I'm going to go out on a limb here...

Less than 10% of airliner crashes are due to terrorism. Statistically, it's MOST likely it was mechanical malfunction. Also, try and remember that in all probability over 230 people have died. Making political hay out of it is in really poor taste.
This type of airplane has never crashed, it has an impeccable record. Why would a plane turn its transponders off and travel four hours off course? Answer me that.

2008 and 2013

Law of numbers...How many 787s have crashed? 737/747s far out number the larger Boeing aircraft and have more flight hours.

Avionics are not infallible. A plane would not turn a transponder off, but there could be 100 reasons a transponder failed.
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Don't know about Russian involvement here. Especially when Russians themselves are fighting Islamists supported by Al Queda on their southern border.

The Soviets always play both sides of a war. Remember WWII? Hitler was a member of the nationalist party. Many similarities between the nazis and the communists. Right down to the colors - Red. It is all deception to them, Roudy. They love to hide what they are up to.
Less than 10% of airliner crashes are due to terrorism. Statistically, it's MOST likely it was mechanical malfunction. Also, try and remember that in all probability over 230 people have died. Making political hay out of it is in really poor taste.
This type of airplane has never crashed, it has an impeccable record. Why would a plane turn its transponders off and travel four hours off course? Answer me that.

2008 and 2013

Law of numbers...How many 787s have crashed? 737/747s far out number the larger Boeing aircraft and have more flight hours.

Avionics are not infallible. A plane would not turn a transponder off, but there could be 100 reasons a transponder failed.
It's a 777, and it has a remarkable record. The only "crash" was last year when the pilot miscalculated the landing in San Francisco last year. If you recall, it had that group of Chinese students on tour here.
Less than 10% of airliner crashes are due to terrorism. Statistically, it's MOST likely it was mechanical malfunction. Also, try and remember that in all probability over 230 people have died. Making political hay out of it is in really poor taste.
This type of airplane has never crashed, it has an impeccable record. Why would a plane turn its transponders off and travel four hours off course? Answer me that.

2008 and 2013

Law of numbers...How many 787s have crashed? 737/747s far out number the larger Boeing aircraft and have more flight hours.

Avionics are not infallible. A plane would not turn a transponder off, but there could be 100 reasons a transponder failed.


The transponder failed, then all communications devices on the plane failed 40 ,minutes later. Despite these unprecedented failures, the plane still kept pinging the satellites for another seven and a half hours, flying an erratic course that managed to avoid ever way station in in the area.

Sounds like an accident to me.
This type of airplane has never crashed, it has an impeccable record. Why would a plane turn its transponders off and travel four hours off course? Answer me that.

2008 and 2013

Law of numbers...How many 787s have crashed? 737/747s far out number the larger Boeing aircraft and have more flight hours.

Avionics are not infallible. A plane would not turn a transponder off, but there could be 100 reasons a transponder failed.
It's a 777, and it has a remarkable record. The only "crash" was last year when the pilot miscalculated the landing in San Francisco last year. If you recall, it had that group of Chinese students on tour here.

There was another crash. British Airways Flight 38 crashed on approach to Heathrow due to icing in the fuel lines on 17 JAN 2008.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.
Less than 10% of airliner crashes are due to terrorism. Statistically, it's MOST likely it was mechanical malfunction. Also, try and remember that in all probability over 230 people have died. Making political hay out of it is in really poor taste.
This type of airplane has never crashed, it has an impeccable record. Why would a plane turn its transponders off and travel four hours off course? Answer me that.

2008 and 2013

Law of numbers...How many 787s have crashed? 737/747s far out number the larger Boeing aircraft and have more flight hours.

Avionics are not infallible. A plane would not turn a transponder off, but there could be 100 reasons a transponder failed.

There are two transponders,the likely hood of both failing .....? Slim.
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2008 and 2013

Law of numbers...How many 787s have crashed? 737/747s far out number the larger Boeing aircraft and have more flight hours.

Avionics are not infallible. A plane would not turn a transponder off, but there could be 100 reasons a transponder failed.
It's a 777, and it has a remarkable record. The only "crash" was last year when the pilot miscalculated the landing in San Francisco last year. If you recall, it had that group of Chinese students on tour here.

There was another crash. British Airways Flight 38 crashed on approach to Heathrow due to icing in the fuel lines on 17 JAN 2008.

Sent from my NWO shill phone using TapYourLine II.
Could be. I'm just going by what I heard, that the plane has a pretty good record.
This type of airplane has never crashed, it has an impeccable record. Why would a plane turn its transponders off and travel four hours off course? Answer me that.

2008 and 2013

Law of numbers...How many 787s have crashed? 737/747s far out number the larger Boeing aircraft and have more flight hours.

Avionics are not infallible. A plane would not turn a transponder off, but there could be 100 reasons a transponder failed.

There are two transponders,the likely hood of both failing .....? Slim.
By now almost everybody is agreeing that something sinister happened on this plane. The question is who, why, and what.
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false flag.. The media has buried Crimea and all the hoopla is over a stupid airplane while Obama's horrific foreign policy is on full display. WW3 brewing and a plane with ~300 people onboard is the leading act. :cuckoo:


Why bother to wait until the investigation is complete.
That's why I'm going out on a limb. All the arrows are pointing to one direction. Islamic terrorism.

I could of course be wrong. However, the possibility that this jet crashed due to technical malfunction is incredibly remote. The transponders were intentionally turned off and it traveled at least four hours off course. Sounds like somebody wanted to secretly steal the plane.

Sounds like somebody wanted to secretly steal the plane...

So they can use it at a later date and time and place.

And in a way which will maximize it's characteristics in a way most advantageous to them.
Which part of that statement is untrue? From my understanding someone physically turned the transponders off and the plane continued traveling for another four hours afterwards.

Revisit it as I said. I am not going to do it for you.
I already revisited it. I don't see anything factually untrue about anything I said.

So no other 777 has crashed. Alrighty then, Everyone remember he said that.
Revisit it as I said. I am not going to do it for you.
I already revisited it. I don't see anything factually untrue about anything I said.

So no other 777 has crashed. Alrighty then, Everyone remember he said that.

After a cursory search I found one incidence of a 777 crashing.
It is widely accepted that it is one of the safest planes out there.
Not sure what that has to do with anything at this point considering it's now common knowledge that the plane didnt crash.
Less than 10% of airliner crashes are due to terrorism. Statistically, it's MOST likely it was mechanical malfunction. Also, try and remember that in all probability over 230 people have died. Making political hay out of it is in really poor taste.

What is political about saying it was terrorists?,Muslim or otherwise? He didn't say democrat terrorists. Everyone is guessing what happened. Considering the location it doesn't seem to far fetched. Considering there as there has been no mechanic wrecks, that I know of, of a 777 I think mechanical failure could be ruled out especially if the plane changed course.
false flag.. The media has buried Crimea and all the hoopla is over a stupid airplane while Obama's horrific foreign policy is on full display. WW3 brewing and a plane with ~300 people onboard is the leading act. :cuckoo:


This might be actually correct.
2008 and 2013

Law of numbers...How many 787s have crashed? 737/747s far out number the larger Boeing aircraft and have more flight hours.

Avionics are not infallible. A plane would not turn a transponder off, but there could be 100 reasons a transponder failed.

There are two transponders,the likely hood of both failing .....? Slim.
By now almost everybody is agreeing that something sister happened on this plane. The question is who, why, and what.

No, I think it was a brother. (sorry could not resist) And no, not everyone agrees that something sinister happened.
Something tells me that Israeli airspace is tightly monitored, and any aircraft that deviates from its flightpath towards any town, city or military asset will be swiftly investigated by one or more of Israel's F16s.

I believe it possible to fly under the radar. It is very dangerous, but I think it possible.

That is why I believe they would only try this over the open ocean at night. The target would have to be a coastal city.
Latest satellite information says the plane was in the air around SEVEN hours heading towards southern Khazakestan. We are in the first stage of a multi phase attack. No way a plane flies seven hours in the wrong direction and then crashes. This thing is probably on the ground.

What do you mean "no way?" Remember the Paine Stewart plane that flew for hours after rapid cabin depressurization then cashed running out of fuel. One would think that planes could be smart enough to realize they were running out of fuel and land themselves.
I believe it possible to fly under the radar. It is very dangerous, but I think it possible.

That is why I believe they would only try this over the open ocean at night. The target would have to be a coastal city.
Latest satellite information says the plane was in the air around SEVEN hours heading towards southern Khazakestan. We are in the first stage of a multi phase attack. No way a plane flies seven hours in the wrong direction and then crashes. This thing is probably on the ground.

What do you mean "no way?" Remember the Paine Stewart plane that flew for hours after rapid cabin depressurization then cashed running out of fuel. One would think that planes could be smart enough to realize they were running out of fuel and land themselves.

From what I've heard the plane changed course and wasnt flying a straight path or a consistent altitude .
That would indicate a pilot,not a straight flight path like you would get on auto pilot.
false flag.. The media has buried Crimea and all the hoopla is over a stupid airplane while Obama's horrific foreign policy is on full display. WW3 brewing and a plane with ~300 people onboard is the leading act. :cuckoo:

Well the MSM is sure making this their number one story to take attention away from the disaster that is occurring in Crimea as a result of Obama's paper tiger foreign policy. But I still think this is very serious situation with the plane.
Latest news is officials believe the last satellite signal was received from a plane that has landed. Like I said the govts aren't releasing everything they know in a timely manner.
TASB is a Jew baiter and hater, so we can dismiss that nonsense right now.

If it is terrorism, it is probably jihad related.

If not, then the most likely scenario is a crash or a pilot who decided to commit suicide. He secures the cockpit door, shoots the other pilot, ascends quickly to 45000 feet and jimmys the oxygen mask system so they don't deploy. The passengers die quickly.

Then it is Mr. Pilot, about 250 dead humans, and a 777 of his own.

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