing American businesses here via presidential decree, double corporate taxes, add a few more layers of regulation, increase business responsibilities via the ACA, and jail the boards of directors of any corporation that makes a profit.

That should do it.


Why on earth would you want to do that?
When an American Company moves its headquarters out of the nation to avoid paying taxes then it is no longer an American company and not worthy of my business.

Burger King to buy Tim Hortons with help from Warren Buffett move headquarters to Canada - NY Daily News

All the franchises still pay US corporate taxes
All the suppliers based in the US still pay US corporate taxes
All the executives who live in the USA still pay federal income taxes.

The feds get PLENTY of tax money from Burger King even if some of the profits cannot be taxed.
so what you're saying, its fine with you to pay the taxes that Burger king Corporation isn't paying ... the loss has to come from some where ... its fine with you to get your taxes to be raised

Burger King is not doing anything illegal. But if it will make you folks "feel" better - I know how important that is to you - let's trap all existing American businesses here via presidential decree, double corporate taxes, add a few more layers of regulation, increase business responsibilities via the ACA, and jail the boards of directors of any corporation that makes a profit.

That should do it.


Why on earth would you want to do that?
because Mac is a Idiot
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BK is just escaping the taxes and they are in business to make money. Nothing more, except our taxes chased their main offices out of the country.

And then a whiney lib saying he will not eat there ever again..............LOL

Whatever floats your boat man.............who cares.
Maybe pointless to you, we all know they are not leaving he US, they are moving their corporate headquarters to Canada. So, pointless to you, but not to others.If they want to move let them go. Good riddance

Your choice. whatever blows you're skirt up but don't ya all think this a little TOO LATE for protesting. most of the jobs are gone overseas and you call Bill Clinton and give him an ear full or you can call Obama and demand he bring down taxes on business so to keep them in the country

but, good luck with that. lowing taxes to a Democrat is like sticking a stake in their heart..they do not care the jobs are gone or leaving IF THEY DID he would of DONE something besides calling them, Un American. unpatriotic, etc

who would want to stay in a country with a President who calls you names instead of bring up a policy to help us?

Except that BK hasn't left the US and isn't likely to do so. This whole thread is pointless.

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