I'm going to go out on a limb here...

I am speculating that if foul play or terrorism is involved, what the identity and cause of the perpetrators might be.

No. You said arrows are all pointing in one direction. What arrows? How about at least a little info to support your bullshit.
Considering that the plane took off from Malaysia, if there is foul play involved, who do you think did it. Islamic terrorists would take advantage of the fact that A- Muslim sounding names wouldn't raise any alarms and B- security being very relaxed would allow them easy clearance and entry into the plane including carrying concealed weapons. Those are your arrows. There aren't any other possibilities to even eliminate, in case it's foul play.

Al Qaeda! Who else? Al Qaeda's home base / headquarters is the Philipines and Malaysia is their no. 1 travel destination to and from. It makes perfect sense but they still need a country to pull this off. There is too much involved for them to pull this off without the help of a country. A very powerful one at that.
"What we can say is we are looking at sabotage, with hijack still on the cards," said that source, a senior Malaysian police official."

Exclusive: Radar data suggests missing Malaysia plane deliberately flown way off course - sources | Reuters
Yup, at this point a hijacking is a possibility. What's ironic here is that had the Transponders not been turned off, the pilot (assuming he was still flying the plane) could have entered the hijack code, 7500 on the ATC panel.

Is that ironic? Or...did you think we would think you were cool for knowing the hijack code?
Another poster mentioned the possibility of a hijack. The way to communicate discreetly to officials that there is a hijacking on board is by entering code 7500 via the ATC panel. Problem is that with the ATC Transponder deliberately turned off, no codes would be getting through. Thus the irony.
Muslims? Why blame them? they are only responsible for practically every act of terror in the past 30 years? :lol:


Yup, at this point a hijacking is a possibility. What's ironic here is that had the Transponders not been turned off, the pilot (assuming he was still flying the plane) could have entered the hijack code, 7500 on the ATC panel.

Is that ironic? Or...did you think we would think you were cool for knowing the hijack code?
Another poster mentioned the possibility of a hijack. The way to communicate discreetly to officials that there is a hijacking on board is by entering code 7500 via the ATC panel. Problem is that with the ATC Transponder deliberately turned off, no codes would be getting through. Thus the irony.

I was hearing today that it's strange that no debris at all is showing up. That is fueling all of these theories about terrorists flying the plane and landing it as well.
The authorities are doing everything they can to not say terrorism. The two iranians who paid cash for one way tickets and traveling on stolen passports are just innocent asylum seekers. Saying differently would be profiling iranian men who pay cash for one way tickets and traveling on stolen passports as would be terrorists and we can't have that.

I hope they find the wreckage. If they don't, that means the real terrorist attack hasn't happened yet.
Is that ironic? Or...did you think we would think you were cool for knowing the hijack code?
Another poster mentioned the possibility of a hijack. The way to communicate discreetly to officials that there is a hijacking on board is by entering code 7500 via the ATC panel. Problem is that with the ATC Transponder deliberately turned off, no codes would be getting through. Thus the irony.

I was hearing today that it's strange that no debris at all is showing up. That is fueling all of these theories about terrorists flying the plane and landing it as well.
Till anyone locates the airplane, any scenario is possible. I'm still betting that the airplane is resting somewhere at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. Plus, if the plane had landed someplace with a large enough runway, someone would have noticed, especially given the size of the 777.
You have to keep in mind motive for killing millions of civilians with a weapon such as a 777 jumbo jet loaded up with some bio weapon. Who would want to do that? Al Qaeda? They need a country to help them for something this big. Which country? The country with the greatest motive to harm the USA.

Who is determined to defeat America - planning for our demise decades ago? The Soviets! This is right up their alley. Deception is their game. The closest ally the Islamists have is Russia. If you don't believe it go to the Hebrew prophets who prophesied of a Russian led Islamic army marching against Israel in the latter days. If any country helped Al Qaeda in the hiding of this plane? It's Russia. Israel is on the precipice of a massive invasion by her enemies but they will not do this until America is out of the way. Once again... who is the nation that is showing alliance with Syria? With Iran? With Israels enemies? RUSSIA.
Could be Al Queda or Iran or even Syria. Who knows. I'm just think it points to a Islamic terrorism more than anything else. Two Iranians boarded the plane with fake European passports. Something the media isn't making a big deal about, but it is. Iran has directly and indirect'y attacked the US many times. During the Iraq war Iran was behind many of the American soldiers deaths.

Remember this might be the first phase of a multi stage plan. The passengers may not have even been aware of a problem, if the cockpit was penetrated swiftly and effectively. Or if a pilot was part of the conspiracy. Like I said too many unknowns, to make further speculations. The fact that the crashed plane hasn't been found gets worse as more time elapses.

US navy is has the most sophisticated equipment that can find sea mines miles away, and small objects like submarines thousands of feet under water trying to stay undetected. And they can't find a crashed jumbo jet or its remnants floating for a whole week now? Something is terribly wrong with this picture.
No. You said arrows are all pointing in one direction. What arrows? How about at least a little info to support your bullshit.
Considering that the plane took off from Malaysia, if there is foul play involved, who do you think did it. Islamic terrorists would take advantage of the fact that A- Muslim sounding names wouldn't raise any alarms and B- security being very relaxed would allow them easy clearance and entry into the plane including carrying concealed weapons. Those are your arrows. There aren't any other possibilities to even eliminate, in case it's foul play.

Al Qaeda! Who else? Al Qaeda's home base / headquarters is the Philipines and Malaysia is their no. 1 travel destination to and from. It makes perfect sense but they still need a country to pull this off. There is too much involved for them to pull this off without the help of a country. A very powerful one at that.
Remember the Pakistanis KNOWINGLY hid Bin Laden from us for many years before we killed him. What were the consequences for them? Nothing, as a matter of fact they got more money and help from the US. Nobody is afraid of this president or America any longer.
The authorities are doing everything they can to not say terrorism. The two iranians who paid cash for one way tickets and traveling on stolen passports are just innocent asylum seekers. Saying differently would be profiling iranian men who pay cash for one way tickets and traveling on stolen passports as would be terrorists and we can't have that.

I hope they find the wreckage. If they don't, that means the real terrorist attack hasn't happened yet.
That's what world govt.'s are hiding from us. The plane not crashed elevates the threat to a whole new level. It's sad that everybody is hoping to find a crashed plane. Especially for the relatives of those who were on the plane. Many are going to loose their parents and sons and daughters.
This type of airplane has never crashed, it has an impeccable record. Why would a plane turn its transponders off and travel four hours off course? Answer me that.

Before you make a further fool of yourself, revisit that statement.
Which part of that statement is untrue? From my understanding someone physically turned the transponders off and the plane continued traveling for another four hours afterwards.

Revisit it as I said. I am not going to do it for you.
Politico, What does it matter?! It was a typo. Roudy writes alot. So he cuts time and writes why would a plane turn its transponders off..... I knew what he meant and I'm sure you do too. - J.
And say that the disappearance of the Malaysian aircraft, whether it has crashed or hijacked and secretly landed somewhere, has something to do with Muslims and Islamic terrorism.

I would not call this going out on a limb. This is more like walking out onto the continent of Asia. :lol:

My guess is that it landed, was hid, and will await a WMD. Then they will wait till night fall, fly in below radar, and take out a coastal city.

I know, I know, they don't represent the peace loving religion of Islam. That was just my bigotry talking again, my bad.
The authorities are doing everything they can to not say terrorism. The two iranians who paid cash for one way tickets and traveling on stolen passports are just innocent asylum seekers. Saying differently would be profiling iranian men who pay cash for one way tickets and traveling on stolen passports as would be terrorists and we can't have that.

I hope they find the wreckage. If they don't, that means the real terrorist attack hasn't happened yet.
That's what world govt.'s are hiding from us. The plane not crashed elevates the threat to a whole new level. It's sad that everybody is hoping to find a crashed plane. Especially for the relatives of those who were on the plane. Many are going to loose their parents and sons and daughters.

They are indeed. On Fox News Meagan Kelly interviewed a group of pilots and reporters. There were 3 disinformation guys in the front row.. several more in the middle and one in the back. ( navy seal ) They were so unconvincing that I was amazed at the thought they were getting paid for it. WSJ is running disinfo too. They are all scrambling and rambling at this point.

Meagan was trying to help them out with well this is the theory, right? lol. She had to feed them lines to keep them on track. 80% of her questions last night were statements in disguise.

It was a very aggressive move by FOX to shut down any discussion of WHY the hijackers would want this plane. Her boss at FOX must have told her there won't be any discussions about a 777 jet out there that could be used as a weapon against a city and kill millions with a bio attack.. not a word of it. Oh and make sure to call on the disinformation guys because we need to keep the public totally confused. Do yourselves a favor and don't bother watching FOX anymore.
If I was living in Israel I would be very worried right now.
If this plane takes off from, or flies across any Middle East country and makes it to Israel...this will start a major-major war.
You don't have to worry about that. If this plane is going to be sent anywhere for a terrorist attack it will be the United States. Not Israel. This isn't the first to go missing. This is the second one. The first one was stolen while on the ground and has never been found.
And say that the disappearance of the Malaysian aircraft, whether it has crashed or hijacked and secretly landed somewhere, has something to do with Muslims and Islamic terrorism.

So what if it does?
Making an educated guess. Who do you think is responsible?
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