I'm going to go out on a limb here...

They will make themselves known, and the choices available when they are in the air and loaded with WMD, and more than likely with most of the passengers on board. They might even lie and ask permission to land to negotiate terms. In that scenario I believe the plane will be shot down, unfortunately.
If the plane does indeed fly over a major city, and is shot down while loaded with WMD, God help us all! The new war on terror could very well lead to WWIII!
It will be shot down before it gets close to a major city. I doubt it will be that simple though.
There is the possibility of avoiding radar by flying at a low altitude (below 5000 ft). However, even then, the airplane would draw a lot of attention, and would easily be spotted.
If the plane does indeed fly over a major city, and is shot down while loaded with WMD, God help us all! The new war on terror could very well lead to WWIII!
It will be shot down before it gets close to a major city. I doubt it will be that simple though.
There is the possibility of avoiding radar by flying at a low altitude (below 5000 ft). However, even then, the airplane would draw a lot of attention, and would easily be spotted.
One can assume that the same people who pulled off such a sophisticated stunt also have a second phase planned that is just as sophisticated and devious. They were talking today about "shadowing" another plane, in other words, following close enough to another to be seen as one plane in the radar. Anything is possible.
You are assuming its two. Even 9-11 had five per plane. Two pilots and three to control the passengers and crew. How do you know it wasn't 10 or 20 this time. I don't think it's the Russians, it's not their style. At all.

Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Michael McCaul, said on Sunday in an interview with Fox News that the investigation was increasingly looking at the cockpit.
"Something was going on with the pilot," the Texas Republican said. "I think this all leads toward the cockpit, with the pilot and copilot."
Despite speculation about Islamic terrorism, neither pilot had ties to militant groups. Malaysian officials said Sunday that the two had not requested to fly together on Flight 370.
The officials also said they had reinvestigated two Iranian men on the flight who were traveling on stolen passports and were sticking with their original determination: that the two were trying to sneak into Europe as economic migrants and had no terrorist links.

Malaysia Airlines pilots: Clues lead 'toward the cockpit' - latimes.com

Roudy, this isn't looking good for ya, bruh.
It will be shot down before it gets close to a major city. I doubt it will be that simple though.
There is the possibility of avoiding radar by flying at a low altitude (below 5000 ft). However, even then, the airplane would draw a lot of attention, and would easily be spotted.
One can assume that the same people who pulled off such a sophisticated stunt also have a second phase planned that is just as sophisticated and devious. They were talking today about "shadowing" another plane, in other words, following close enough to another to be seen as one plane in the radar. Anything is possible.

You've assumed quite a bit with this gem of a thread, there, Skippy.
U.S. intelligence officials are leaning toward the theory that "those in the cockpit" -- the captain and co-pilot -- were responsible for the mysterious disappearance, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the latest thinking told CNN.
The official emphasized no final conclusions have been drawn and all the internal intelligence discussions are based on preliminary assessments of what is known to date.
Other scenarios could still emerge. The notion of a hijacking has not been ruled out, the official said Saturday.
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak told reporters on Saturday that the plane veered off course due to apparent deliberate action taken by somebody on board.
What does the U.S. know about MH 370? Police search pilot's home Who were the men who flew flight 370
'Someone acting deliberately'
The first clue that the captain or co-pilot may have been involved stems from when the plane made a sharp, deliberate turn just after it last communicated with Kuala Lumpur air traffic controllers, and before it would have to communicate with Vietnamese controllers, according to the U.S. official with knowledge of the latest intelligence thinking.
"This is the perfect place to start to disappear," the official said.
Adding to the intrigue, ABC News reported that the dramatic left turn was preprogrammed into the plane's navigation computer. It's a task that would have required extensive piloting experience.
Two senior law enforcement officials also told ABC that new information revealed the plane performed "tactical evasion maneuvers" after it disappeared from radar. CNN was unable to confirm these reports.
Military radar showed the jetliner flew in a westerly direction back over the Malaysian Peninsula, Najib said. It is then believed to have either turned northwest toward the Bay of Bengal or southwest elsewhere in the Indian Ocean, he said.
"Evidence is consistent with someone acting deliberately from inside the plane," the Prime Minister said, officially confirming the plane's disappearance was not caused by an accident. "Despite media reports that the plane was hijacked, we are investigating all major possibilities on what caused MH370 to deviate."

Interesting, this was done on purpose and it was pre-planned.



Peter Chong (left) with best friend Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, pilot of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane. He is pictured in a T-shirt with a Democracy is Dead slogan as police investigate claims he could have hijacked the plane as an anti-government protest


Captian Shah was an ‘obsessive’ supporter of Ibrahim. And hours before the doomed flight left Kuala Lumpur it is understood 53-year-old Shah attended a controversial trial in which Ibrahim was jailed for five years.
Campaigners say the politician, the key challenger to Malaysia’s ruling party, was the victim of a long-running smear campaign and had faced trumped-up charges.
Police sources have confirmed that Shah was a vocal political activist – and fear that the court decision left him profoundly upset. It was against this background that, seven hours later, he took control of a Boeing 777-200 bound for Beijing and carrying 238 passengers and crew.
Yesterday, Malaysian police searched his house in the upmarket Kuala Lumpur suburb of Shah Alam, where he had installed a home-made flight simulator. But this newspaper can reveal that investigators had already spent much of last week examining two laptops removed from Shah’s home. One is believed to contain data from the simulator
Confirming rising fears, Malaysia’s prime minister Najib Razak announced yesterday that MH370 was deliberately steered off course after its communication system was switched off. He said it headed west over the Malaysian seaboard and could have flown for another seven hours on its fuel reserves.
It is not yet clear where the plane was taken, however Mr Razak said the most recent satellite data suggests the plane could have been making for one of two possible flight corridors. The search, involving 43 ships and 58 aircraft from 15 countries, switched from the South China Sea to the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean.
In another dramatic twist early Sunday Indian officials however, said the search was on hold until 'fresh search areas' were defined by Malaysia. It is unclear what the reason was for the delay.
Data showing the number of plausible runways where the plane could have touched down - which need to be at least 5,000ft - offer a baffling number of potential locations.

'Fanatical' missing Malaysia Airlines plane pilot pictured wearing political T-shirt | Mail Online

The motivation for this seems to be political.

My theory is that flight 370 was hijacked in order to secure the release of Anwar Ibrahim, and that the mission was somehow unsuccessful.
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U.S. intelligence officials are leaning toward the theory that "those in the cockpit" -- the captain and co-pilot -- were responsible for the mysterious disappearance, a U.S. official with direct knowledge of the latest thinking told CNN.
The official emphasized no final conclusions have been drawn and all the internal intelligence discussions are based on preliminary assessments of what is known to date.
Other scenarios could still emerge. The notion of a hijacking has not been ruled out, the official said Saturday.
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak told reporters on Saturday that the plane veered off course due to apparent deliberate action taken by somebody on board.
What does the U.S. know about MH 370? Police search pilot's home Who were the men who flew flight 370
'Someone acting deliberately'
The first clue that the captain or co-pilot may have been involved stems from when the plane made a sharp, deliberate turn just after it last communicated with Kuala Lumpur air traffic controllers, and before it would have to communicate with Vietnamese controllers, according to the U.S. official with knowledge of the latest intelligence thinking.
"This is the perfect place to start to disappear," the official said.
Adding to the intrigue, ABC News reported that the dramatic left turn was preprogrammed into the plane's navigation computer. It's a task that would have required extensive piloting experience.
Two senior law enforcement officials also told ABC that new information revealed the plane performed "tactical evasion maneuvers" after it disappeared from radar. CNN was unable to confirm these reports.
Military radar showed the jetliner flew in a westerly direction back over the Malaysian Peninsula, Najib said. It is then believed to have either turned northwest toward the Bay of Bengal or southwest elsewhere in the Indian Ocean, he said.
"Evidence is consistent with someone acting deliberately from inside the plane," the Prime Minister said, officially confirming the plane's disappearance was not caused by an accident. "Despite media reports that the plane was hijacked, we are investigating all major possibilities on what caused MH370 to deviate."

Interesting, this was done on purpose and it was pre-planned.



Peter Chong (left) with best friend Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, pilot of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane. He is pictured in a T-shirt with a Democracy is Dead slogan as police investigate claims he could have hijacked the plane as an anti-government protest


Captian Shah was an ‘obsessive’ supporter of Ibrahim. And hours before the doomed flight left Kuala Lumpur it is understood 53-year-old Shah attended a controversial trial in which Ibrahim was jailed for five years.
Campaigners say the politician, the key challenger to Malaysia’s ruling party, was the victim of a long-running smear campaign and had faced trumped-up charges.
Police sources have confirmed that Shah was a vocal political activist – and fear that the court decision left him profoundly upset. It was against this background that, seven hours later, he took control of a Boeing 777-200 bound for Beijing and carrying 238 passengers and crew.
Yesterday, Malaysian police searched his house in the upmarket Kuala Lumpur suburb of Shah Alam, where he had installed a home-made flight simulator. But this newspaper can reveal that investigators had already spent much of last week examining two laptops removed from Shah’s home. One is believed to contain data from the simulator
Confirming rising fears, Malaysia’s prime minister Najib Razak announced yesterday that MH370 was deliberately steered off course after its communication system was switched off. He said it headed west over the Malaysian seaboard and could have flown for another seven hours on its fuel reserves.
It is not yet clear where the plane was taken, however Mr Razak said the most recent satellite data suggests the plane could have been making for one of two possible flight corridors. The search, involving 43 ships and 58 aircraft from 15 countries, switched from the South China Sea to the Bay of Bengal in the Indian Ocean.
In another dramatic twist early Sunday Indian officials however, said the search was on hold until 'fresh search areas' were defined by Malaysia. It is unclear what the reason was for the delay.
Data showing the number of plausible runways where the plane could have touched down - which need to be at least 5,000ft - offer a baffling number of potential locations.

'Fanatical' missing Malaysia Airlines plane pilot pictured wearing political T-shirt | Mail Online

The motivation for this seems to be political.

My theory is that flight 370 was hijacked in order to secure the release of Anwar Ibrahim, and that the mission was somehow unsuccessful.
Thanks for confirming my initial statement in the OP:

If there is foul play, it's Muslim or Islamic based.
Thanks for confirming my initial statement in the OP:

If there is foul play, it's Muslim or Islamic based.


How did Allah figure into this one?

He doesn't. This was all about the country's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim - jailed for homosexuality just hours before the jet disappeared.

It had naught to do with religion.

And in a new twist, it emerged that the pilot’s wife and three children moved out of the family’s home the day before the plane’s disappearance.

If the plane was intact and had enough electrical power in reserve, it would be able to send out a radar 'ping'.
'All right, good night' was spoken at 1.19am on Saturday March 8 from the Beijing-bound flight to air traffic controllers in Malaysia rather than the usual sign-off of ‘Roger and out’.
Whoever was talking did not mention a problem with the flight, suggesting an attempt was made to mislead ground control.

Two minutes later the transponder - which sends out an identifying signal - was switched off. Turning it off is simply a matter of flipping a switch in the cockpit.
Shortly afterwards the aircraft climbed to 45,000 feet and turned sharply to head back across the Malaysian peninsula. It later travelled some distance at 23,000 feet and even dipped down to 5,000 feet.
Authorities have said someone on board the plane also disabled one of its communications systems - the Aircraft and Communications Addressing and Reporting System, or ACARS.
This is a message sent every 30 minutes to maintenance crews that indicates the plane's speed, altitude, position and fuel levels.
It made its last transmission at 1.07am, just before the last words from the co-pilot.
But it didn't send a transmission at 1.37am, so at some point in the preceding half an hour it had been switched off, a task that requires considerable expertise.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...lk-security-final-time-off.html#ixzz2wGU29nQz
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Thanks for confirming my initial statement in the OP:

If there is foul play, it's Muslim or Islamic based.


How did Allah figure into this one?

He doesn't. This was all about the country's opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim - jailed for homosexuality just hours before the jet disappeared.

It had naught to do with religion.

And in a new twist, it emerged that the pilot’s wife and three children moved out of the family’s home the day before the plane’s disappearance.

If the plane was intact and had enough electrical power in reserve, it would be able to send out a radar 'ping'.
'All right, good night' was spoken at 1.19am on Saturday March 8 from the Beijing-bound flight to air traffic controllers in Malaysia rather than the usual sign-off of ‘Roger and out’.
Whoever was talking did not mention a problem with the flight, suggesting an attempt was made to mislead ground control.

Two minutes later the transponder - which sends out an identifying signal - was switched off. Turning it off is simply a matter of flipping a switch in the cockpit.
Shortly afterwards the aircraft climbed to 45,000 feet and turned sharply to head back across the Malaysian peninsula. It later travelled some distance at 23,000 feet and even dipped down to 5,000 feet.
Authorities have said someone on board the plane also disabled one of its communications systems - the Aircraft and Communications Addressing and Reporting System, or ACARS.
This is a message sent every 30 minutes to maintenance crews that indicates the plane's speed, altitude, position and fuel levels.
It made its last transmission at 1.07am, just before the last words from the co-pilot.
But it didn't send a transmission at 1.37am, so at some point in the preceding half an hour it had been switched off, a task that requires considerable expertise.

Read more: MH370's final transmission may have been BEFORE communications were disabled | Mail Online
Dude you're too funny. There are ten rumors a day about who what and why, and you've made up your mind already. How do you know these guys didn't establish ties to extremist organizations? How do you know the two Iranians were part of the conspiracy. How do you know other crew members weren't in on it. Truth is, nobody knows anything. Get a grip in yourself.
Dude you're too funny. There are ten rumors a day about who what and why, and you've made up your mind already. How do you know these guys didn't establish ties to extremist organizations? How do you know the two Iranians were part of the conspiracy. How do you know other crew members weren't in on it. Truth is, nobody knows anything. Get a grip in yourself.

Dude - I figured out what happened.

YOU get half the credit as this was YOUR thread!

"You're welcome."


Dude you're too funny. There are ten rumors a day about who what and why, and you've made up your mind already. How do you know these guys didn't establish ties to extremist organizations? How do you know the two Iranians were part of the conspiracy. How do you know other crew members weren't in on it. Truth is, nobody knows anything. Get a grip in yourself.

Dude - I figured out what happened.

YOU get half the credit as this was YOUR thread!

"You're welcome."


You didn't figure out jack other than repeat the latest media conspiracy theory. If it is the pilot then are you claiming that he had absolutely no co conspirators prior to take off, during, and after (possibly) landing? Duh.

Truth is, nobody knows anything until they find the plane. And it could even be sitting on the bottom of the ocean floor right now.

But I understand the phrase "cockpit" turns you on, so you keep repeating "let's focus on the cockpit". LOL
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Dude you're too funny. There are ten rumors a day about who what and why, and you've made up your mind already. How do you know these guys didn't establish ties to extremist organizations? How do you know the two Iranians were part of the conspiracy. How do you know other crew members weren't in on it. Truth is, nobody knows anything. Get a grip in yourself.

Dude - I figured out what happened.

YOU get half the credit as this was YOUR thread!

"You're welcome."


You didn't figure out jack other than repeat what the latest media conspiracy. If it is the pilot then are you claiming that he had absolutely no co conspirators prior to take off, during, and after (possibly) landing? Duh.

But I understand the phrase "cockpit" turns you on so you keep repeating "let's focus on the cockpit". LOL

Nice try, but you screwed the pooch. Next time - do a little research.

Dude - I figured out what happened.

YOU get half the credit as this was YOUR thread!

"You're welcome."


You didn't figure out jack other than repeat what the latest media conspiracy. If it is the pilot then are you claiming that he had absolutely no co conspirators prior to take off, during, and after (possibly) landing? Duh.

But I understand the phrase "cockpit" turns you on so you keep repeating "let's focus on the cockpit". LOL

Nice try, but you screwed the pooch. Next time - do a little research.

I didn't try anything. The pilot could have been recruited by Al Queda. Light bulb goes off...poof!

I'll call you lord of the cockpit.
I think it was hijacked to. passengers all dead. their a liability. what will they use the plane for?? good question. and how long for the search?? sooner or later they will call it quits. IMO
Dude you're too funny. There are ten rumors a day about who what and why, and you've made up your mind already. How do you know these guys didn't establish ties to extremist organizations? How do you know the two Iranians were part of the conspiracy. How do you know other crew members weren't in on it. Truth is, nobody knows anything. Get a grip in yourself.

Dude - I figured out what happened.

YOU get half the credit as this was YOUR thread!

"You're welcome."


You didn't figure out jack other than repeat the latest media conspiracy theory. If it is the pilot then are you claiming that he had absolutely no co conspirators prior to take off, during, and after (possibly) landing? Duh.

Truth is, nobody knows anything until they find the plane. And it could even be sitting on the bottom of the ocean floor right now.

But I understand the phrase "cockpit" turns you on, so you keep repeating "let's focus on the cockpit". LOL

Actually, it would be sitting on the TOP of the ocean floor. Unless they were flying one of these...


I think this story is relevant to what is happening today.

Officials: Malaysian Pulled Out of '02 Terror Plot

Published February 10, 2006

Associated Press
KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA – A Malaysian recruited by Al Qaeda to pilot a plane in a second wave of Sept. 11-style attacks on the United States pulled out after observing the carnage of the 2001 assaults, Southeast Asian officials said Friday.

President Bush on Thursday outlined details of an alleged plot to hijack an airliner and fly it into a skyscraper in Los Angeles. He said cooperation between Washington and several Asian countries helped expose it.

The plan never appeared close to the stage where it could be put into execution. Scores of arrests in the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks severely curtailed Al Qaeda and its Southeast Asian affiliate, Jemaah Islamiyah.

Security officials and terrorism experts in Southeast Asia on Friday said Malaysian engineer Zaini Zakaria was among three men Al Qaeda was preparing to take part in an attack on the U.S. West Coast.

Zaini, 38, has been detained without trial under the Internal Security Act in Malaysia since he surrendered in December 2002.

The other two men implicated in the attack plans were Zacarias Moussaoui, who is in U.S. custody, and Abderraouf Jdey, who remains at large with a $5 million U.S. bounty on his head.

Two Malaysian security officials, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the issue with the media, said Zaini was the only suspect in the allaged plot known to be in Malaysian custody.
Dude - I figured out what happened.

YOU get half the credit as this was YOUR thread!

"You're welcome."


You didn't figure out jack other than repeat the latest media conspiracy theory. If it is the pilot then are you claiming that he had absolutely no co conspirators prior to take off, during, and after (possibly) landing? Duh.

Truth is, nobody knows anything until they find the plane. And it could even be sitting on the bottom of the ocean floor right now.

But I understand the phrase "cockpit" turns you on, so you keep repeating "let's focus on the cockpit". LOL

Actually, it would be sitting on the TOP of the ocean floor. Unless they were flying one of these...


Stop it, you're turning the cockpit expert on.
You didn't figure out jack other than repeat what the latest media conspiracy. If it is the pilot then are you claiming that he had absolutely no co conspirators prior to take off, during, and after (possibly) landing? Duh.

But I understand the phrase "cockpit" turns you on so you keep repeating "let's focus on the cockpit". LOL

Nice try, but you screwed the pooch. Next time - do a little research.

I didn't try anything. The pilot could have been recruited by Al Queda. Light bulb goes off...poof!

I'll call you lord of the cockpit.

Dude! You have GOT TO BE fucking kidding! I provided pictures, statements from officials, information about the jets movements etc., and all YOU got is "uh ... I think mooslums did it." That's your big fucking conspiracy?

Seriously, you should thank me for even showing up in your joke of a thread!

Muslims did it!

/thread, people! It's been solved! Muslims had something to do with it!!!

Oh, the pilot "could" have been recruited from Al Qaeda!!!!

Just like Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy and Milly Cyrus!
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